What is the primary goal of interest groups when they interact with policy makers?

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Terms in this set (30)

What is the primary goal of interest groups when they interact with policymakers?

policies that are beneficial for their groups

True or False? Texas is near the top of the nation in measures of social connectedness that lead to civic engagement.


"Dark money," or political money where the donors of the money do not have to be disclosed, originated in which U.S. Supreme Court case?

Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission

Which of the following is the primary goal of an interest group?

effectively influence government policymakers

Which of the following terms refers to a regulatory agency that seems to serve, rather than oversee, the interests it monitors?

interest-group capture

Groups that represent which of the following interests tend to dominate the Texas government?


Which of the following statements can be supported by the information provided in the table below?

Correct Answers: -The Supreme Court decision in Citizens United vs. FEC led to a dramatic increase in campaign spending by outside groups in presidential elections
-Citizens United vs. FEC led to the creation of large and well-funded super PACs
-Republican candidates for president have been the most likely to benefit from the impacts of the decision in Citizens United vs. FEC

Incorrect Answers: -The Citizens United vs. FEC decision by the Supreme Court caused a dramatic increase in spending by super PACs between 2004 and 2016

Which of the following would be considered an interest group?

Correct Answers: -citizens from across Texas who join an organization that advocates standardized testing reforms in schools
-members of a community who join together to advocate for improvements in their neighborhood
-doctors who join together to lobby for more funding for hospitals

Incorrect Answers: -politicians who believe in tax reform and pass laws to lower taxes

Which of the following are changes in campaign financing allowed by the Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission decision?

Correct Answers: -Interest groups can spend unlimited funds on behalf of candidates so long as the efforts are not coordinated with a campaign
-Certain types of interest groups can avoid having to disclose their political contributors

Incorrect Answers: -Incumbents now have an opportunity to see which political donors oppose them for re-election
-Citizens United helped curb "dark money" in politics.

Select which individuals below may become lobbyists for interest groups through the "revolving door" without restrictions.

Correct Answers: -former legislators
-former executive branch officials
-former senior legislative staffers

Incorrect Answers: -former senior state agency officials

Which of the following descriptions of interest groups are accurate?

Correct Answers: -Groups that represent a narrow set of interests are often more successful than those that represent broad interests
-Business interests often have more influence than other interests
-Groups provide valuable research and education to policymakers and the public on specific issues

Incorrect Answers: -Even when groups successfully organize large coalitions to achieve broad public interests, they rarely have a lasting impact
-Interest groups that advocate for major policy changes are more successful than those that advocate for the status quo

Which of these rights from the First Amendment most guarantees the right of individuals to become a part of interest groups?

right of the people to peaceably assemble

Watch the animation on lobbying in Texas, and then determine which of the following statements are accurate.

Correct Answers: -Because of Texas's large population, a relatively large number of lobbyists seek to influence state government

Incorrect Answers: -Because of Texas's large population, Texas has a large ratio of lobbyists per 100,000 people
-Texas has more lobbyists per 100,000 people than most other states

Which of the following are the most common ways lobbyists influence members of the Texas legislature?

Correct Answers: -entertainment
-information on pending bills
-campaign contributions

Incorrect Answers: -bribery

What characteristics make former legislators effective lobbyists?

Correct Answers: -They are often close to or friendly with other lawmakers
-They have intimate knowledge of the government process

Incorrect Answers: -They can draw significant salaries
-They have shown their ability to win over the public through their previous elections

Analyze the infographic below, and then determine which of the following statements are accurate.

Correct Answers: -The northeastern region of the U.S. has more lobbyists per capita than Texas
-Texas has fewer registered lobbyists per capita than just about any other state

Incorrect Answers: -Bigger states tend to have more lobbyists per capita than smaller states
-California has more lobbyists per capita than Texas

Which of the following are reasons why interest groups form political action committees (PACs)?

Correct Answers: -PACs can serve as an intermediary between parties
-Substantial contributions from PACs mean greater attention from candidates
-PACs can send a message to a candidate

Incorrect Answers: -PACs offer greater accountability and transparency

Which of the following are examples of incentives that interest groups use to overcome free rider problems?

Correct Answers: -listing an individual's name as a sponsor of an organization
-an organizational magazine or newsletter
-discounts on insurance and travel
-invitations to special conferences

Incorrect Answers: -denial of benefits that resulted from an interest group's lobbying

An organization representing more than one hundred thousand educators in the state of Texas employs five full time lobbyists. These lobbyists work through the legislative session to get an increase in pay for their members, but the pay increase their members win also benefits the more than one million educators in Texas. The increase in pay that the educators receive as a result of the organization's work is an example of which of the following?

free rider problem

What argument was made by James Madison in Federalist 10 to support the idea that factions in a pluralistic society lead to better government?

The large number of varied interests would lead to competition and balance that would protect against individuals from any one group becoming dominant

Study the information in the table, and then determine which statements can be supported by the information.

Correct Answers: -Of all civic engagement activities, Texans engage in political ones the least
-Texans express less trust and engagement in their society and social structures than most Americans
-Low levels of involvement and volunteer activities correlate with low voter turnout

Incorrect Answers: -Texas has a higher percentage of registered voters than the national average
-While not active in politics or prone to having political conversations, Texans are more active in their communities and trusting of their neighbors

Match each of the following examples of interest groups to the general type of interest group that best describes it.

Professional Group: Texas Medical Association

Civil Rights Group: League of United Latin American Citizens

Public Interest Group: Sierra Club

Public-employee Interest Group: Association of Texas Professional Educators

Which of the following are arguments former legislators make to defend taking lobbying jobs after leaving office?

Correct Answers: -They have a right to make a living
-They possess unique knowledge
-They are in the best position to educate legislators

Incorrect Answers: -They are public servants who do not personally profit from their backgrounds

The Texas Association of Business is an example of a(n) _______________________ because it acts as an umbrella organization that coordinates many of the activities of its various business members in specific areas.

peak association

An individual can have the greatest influence on public policy when they have what trait(s)?

persistence and a well-reasoned argument

Watch the animation on campaign spending by employees of different industries, and then determine which of the following statements are accurate.

Correct Answers: -Most campaign donations go to Republicans in the Texas legislature
-Groups representing finance, insurance, and real estate were the largest contributors in 2016

Incorrect Answers: -Of the eleven major types of groups discussed, all contribute more donations to Republicans than Democrats in the Texas legislature

The _________________________________________ is responsible for regulating the oil and gas industry in Texas. Critics have accused it of being _____________________. Recent efforts at reforming it have been _______________________.

Texas Railroad Commission, captured by interest groups, unsuccessful

Analyze the infographic below, and then determine which of the following statements about contributions to the Texas legislature in 2016 are correct.

Correct Answers: -Finance, insurance, and real estate interest groups contributed more money than any other interest groups
-Labor contributed more money to Democrats than to Republicans
-Lawyers and lobbyists give about equally to Democrats and Republicans

Incorrect Answers: -Democrats receive more funds from interest groups than do Republicans

Because Texas generally has low rates of __________________________, individual effects on the Texas political process are likely to be ______.

civic engagement, low

What are ways that political action committees (PACs) can engage in the electoral process?

Correct Answers: -issue advocacy
-get-out-the-vote efforts
-campaign contributions

Incorrect Answers: -creating political parties
-running candidates

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What is the primary objective of an interest group?

The primary purpose of an interest group is influencing public policies in favor of themselves or their causes. Other purposes related to these groups include; Educating the public and the policymakers on the issues they seek to address.

What is the primary goal of interest groups when they interact with policy makers Inquizitive?

Groups provide valuable research and education to policymakers and the public on specific issues.

What is the main purpose of an interest group quizlet?

The fundamental goal of interest groups is to influence public policy. Interest groups do this by gathering a huge group of people that have a stand on a certain issue to get the attention from a national institution to fix or create a policy to go with their needs.

What is the main purpose of an interest group quizlet interest groups and lobbying?

Interest groups form to seek influence in government decisions and patrons provide the groups with resources they need to get started. Changes in political environment and new technologies make it possible for people to efficiently identify other like-minded individuals to mobilize for national political action.