What is mugwort tea good for?

With a spicy, pungent flavor, mugwort tea is a powerful herbal preparation which should be taken only with proper education or supervision. Mugwort – scientific name Artemisia vulgaris – is a member of the daisy family along with other herbs like yarrow, ragweed, tansy and arnica. Native to Europe and Asia, mugwort now grows as a weed throughout North America.

Anxiety, Sleep and Dreams

Mugwort has been promoted as a nervine to soothe the central nervous system and treat insomnia, anxiety and even seizures, according to the American Cancer Society. Herbalist S. Tephyr Burgess promotes the use of mugwort tea for nervousness and anxiety, as well as to enhance dreams. The dream-promoting effects of mugwort have been reported since the Middle Ages in Europe – mugwort may be able to help you remember your dreams or enhance them, although reports of nightmares abound.

Digestive Support

Mugwort is also considered a strong digestive herb, strengthening the appetite and alleviating bloating, gas and other digestive complaints, according to naturopathic doctor Sharol Tilgner. The “Herbal Vade Mecum” recommends the use of mugwort for non-ulcer dyspepsia which includes heartburn, cramps and lack of appetite. Mugwort may also stimulate the production of bile due to its bitter principle, which can support the digestion of fat and protein, as well as help to relieve liver or gall bladder stagnation.

Reproductive Issues

Mugwort has traditionally been considered a woman's herb, due to its ability to stimulate menstruation, relieve menstrual cramps and support menopause, according to Burgess. It is also considered an abortifacient, and though no proof exists in the medical literature as to its effect on pregnancy, it should definitely be avoided if you are pregnant. This effect is most likely do the the content of essential oils like thujone and cineole, according to the “Herbal Vade Mecum.”


Mugwort is a strong herbal tea which should be taken mindfully. As already mentioned, it should not be taken in pregnancy, during lactation or by women who are having issues with heavy menstrual periods. According to Tilgner, mugwort – when taken in high doses or for a long period of time – can cause toxicity symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting and nausea. Mugwort can cause reactions in people allergic to the asteraceae family – daisies, chamomile, calendula and ragweed – and should be avoided if you are allergic to any of the other plants in this family. Research published in “Dermatology” in September of 2012 revealed that a sensitivity to mugwort pollen was found in a number of people suffering from chronic urticaria – a form of ongoing rash. Other research has linked an allergy to mugwort pollen with allergies to foods like hazelnuts and celery.


Writer Bio

Amy Myszko is a certified clinical herbalist and nutritional consultant who has been helping people find greater health and balance through diet, lifestyle and natural remedies since 2006. She received her certification from the North American Institute of Medical Herbalism in Boulder, Colo. Myszko also holds a BA in literature from the University of Colorado.

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Mugwort is an herb with a fascinating history. It was once used by Roman soldiers in their sandals to relieve foot fatigue and has also seen frequent use as an herb to promote lucid dreaming.

Though mugwort is not one of the most popular herbs today, it has many properties that deserve attention. It's also one of the easiest herbs to grow (it belongs to the "annoying weed" category), which makes it readily available and inexpensive.

Here's more about the history and benefit of mugwort, plus how you can make use of it.

What Is Mugwort?

Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) is closely related to wormwood, a stronger herb that is one of the best herbs for a parasite cleanse and can be used as an insect repellant. Both herbs belong to the daisy (Asteraceae) plant family.

Considered by many to be an annoying weed (even a 'noxious' weed in certain areas), mugwort can grow up to 6 feet tall and blooms with either yellowish or reddish-brown flowers. The leaves are usually the part harvested for use and have a bitter taste with minty and sage-like undertones.

Though mugwort contains many of the same compounds as wormwood, it isn't as bitter or as strong, so it's not used as frequently for parasites or to repel insects.

Instead, mugwort has long been valued for digestion and women's health. It has been used for thousands of years, particularly in traditional Chinese medicine and Native American medicine and spiritual ceremonies. The Greeks and Romans also valued mugwort, and it continued to be used to a certain extent throughout Europe.

Besides its health properties, mugwort was also used to make a certain type of beer (hence the name "mug" wort), for lucid dreams, and to ward off evil spirits.

It goes by many other names, including cronewort, common wormwood, felon herb, Artemis herb, and chrysanthemum weed.

Aids Digestion and Appetite

What is mugwort tea good for?

One of the top uses for mugwort is as a digestive aid.

The bitter compounds in the leaves give it choleretic properties, which means that it aids liver function and bile secretion. When your body produces enough bile, you digest better- particularly fats- and can also absorb more nutrients from food.

Mugwort has also been used to stimulate a poor appetite and for constipation, indigestion, and travel sickness.

Stimulates Menstruation

Another traditional use for mugwort is as an emmenagogue. Emmenagogues are substances that stimulate or increase menstrual flow. They are most frequently used in herbalism for those with a delayed or absent menstrual cycle.

Mugwort mainly works by stimulating circulation in the pelvic region. This is an important part of a healthy cycle and has an added bonus of making menstrual cramps less painful.

Note: Because it is an emmenagogue, mugwort is contraindicated in pregnancy because it can cause a miscarriage.

Calms Nerves

Another one of the most traditional benefits of mugwort is its relaxing properties. It has been used as a nervine to calm the nervous system and reduce stress, which also makes it beneficial for getting better sleep at night. (1)

You can use it as a tea for this purpose or even place the leaves under your pillow at night to help you relax.

Stimulates Dreaming

What is mugwort tea good for?

One of the most fascinating uses for mugwort is to stimulate lucid dreams- the type that feel very real and you remember clearly when you wake up. It has been used for this purpose for centuries (and probably longer), even being considered a "visionary herb."

No studies have been conducted on this interesting aspect of mugwort yet, but herbalists with experience say that it can be taken as a tea, tincture, or smoke for this purpose. You can also place it above your bed or under your pillow.

May Help Arthritis Pain

A few small studies have shown that there may be benefits of mugwort for pain relief, specifically from arthritis.

In some studies, it was used in an ancient Chinese technique known as moxibustion (more on that later). In another one, it was used as an extract in a formulation given to participants with hip and knee osteoarthritis. The results so far in both cases have been positive: reduction of pain and better mobility. (2)(3)

May Help Menopause Symptoms

Mugwort has been used for women's health throughout all life stages. One of its common names is 'cronewort', which goes to show that it was considered helpful for older as well as younger women.

Specifically, mugwort may be a natural remedy for menopause symptoms. Much of the evidence for this comes from a small study in which mugwort was able to reduce the frequency and severity of hot flashes. This is also a traditional use for mugwort. (4)

Used in Moxibustion: An Ancient Practice

What is mugwort tea good for?

Mugwort has a very unique use in an ancient technique known as moxibustion. The basic principle is that mugwort (and sometimes wormwood) leaves are formed into a specific shape and burned over an acupuncture point. Often, this process is done during an acupuncture session to increase its effectiveness.

One of the main benefits of moxibustion is to stimulate blood flow and energy. It has also been specifically used to help unborn babies who are in the breech position reverse themselves (especially important for a safe birth before modern medicine).

Amazingly, one research study found that moxibustion increased fetal activity and also increased the amount of babies who switched to the "correct" position before birth. (5)

How to Use Mugwort

There are several ways to get the benefits of mugwort. One of the most traditional is to make a tea by using 1-3 teaspoons of dried mugwort steeped in a cup of boiling water for about 10 minutes.

You can also take it as a tincture, smoking herb, or through a professional moxibustion technique. For sleep and dreaming, you can try simply placing mugwort under or near you pillow or take it internally.


There are two main precautions with mugwort.

First, it belongs to the same plant family as ragweed, which many people are allergic to. It's primarily the pollen of mugwort that is likely to cause an allergic reaction, but the leaves can as well. If you have a history of allergies, start with a small amount and stop taking it immediately if you have a reaction.

Also, mugwort should not be taken during pregnancy or breastfeeding. The same plant compounds that can stimulate menstruation may also cause a miscarriage.

Rediscovering Mugwort

Mugwort has many beneficial qualities that deserve to be "rediscovered." Whether you want to use it for digestion, sleep, or something else, this is a good herb to learn more about!

Disclaimer: This post is for informational purposes only. It does not constitute medical advice and should not be substituted for medical advice.  Please consult your health care provider, herbalist, midwife, or naturopathic physician before taking herbs, supplements, etc. Here's the link to our full disclaimer.

How does mugwort tea make you feel?

Summary. Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris L.) is a plant related to ragweed that's used to flavor food and as an herbal medicine. It is thought to boost energy, calm nerves, support digestion, relieve itching and pain, and promote regular periods, among other things.

Can you drink mugwort tea everyday?

While mugwort tea is relatively safe to consume daily, it can be toxic if taken in high doses due to the level of thujone in the leaves, responsible for seizures, kidney failure, and vomiting. Some people are allergic to mugwort.

Is mugwort tea good for weight loss?

In summary, wormwood tea has long been used as a favorite drink for many people, especially women, because it helps regulate menstruation and relieve menstrual pain. In addition, it also supports weight loss, improves digestion and memory problems. However, overdoing this drink can be harmful to health.

What kind of high does mugwort give you?

Mugwort (Artemesia vulgaris) Herbal Properties: Many ancient cultures smoked mugwort to promote vivid dreams. It also produces a very mild psychotropic effect while you're awake. Smoking Qualities: This herb is a light smoke with a pleasant, slightly sweet flavor.