What episode does Happy and Toby get married

"I'm a mechanical genius, which means I understand in my mind and my heart how parts work together. That's why I love machines. Bolt and a wrench, chain and a gear, they just made sense to me, they fit. For a long time, I didn't feel like I fit anywhere, until I met you. And I knew then, just like I know how to assemble engines, that you and me, Toby, we fit. You're my home."—Happy to Toby

Happy Quinn-Curtis is the daughter of Patrick Quinn and his late wife Grace, the wife of Toby Quinn-Curtis, and a member of Team Scorpion. She is a mechanical and engineering prodigy. Happy was portrayed by Jadyn Wong.


Early Life

Her mother died giving birth to her and this led to her father dropping her off at a hospital when she was two years old, stating he could no longer care for her. While growing up in foster care, she kept looking for a red truck with a dented fender, as it belonged to her father and she hoped he would come for her. In 2010 she married Walter so he could keep his visa and eventually get citizenship. The needed to remain married for seven years, but she was able to divorce him in 2016 after only six years, so that she could marry Toby. They were officially granted a divorce in "Plight at the Museum".


Happy has a hostile exterior, due to her being raised in the foster system. This is somewhat of an irony considering her name is happy and generally she is not as her name suggests. The trauma in the foster system caused her mistrust of people. She possibly has PTSD from her trauma and her flashbacks and aggression and avoidance of the memories she has. She normally keeps her emotions in check but gets angry quickly and tries to deal with her pain by turning it into anger. She is extremely distrustful of others and being hurt by them. Despite this, she truly does love her friends. She has a very strong personality and is also very independent but her worst fear is that Toby will leave her like everyone else, as seen in Dirty Seeds, Done Dirt Cheap.


  • She was six years old when Walter got arrested by the FBI.
  • Walter found Happy when she was paying people to act as her stand-in at fabrication competitions as she hates being judged.
  • She has a photographic memory in addition to her 184 IQ.
  • Happy is fluent in Japanese and Portuguese.
  • Happy is seen driving a beige 2004 Toyota Tacoma.
  • Happy released a single in Portuguese before she joined the team, titled Amigo Amigável (friendly friend).
  • She dated Jake Gyllenhaal, and she went to Morocco to visit him while they were still dating.
  • In Sci Hard, we learn that Happy has kept her maiden name but is now known as Mrs. Quinn, rather than being Mrs. Curtis or Mrs. Quinn-Curtis.
  • She drives a motorcycle, and is know for her rash and fast driving.
  • She and Paige Dineen are the only female members of Team Scorpion.
  • She is the shortest member of Team Scorpion.

Scorpion April 29, 2017

What episode does Happy and Toby get married
Scorpion season 3 episode 23 is airing on Monday night, and at its center it is an event many have been waiting for: The Happy – Toby wedding. This marks a great opportunity to see the culmination of two years of buildup, and a ceremony that (hopefully) is going to bring some people together. For Walter and Paige specifically, we know they need to come up with some sort of resolution following Walter’s reckless and emotionally-driven decision to fire her following what he learned on this past episode.

Basically, the video below is your look inside the big wedding before it comes on the air. Within this, you get to hear from Eddie Kaye Thomas, Jadyn Wong, and many other members of the cast about the big occasion and buildup. There is going to be plenty of romance in the episode — and you can even get a sense of what the wedding will look like below!

In all honesty, we’re actually somewhat surprised that CBS is giving away this much of the wedding in advance. We’re going to write about thanks to them putting it out there, but we thought for a time that they would want to keep something a secret in terms of whether or not this ceremony could actually happen. With that being said … we’re certainly thrilled to know that this isn’t some big fake-out and the wedding will happen. Can you imagine Twitter if that was the case?

One of the most interesting things that could unfold from here is simply seeing more of what happens after the ceremony takes place. Does having a married couple on Team Scorpion change anything? Do Happy and Toby feel even more secure together, and will this cause Walter or Paige to rethink anything? We do rather like that there are two more episodes coming this season, given that this offers up a chance to explore the married vs. engaged dynamic even further. One of the big things to remember is that the two-episode finale event is going to be about the honeymoon, but with a big twist since it ends up becoming Swiss Family Robinson, Scorpion style as all of the characters find themselves in a situation where they’re trapped on an island together for weeks on end. Don’t you think that will give Walter and Paige something to talk about if they are still hesitant for whatever reason after this episode?

For more news on the Scorpion wedding, just be sure to visit this link!

Also, let us know some of your speculation about the wedding and beyond in the comments below! (Photo: CBS.)

What episode do Happy and Toby get married on Scorpion?

Scorpion season 3 episode 23 is airing on Monday night, and at its center it is an event many have been waiting for: The Happy – Toby wedding.

Who did Happy marry on Scorpion?

This season, Happy Quinn dropped a bomb: She's married to Walter! While the pair tied the knot purely to keep the leader of Team Scorpion in the United States, this union is causing major problems for Toby. Check out these staged honeymoon photos to get a look at the geniuses' wedded misery for yourself.

What episode do we find out who Happy is married to?

The season's biggest mystery is solved in tonight's episode of Scorpion when Toby (Eddie Kaye Thomas) learns the full story of his girlfriend Happy's (Jadyn Wong) top-secret marriage—including her husband's identity.

What is Happy's IQ?

She has a photographic memory in addition to her 184 IQ. Happy is fluent in Japanese and Portuguese.