What is the thinking stuff in the science of getting rich?

During this transformational year 2020, I have been reading and re-reading “The Science of Getting Rich” by Wallace D. Wattles, 1910.

One of the classics in New Thought literature, it has been my companion for countless hours.

As the title goes, Wattles provides a set of principles that will allow you to become rich or achieve your goals.

He explains the certain way to think and act so that you can use your thoughts to make your dreams come true, either financial or…

What is the thinking stuff in the science of getting rich?

What is the formless substance? Is the resource limitation theory true? 

The formless substance is God, and he favors the advancement and success of every intelligent being. You become wealthy and successful when the formless substance expresses itself through you. According to The Science of Getting Rich, resource limitation is a myth because the formless substance created plenty of resources for everyone.

Read on to discover more about the role of the formless substance.

Everything in the universe—you, your house, the planets—is made out of the same stuff, “formless Substance.” It is also known as the original substance. The formless Substance is God. It is alive and intelligent. It manifests thoughts into tangible forms. For example, when the Original Substance thought of planets, physical planets formed.

By nature, the formless Substance and God favor the advancement and improvement of every intelligent being, from oak trees to dolphins to you. As a result, it’s perfectly natural, even dutiful, for you to pursue wealth. You need money to buy the resources that will help you improve yourself. Your advancement is Original Substance expressing itself vicariously through you. You need to be rich in the same way a seed needs to grow into a flower. If you’re not rich, you’ll never have enough access to resources, and you’ll never achieve a full and successful life.

Advancing Yourself

There are three main aspects of our existence, all of them equally important, and all of which require money to develop:

  • Mind. You develop your mind by appreciating art, studying books, and traveling.
  • Body. You take care of your body by sheltering it, clothing it, feeding and watering it, and resting.
  • Soul. You develop your soul through love. The best way to express love is to give other people material gifts.

For example, if you want to paint something beautiful, and therefore develop your mind, you’ll need an easel, paints, and other art supplies, all of which require money to purchase. 

The Myth of Resource Limitation

God isn’t done. He didn’t create the world and then step away, leaving the planet with limited resources. Because life is always advancing, and everything is made up of limitless Original Substance, resource limitation is a myth.

There are plenty of resources for everyone, and if the planet ever did run out of something, the formless Substance could simply create more. If there are existing channels for creation, Original Substance will work through these. For example, diamonds are formed by applying heat and pressure to carbon, and Original Substance works through this existing process to create diamonds. If there is no existing method for creating something, the Original Substance creates it from its own substance.

Competition vs. Creation

Because Original Substance is limitless and there’s more than enough to go around, no one has to compete with anyone else to become rich. 

In fact, competition is an unfavorable method for becoming rich. The Original Substance will never give you things by taking them away from others. Therefore, if you compete, you can only succeed via luck, and your success won’t last.

Creation is the guaranteed method for becoming rich. Instead of competing with someone for something, go in a different direction. The formless Substance will favor you with opportunities. For example, if you’re the employee of a railroad company, don’t try to become the owner. Instead, look for opportunities elsewhere. You might find success in another industry.

by Carole Dean

Getting funding for your indie film is not going to happen unless you do two things.

You’ve got to believe it can happen and believe you can make it happen. 

It all starts with manifesting your success.  In my previous blog, I introduced Wallace D Wattles and his book The Science of Getting Rich.  Written in the early 1900’s, Wallace was a pioneer in discovering and writing about the using the power of the mind in changing your life, creating your success, empowering your creativity.

In my new video, The Science of Getting Rich Part 2,  I go into how Wattles explains how everything you see on earth is made from one original formless substance.  This substance is a powerful energy that we’ve yet to harness. 

First Two Principals of The Science of Getting Rich

Wattles says Man can form things in his thoughts and, by impressing his thought upon what he calls the formless original substance of energy which forms the universe, he can cause the thing he thinks about to be created. 

For you to do this you need to acquire the ability to think the certain way; this is the first step toward getting rich. 

Wallace says the second principal is “To think according to appearance is easy; to think truth regardless of appearances is laborious and requires the expenditure of more power than any other work we are called upon to perform.”

Nothing Harder Than Sustained Thought

There is no labor from which most people shrink as they do from that of sustained

What is the thinking stuff in the science of getting rich?
thought; it is the hardest work in the world.  This is especially true when truth is contrary to appearances. 

Every appearance in the visible world tends to produce a corresponding form in the mind which observes it.  This can only be prevented by holding the thought of the TRUTH. (meaning that everything is perfect)

For example, to look upon the appearance of disease will produce the form of disease in your own mind, and ultimately in your body, unless you hold the thought of the truth, which is that there is no disease it is only an appearance and the reality is health.  To do this requires power.   He who acquires this power becomes a MASTER MIND.  They can conquer fate; he can have what he wants.

Every Thought Becomes a Form

We must grasp the truth that every thought held in this substance becomes a form.

The universe desires that you have everything you want.  Your purpose must be in alignment with nature.  Therefore, you want to get rich in order that you may eat, drink and play a good part in helping the world to find truth.  You can help others by making the most of yourself than in any other way.

Most of all, this “original substance” will make things for you but it will not take things away from someone else and give them to you.  You are here to create, you are not here to compete for what is already created. Get rid of the thought of competition.  Become a creator to get what you want.  Supply is not limited.  Please believe this.  It frees you to create.

Keep Your Mind on Your Vision

Know that the money you need will come. Always look at the limitless riches in formless substance and KNOW that they are coming to you.  Never worry.  Keep your mind on your vision.  You can create form from the formless structure around you.

Example, if you want a new machine, hold the mental image of it with the most positive certainty that it is being made or on its way to you.  After forming the thought, have the most absolute faith that it is coming.   This thinking substance has created all the machines already made and will cause the creation of one for you when you set it in motion by desire and invincible faith.

What and how to you ask for things?  We will cover that in part 3 of Wallace D. Wattles brilliant book the Science of Getting Rich.

Carole Dean is president and founder of From the Heart Productions; a 501(c)3 non-profit that offers fiscal sponsorship for independent filmmakers. She hosts the weekly podcast, The Art of Film Funding, interviewing those involved in all aspects of indie film production. She is also the author of The Art of Film Funding, 2nd Edition: Alternative Financing Concepts.  See IMDB for producing credits.

What is the certain way in the science of getting rich?

What is a Certain Way? Rebecca Fine of the Science of Getting Rich Network describes it as “basically knowing that you are creating your own experience with your thoughts and the actions that grow out of those thoughts.” So, we must not only think, but we must act on our goals too.

What is original substance in the science of getting rich?

At the most fundamental level, everything in this universe is made of the same “Original Substance”. It is formless, supremely intelligent and permeates everything around us—including organic and inorganic things and the spaces between them. Wattles uses many terms interchangeably to describe this substance.

What is formless substance in the science of getting rich?

What is the formless substance? Is the resource limitation theory true? The formless substance is God, and he favors the advancement and success of every intelligent being. You become wealthy and successful when the formless substance expresses itself through you.

How long is the science of getting rich?

The book is only 20 pages long and I love this book because of its arrogant writing. In the first chapter itself, the author tells you that he will not try to convince you of the science and logic behind the theories he is going to present you in the book, and you have to accept them as they are on faith.