What is the name of crushed ice?

What is another word for crushed ice?

21 synonyms found


[ kɹˈʌʃt ˈa͡ɪs], [ kɹˈʌʃt ˈa‍ɪs], [ k_ɹ_ˈʌ_ʃ_t ˈaɪ_s]

  • Other synonyms:

    • ice.
    •Other relevant words:
    • shabu,
    • trash,
    • methamphetamine hydrochloride,
    • internal-combustion engine,
    • sparkler,
    • meth,
    • ice rink,
    • ice-skating rink,
    • crank,
    • icing,
    • deoxyephedrine,
    • glass,
    • methedrine,
    • chalk,
    • water ice,
    • frost,
    • frappe,
    • methamphetamine,
    • chicken feed,
    • frosting.

What are different names for ice?


What is the use of crushed ice?

Crushed ice is used for making daiquiris, slush, cold coffee, milk shakes, etc. * Crushed ice is also used when faster cooling is desired. * Spirits like Chambord, PAMA and amaretto are great alone or you can build a custom flavor by combining a few. Store the crushed ice in an tight plastic bag in deep freezer.

What is Hawaiian shaved ice called?

Hawaii. In Hawaiian Pidgin, a native Hawaiian language, kakigōri became known as shave ice. Shave ice was first sold by Japanese immigrants to plantation workers in the early 1900s and became a regular product in many Japanese owned grocery stores by the 1950s.

What is thin ice called?

drift ice. unattached to ice foot. extruded ice. thin ice resulting from the freezing of water that discharges onto a surface. fast ice.