What is the solution to log5?

Question 1074994: log5 how to solution with out using calculater

Found 3 solutions by addingup, Edwin McCravy, ikleyn:
Answer by addingup(3677)
What is the solution to log5?
What is the solution to log5?
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You solve logarithms with exponentials, here is the relationship, assuming you mean the natural logarith of 5.
The base of a natural logarithm is e (the number e, 2.718...)
log_b(x) = y
b^ŷ = x
log_e 5 = y
e^ŷ = 5
or if you want to use the numerical equivalent of e to three decimals:
2.718^ŷ = 5

Answer by Edwin McCravy(19270)
What is the solution to log5?
What is the solution to log5?
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There is no way other than approximation by series or
iterative methods, because it is an irrational number.


The "solution" above uses e, but there is no way to find
e other than by approximation by series or iterative
methods, because it is an irrational number. It only uses
e to 3 decimal places.  

Answer by ikleyn(46815)
What is the solution to log5?
What is the solution to log5?
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Without using a calculator, you may look to trigonometric tables
(as your grandfather and grandmother did in pre-computer era)
or to the Internet.

Another way could be using#log2=0.3010#(again for this we need log tables) as#log5=log(10/2)=log10-log2=1-0.3010=0.6990#

In fact one need to remember log (to the base#10#) for first ten numbers and it makes things lot easier. Note that while#log1=0#,#log10=1#. In fact, you just need to know#log2=0.3010#,#log3=0.4771#and#log7=0.8451#and then all logs can be worked out using these as






If you want to go further, you need to remember#log11=1.0414#,#log13=1.1139#,#log17=1.2304#and#log19=1.2788#, rest can be easily calculated. For example#log14=log2+log7=1.1461#.

How do you solve log5?

Simplest way is to calculate \[log5\] by referring to logarithmic tables, which shows \[\;log5 = 0.6990\]..
Product rule: log (ab) = log a + log b..
Quotient rule: log (a/b) = lag a – log b..
Power rule: log (a^b) = bloga..

What is the value of log5 5?

Logarithm base 5 of 5 is 1 .

What is log5?

Log5 is a method of estimating the probability that team A will win a game against team B, based on the odds ratio between the estimated winning probability of Team A and Team B against a larger set of teams.

How do you solve log5 4?

log5. 4=log5+log4=0. 698+0. 602=1.