What are the consequences effects of not washing your hands before cooking?

FSIS, in partnership with researchers from RTI International and North Carolina State University, sorted 383 people into one of two groups. About half the sample watched a three-minute video about safe food preparation and using food thermometers, while the other did not get any guidance. All of the individuals were then sent into test kitchens outfitted with cameras and told to prepare turkey burgers and salads.

The researchers observed that people who had watched the video were significantly more likely than the control group to use a meat thermometer properly while making their turkey burgers. But across both groups, the researchers found that almost nobody — just 2% of the video group, and less than 1% of the control group — followed all recommended hand-washing practices. (The video did not specifically describe good hand-washing techniques.)

The most common issue, they found, was failing to rub hands with soap for the recommended 20 seconds, followed by not wetting hands with water. The researchers also observed that individuals only washed their hands after a possible cause of cross-contamination — such as handling raw meat — in about a third of instances.

After the experiment, researchers tested food samples and test kitchen surfaces for bacteria. They found that almost half of participants contaminated spice containers, about 10% contaminated faucets or refrigerator handles and about 5% contaminated their cell phones or lettuce used in their salads.

“You can’t see, smell or feel bacteria,” Acting USDA Under Secretary for Food Safety Carmen Rottenberg said in a statement. “By simply washing your hands properly, you can protect your family and prevent that bacteria from contaminating your food and key areas in your kitchen.”

Washing your hands is an essential part of daily routines that can help to keep you safer from potentially harmful microorganisms. There are a wide range of problems that could arise if you do not frequently and adequately wash your hands throughout the day. You could be setting yourself up for various types of illnesses, could be putting other people around you at risk, as well as potentially leading to antibiotic resistance.

Father and son washing hands in the kitchen sinkRespiratory illnesses are the most common type of diseases which can result from not washing your hands. The common cold is the most likely of these, but there are some which are far worse, including influenza, pneumonia, adenovirus, or even hand, foot, and mouth disease. The likelihood of getting any of these diseases is decreased by 16 to 21 percent through proper handwashing, according to the CDC.

Respiratory illnesses aren’t the only potentially harmful diseases that could be caused by not washing your hands. Bacteria and viruses that could be picked up after going to the bathroom can cause diarrhea-related illnesses. Salmonella, norovirus, and E. coli 0157 are just three of the potentially harmful bacteria or viruses which could cause these diarrhea-related illnesses.

Food poisoning is another illness that you could get without proper handwashing. Not only could you get food poisoning, though, you could also potentially give it if you are preparing food for people and do not use proper handwashing techniques. Raw meat, vegetables, and eggs have potentially harmful bacteria on them, so adequate hand washing is essential to prevent cross-contamination of people’s food.

You could potentially be getting other people sick by not washing your hands. Anytime you touch your eyes, nose or mouth and then touch a doorknob or other objects, you are potentially spreading germs from yourself to the next person who feels that doorknob. Also, when you touch that doorknob, not only are you leaving behind microbes for the next people, you are potentially picking up the germs of each of the people who touched that doorknob before you. By washing your hands frequently, you could avoid getting sick from this, especially by avoiding touching your eyes, nose, and mouth until after washing your hands.

There are many potential reasons that a person could have a weakened immune system. Young infants, the elderly, and those who are immunocompromised are all at risk for getting sick from people, especially those people who do not wash their hands. These people with weakened immune systems can take all the preventative measures to avoid getting sick, but one person can come in contact with them who doesn’t wash their hands properly to infect them with some disease. To most people, this could be only a minor problem, but to them could be severely life-threatening.

Antibiotic resistance is one of the most significant future threats to humans as there are many microorganisms which can survive treatments with antibiotics, which used to kill these microorganisms. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is one of the most well known and most abundant forms of antibiotic-resistant microorganisms. This is a serious problem, and people who are not washing their hands and are spreading diseases like these are the most significant contributors to the antibiotic resistance. To treat these diseases that are being spread, it requires antibiotics, and the continued use of antibiotics is what is causing the antibiotic-resistant strains of these microorganisms to be more abundant.

Each of these are potential effects of not washing your hands, and some of these are very severe and can not only put yourself in danger but can also increase the risk of serious harm to other people. It is essential that everyone washes their hands frequently and effectively to keep everyone safer and decrease the spread of diseases.

What happens if you don't wash your hands before cooking?

Your hands can spread germs in the kitchen. Some of these germs, like Salmonella, can make you very sick. Washing your hands frequently with soap and water is an easy way to prevent germs from spreading around your kitchen while handling and preparing foods.

What are the consequences of not washing your hands?

Germs can get into the body through the eyes, nose and mouth and make us sick. Germs from unwashed hands can get into foods and drinks while people prepare or consume them. Germs can multiply in some types of foods or drinks, under certain conditions, and make people sick.

What happens if you don't wash your hands after handling raw meat?

Raw meat can contain E. coli, salmonella, listeria, and even parasites. And while the cooking process kills many harmful organisms, placing cooked meat (and really any food) on a contaminated surface re-contaminates it.

What will happen if you hold the food and your hands are dirty?

It can lead to viral gastroenteritis, affecting people at any age. The virus can be spread by unclean hands and then spread very quickly within a group of people. Clean hands are essential in combating the spread of the virus. Therefore, make sure you wash your hand before preparing food and after using the bathroom.