Ice planet barbarians read free book 1

What the hell?

I try to focus my eyes as something dances past my head. Black, oblong, with a thick barrel.

The gun.

Holy cow. I push off of one of the lockers and swim through the air for it, just as gravity kicks in again. I slam to the ground on top of the gun.

A few feet away, the guard slams down as well. All the while, that weird, birdlike chirping keeps going over the intercoms.

I grab the gun and look for a trigger as the guard groans and shakes his head, trying to gather his thoughts. There’s no trigger. Well, fuck it. It’ll work just as well as a bludgeon. Grabbing it by the thick, heavy base, I raise it over my head and bring it down on the guard’s head.


The guard flails.

I don’t stop. I hit him again and again. Crack. Crack. Over and over, I slam the butt of the rifle into his head. He doesn’t move, but I don’t stop. I’m terrified he’ll somehow have a granite skull and will roll over and overpower me. So I just keep hitting him.

Hands grab mine. “Georgie. Hey, Georgie, stop. I think he’s dead.” Liz’s voice cuts through the haze in my brain. “You can stop now.”

I slow, staring blankly at her then down at the guard. Or what’s left of the guard. His face is nothing but a pile of meat atop his neck.

I stare. Then I throw up.

“You did it,” Liz says, rubbing my back. “Holy shit. You did it, Georgie! You’re a fucking Billy Badass!”

I don’t feel so badass. I feel sick. I’ve just killed a man. Kinda a man. Sorta. Definitely a rapist.

Still a living creature.

Was. Was a living creature.

My stomach roils uncomfortably again, and I go to wipe my mouth with the back of my hand, then stop. It smells like sewage. Ugh. I’m covered, too, and the cabin is splattered. “What the heck happened?”

“I don’t know,” Liz says, helping me to my feet.

I ache all over, my ribs feeling bruised from where I landed on the gun. I hold onto it, though. I don’t care if it’s covered in poop and brains and everything else, it’s mine now.

A metallic sounding chirp blares over the loudspeaker, just as my ears pop hard. Liz clutches her ears at the same time as I do, and we look at each other in surprise.

Kira comes running out of the cage. “Ladies! We’ve got bigger problems. The message overhead is now saying ‘Prepare for re-entry.’ I think that means we’re crashing!”


We pitch again, and I tumble through the air, banging into the lockers. Something smacks my head, and everything goes black

• • •

“Hey.” A familiar voice sounds in my ear. “Hey, wake up. Are you okay, Georgie?”

I slowly come to and groan at the fierce stab of pain shooting through my forehead. Then, a moment later, the pain isn’t just in my head. Every part of my body aches, my wrist most of all. It throbs with an uncomfortable fire that seems to radiate all the way up to my elbow. I squint up at Liz as she hovered over me. “Ow.”

She grins back, displaying a fat lip and a growing bruise on one cheek. “You’re alive. That’s always a plus.” She sits back on her haunches and offers me a hand. “Can you sit up?”

With her help, I get to a seated position, wincing. Sitting up just makes everything hurt even more. “What happened?”

“We crashed,” she says. “Most of us got knocked out from being bounced around. There are a few broken bones, a few bloody noses, and two who didn’t make it.”

I stare at her in shock then scan the cabin. “Two people . . . died? Who?”

“In addition to the guard you took down, Krissy and Peg. Looks like broken necks.” She nods over at the far side of the room. “Poor kids.”

Does Ice Planet Barbarians need to be read in order?

BARBARIAN ALIEN is a sequel to ICE PLANET BARBARIANS. You do not have to read both in order to understand the plot, but the story will be richer if you do!

Is Ice Planet Barbarians explicit?

Ice Planet Barbarians (Ice Planet Barbarians #1) Content Warning: The first chapter of this book contains a brutal rape scene (before the girls crash land on the Ice Planet). There are also instances of abduction, murder, and dubious consent.

How many Ice Planet Barbarians books are there?

There are 22 books in this series.

How long does it take to read Ice Planet Barbarians?

The average reader, reading at a speed of 300 WPM, would take 4 hours and 21 minutes to read Ice Planet Barbarians by Ruby Dixon.