The computer is a primary tool in the


A _______ is the main printed circuit board (PCB) in a computer.

A) CPU (Central Processing Unit) B) Motherboard
C) ROM (Read only Memory) D) RAM (Random Access Memory)

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Which process refers to the starting up of a computer and the loading of the required parts of the operating system into the RAM?

A) Booting B) Tagging
C) Swipping D) Mapping

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In the context of digital computer, which of the following pairs of digits is referred to as binary code?

A) 3 and 4 B) 0 and 1
C) 2 and 3 D) 1 and 2

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In the field of information and communication technology, what is the full form of FDD ?

A) Folder Disk Drive B) Floppy Disk Drive
C) Folder Data Drive D) Floppy Data Drive

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In the context of a word document, the term gutter stands for ______.

A) the blank page inserted in between two filled pages B) the space left on the left side for rough work
C) the space between two paragraphs D) the space left on one side for stitching and binding

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The computer is a primary tool in the


The primary tool used in structured design is a:

[A]. structure chart
[B]. data-flow diagram
[C]. program flowchart
[D]. module
[E]. None of the above

Answer: Option A


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Pradeep Kumar said: (Aug 27, 2013)  
I think the primary tool used in structure design is data flow diagram. According to Elias M. Awad book for System Analysis and design, the first tool is described about the Data flow diagram.

Ram said: (Mar 22, 2015)  
The primary tool used in structured design is the structure chart.

" Structure charts are used to graphically depict a modular design of a program".

Elias said: (Nov 23, 2016)  
The primary tool could be flow chart.

Mickey said: (Mar 20, 2017)  
It should be a data flow diagram.

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A. data-flow diagram

B. module

C. structure chart

D. program flowchart

E. None of the above

Answer: Option C

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