What do medium mass stars become?


Up to this point, most of the events of stellar evolution are well documented. What happens to a star after the red-giant phase is not certain. We do know that a star, regardless of its size, must eventually run out of fuel and collapse. In theory, GRAVITY WINS. With this in mind, we will consider the death of stars and group them into three categories according to mass:

  1. Low-Mass Stars (0.5 solar mass or less)
  2. Medium-Mass Stars (0.5 solar mass to 3.0 solar mass)
  3. Massive Stars (3.0 solar masses or larger)

Low-mass stars

What do medium mass stars become?
A low mass star becomes a white dwarf

Low mass stars (0.08-5 SM during main sequence) will go the planetary nebula route. A low mass core (,1.4 SM) shrinks to white dwarf. Electrons prevent further collapse. The size of the white dwarf is close to that of earth, and the outer layers are planetary nebula.

Click here to learn more about how
white dwarves are formed.

Medium-mass stars become neutron stars

What do medium mass stars become?
This supernova was first observed in 1987 by the Hubble Telescope (NASA)

A higher mass core (between 1.4-3 SM) shrinks to neutron star. Supernova happens when a neutron star is created. Neutrons prevent further collapse. The size of a neutron star is about that of a large city.

Click here to learn more about
how neutron stars are formed.

More Massive Stars

These stars are so massive (10-20 solar masses) that the hydrogen burning and helium burning phases occur relatively quickly when compared with smaller stars. These stars utilize carbon burning.

Interactive Lab

Carbon Burning Process

The overall reactions that occur for carbon

What do medium mass stars become?
burning occur so rapidly and with so much energy that the star blows apart in an explosion called a supernova. The outer layers of the star blast into space, and the core is crushed to immense densities. Carbon burning occurs when the helium in the core is gone. The core needs to maintain temperature to keep the gas pressure up; otherwise the star cannot resist gravity.

When carbon burning does occur, iron is formed. Iron is the most stable of all nuclei, and ends the nuclear fusion process within a star. When these heavier elements form in the core, they take away energy rather than release it. With the decrease in fuel for fusion, the temperature decreases and the rate of collapse increases. Just before the star totally collapses, there is a sudden increase in temperature, density, and pressure. The pressure and energy compact the core further, squeezing it like �Charmin.� The compact core becomes a rapidly whirling ball of neutrons, and that�s why now this star is termed a neutron star.

The largest mass stars may become black holes

The highest mass star has a core that shrinks to a point. On the way to total collapse it may momentarily create a neutron star and the resulting supernova rebound explosion. Gravity finally wins. Nothing holds it up. Space so warped around the object that it effectively leaves our space � black hole!

Interactive Lab

This activity shows what happens to different size stars at the end of their life cycles.

The mass of a star is the single characteristic that determines that heavenly body's fate. Its end-of-life behavior depends entirely upon its mass. For lightweight stars, death comes quietly, a red giant shedding its skin to leave the dimming white dwarf behind. But the finale for a heavier star can be quite explosive!

Category Definition

What do medium mass stars become?

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Medium stars are those that, too big to end as white dwarfs and too small to become black holes, spend their dying years as neutron stars. Scientists have observed this category to have a lower limit of just above 1.4 solar masses and an upper limit in the neighborhood of 3.2 solar masses. (A "solar mass" is a unit of measurement roughly the same mass as our Sun.)


What do medium mass stars become?

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The size of a star is determined by how much matter is available in its parent nebula. This cloud of dust and gas begins to collapse upon itself due to gravity, forming an increasingly hot, bright, dense mass at its center: a protostar.

Main Sequence

What do medium mass stars become?

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When the protostar is sufficiently hot and dense, the process of hydrogen fusion begins taking place in its core. Fusion produces enough radiation pressure to counteract the force of gravity; thus gravitational collapse ceases. The protostar has become an actual star in its main sequence phase. The star will spend the bulk of its life span in this period of stability, generating light and heat via the fusion of hydrogen into helium for millions of years.

Red Giant

What do medium mass stars become?

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When the star's core runs out of hydrogen, gravity has its way once more--that is, until temperatures rise high enough to allow helium fusion, which produces the outward pressure needed to stabilize things. When no helium is left, the cycle begins again. The core thus oscillates between states of compression and equilibrium as increasingly high-temperature fusion reactions take place. Meanwhile, the extreme heat causes the star's outer layer, or "shell," to expand to a radius comparable to that of the Earth's orbit. At such a great distance from the core, the shell will cool down enough to turn red. The star is now a red giant.


What do medium mass stars become?

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Nuclear reactions cease forever when the star's core is reduced to iron; that element will not fuse without additional energy supplies. Gravitational collapse resumes catastrophically with a force strong enough to destroy the very nuclei of the atoms that make up the core. This generates so much energy that the explosion dominates the sky for light years in every direction. The star has gone supernova.

Neutron Star

What do medium mass stars become?

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Meanwhile, what's left of the star has shrunk to a diameter no larger than a few kilometers--about the size of a city. At this density, the outward pressure generated by protons and neutrons reacting to compression is finally sufficient to halt gravity. The star is so dense that, if you could bring a teaspoon of its material to Earth, it would weigh a trillion tons. It rotates up to 30 times per second and exhibits a very large magnetic field. It is a neutron star, the final stage of a medium-sized star's life cycle.

What do medium average stars become?

Average stars have intermediate or medium mass. These stars spend most of their lives as yellow dwarf stars. When their fuel is exhausted, they become red giants and then white dwarves. When the core eventually cools and no longer emits light, it is called a black dwarf.

What happens to medium stars?

MEDIUM STARS This ring is called a planetary nebula. When the last of the helium atoms in the core are fused into carbon atoms, the medium size star begins to die. Gravity causes the last of the star's matter to collapse inward and compact. This is the white dwarf stage.

What is a medium mass star?

This includes stars with an initial mass from about 40% of a solar mass up to about two to four solar masses. It is hard to be precise about the maximum initial size as it depends on how much mass is lost over the life of the star.

How do medium mass stars become neutron stars?

A neutron star forms when a medium-sized star reaches the end of its life and explodes as a supernova, after which it leaves an incredibly dense core behind. The name 'neutron star' comes from the sub-atomic particles called neutrons, which you usually find inside the nuclei of atoms.