What are formula units in chemistry

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Definition of formula unit

noun Chemistry.

(of an ionic compound that does not form molecules, as most salts) the chemical formula with the least number of elements out of the set of empirical formulas having the same proportion of ions as elements: NaCl is the formula unit for the ionic compound sodium chloride.


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Question 1 of 7

Fill in the blank: I can’t figure out _____ gave me this gift.

Words nearby formula unit

Formula One, formularize, formulary, formulate, formulation, formula unit, formula weight, formulism, formulize, form word, formwork

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2022


What is a formula unit?

A formula unit is the chemical formula of an ionic compound that lists the ions in the lowest ratio that equals a neutral electrical charge.

In chemistry, we use chemical formulas to describe the elements or molecules that make up a substance. For example, two hydrogen atoms bond with one oxygen atom to form a molecule of water, giving it a chemical formula of water is H2O. We refer to this formula as a molecular formula because water is made of many H2O molecules.

However, ionic compounds aren’t made of distinct molecules with specific properties. Instead they form complex structures of humongous numbers of charged ions that are attracted to each other. For this reason, we instead use a formula that describes the ratio of ions in the compound that would have an equal balance of positive and negative charges. This formula is called the formula unit.

For example, lithium nitride is made of lithium ions and nitride ions. Lithium ions have a +1 charge and nitride ions have a -3 charge. In order for these charges to become neutral, we need 3 lithium ions for every 1 nitride ion because (1 x 3) + (-3) = 0. Therefore, the formula unit of lithium nitride is Li3N.

Why is formula unit important?

The first records of the term formula unit come from around 1869. It is used to specifically describe the composition of ionic compounds.

While molecular formulas and formula units both tell us what specific compound we are dealing with, there is a key difference. A molecular formula, like that for water, tells you exactly how many atoms the molecule is made up of. The formula unit tells you what ions make up the compound rather than atoms or molecules.

Did you know … ?

It is possible for the ratio in the formula unit to be 1:1. Table salt, for example, has a formula unit of NaCl because the charge of a sodium ion (Na) is +1 and the charge of a chloride ion (Cl) is -1.

What are real-life examples of formula unit?

Chemistry students will often learn what a formula unit is when they are introduced to ionic compounds.

The back of my head is about to cave in with all this ionic compound molecular formula unit molar mass stuff flowing around.

— endea (@_maryjaneplain) October 24, 2012

We have our first ionic compound entry from Caleb. No molecular geometry here, but a nice representation of the formula unit for Calcium Chloride. pic.twitter.com/eUTWyax29w

— Bridget B. Adkins (@BridgetBAdkins) January 16, 2018

Quiz yourself!

True or False?

A formula unit lists the ions in the lowest ratio that equals a neutral electrical charge.

How to use formula unit in a sentence

  • Indeed, Lion Air, with 45 percent of the domestic Indonesian airline market, has swallowed the Fernandes formula whole.

  • “Stay in formation,” a sergeant from the ceremonial unit said over a public address system to the cops along the street.

  • My father was in an intelligence unit for the U.S. Navy, as he had been in World War II.

  • Bitcoin began 2013 with a roaring price of $770 per unit, and businesses right and left were converting to the ethereal product.

  • I'm just not sure that the formula continues to work for us at 50 given other uses we might have for that money.

  • The formula would be: “The pump invented—Drain a well ,” or Water raised in a hollow.

  • The formula for the date of its foundation in 1636 may be thus expressed—Harvard College founded; the chum age .

  • As a fighting unit they are on their last legs and when they will be set upon their feet again Lord K. knows.

  • It is built on the "Unit" principle, and is divided between the extreme ends of the lofty structure.

  • This gallery division, complete in itself, represents the latest type of Unit organ.

What are formula units in chemistry example?

Definition of formula unit (of an ionic compound that does not form molecules, as most salts) the chemical formula with the least number of elements out of the set of empirical formulas having the same proportion of ions as elements: NaCl is the formula unit for the ionic compound sodium chloride.

Are formula units the same as moles?

1 mol of an atom, molecule or formula unit contains 6.02 x 1023 atoms, molecules or formula units.

How do you write formula units?

1 Answer.
Identify the symbol of the cation and the anion..
Identify the charge of each ion and place it as a superscript above the symbol..
Calculate the numbers of each ion that make the total charge equal to zero..
Place these numbers as subscripts after the symbols..

Why is it called formula units?

This whole lowest number is made to determine the ratio of ions is called the formula unit. Formula unit helps us in giving an empirical formula that can be used for understanding the compound. It is the unit that represents an entire compound.