What app did Garrett Gee make?

Back in 2014 Garrett Gee and two of his friends sold their company, Scan, to Snapchat for $54 million (£44,316,800).

You know those little black dots that other people can, well... scan, to find you on the app? These guys invented that. Nobody is sure exactly how much of it he received, but it was a hefty amount.

After selling the company, Garrett worked for Snapchat for a while, before deciding it wasn't for him.


Speaking to Business Insider, he said: "After three quick months, I decided to take my life back into my own hands and leave my job.

"Perhaps the corporate life is a better fit for other personality types, but not for me. My mind and soul function best when I'm free and living true to myself, my passions, and my values."

In June 2015 Gee unshackled himself from corporate life and upped sticks to travel the world with his wife, Jessica, and their two young children.

Rather than using his millions to fund the trip, the family sold everything they had, which amounted to around $45,000 (£37,000).

They decided to make that money last for six months on their travels. However, they were so good with their money that they realised five months in that they'd only spent $5,000.

Gee explained: "Fortunately, about this same time, our social media began gaining enough traction that hotels, airlines, and other brands began working with us,

"At first they were just offering us accommodations or flights in exchange for marketing exposure through our social media. But then, as our community continued to grow, they began paying us as well. Right before we had spent through our initial $45,000, we turned the corner and became profitable."

Even now, over two years later, the family still haven't dipped into their Snapchat millions. Their bucket list for 2018 includes going to the World Cup in Russia, visiting Igauzu Falls in Brazil and sailing around the Greek Isles.

It's amazing, really - the family have access to riches that most of us can only ever dream of, yet have chosen to barely touch it.

With the money Snap was bought for, Gee and his family could have bought over 147 million Freddos, 31 Bugatti Verons (once known as the most expensive car in the world) or even their own private island.

Now that's what you call being thrifty.

Original reporting: Mel Ramsay

Entrepreneur Interview with Garrett Gee founder of Scan.me. With more than 20 million downloads across the web, this new technology is giving us the ability to create and share our own personal QR Codes. 

“Talking about ideas and making business plans won’t build a product…building a product will.” – Garrett Gee

Garrett thanks for the chat. Scan.me seems like such a unique idea so tell us what exactly does it do?

Scan enables digital actions in the real world through mobile transaction technologies such as QR codes, NFC, and image recognition.

What are some of the projects you’re working on right now? 

We’re just about to launch an update to the website. Creating a QR code on Scan.me is currently a simple 3 step process. We’re working hard to make it even easier, turning 3 steps into 3 clicks.

What’s the total number of users for Scan.me, and how do you plan to keep growing? 

We’ve just recently passed a total of 20 million installs across web, iOS, Android, and Windows. Our theory from the beginning and moving forward is to create products so valuable that it markets itself.

Get to work. Talking about ideas and making business plans won’t build a product…building a product will. 

Starting out what the worst mistake you made, and what did you learn from it? 

When we received our initially funding we stopped acting like a young startup and tried to become more of a business. We quickly grew from 3 co-founders to a business of 12. Fortunately, we quickly realized our mistake and cleaned the team back down to a current 5. For these early days, we are much for effective with a proactive and skilled 5.

In your opinion what’s the secret formula for success?

I think each individual and business has their own formula that they need to find and perfect. So far for me, it has been a combination of doing what I love to do with those I enjoy doing it with, and then sincerely working my hardest to create something of true value.  

Related: How A Startup Accidentally “Hacked” Shark Tank With A QR Code

What was the best entrepreneurial advice you have ever been given? 

The advice: “Make your presentation to investors 80% financials, numbers, and stats and then 20% product and team.” In all honestly it that was probably the worst advice I’ve been given. Thankfully, however, it was that advice that taught me early on that I need to be my own person and create my own unique path. What works for one person, doesn’t work for everyone. 

  •  1) A task management app that works for you.
  • 2) A journal app where you can be sure and record all your adventures and lessons along the way.
  • 3) 0 games. 

What is your favorite entrepreneurship quote?

 “Comfort never was happiness.” – LG Neville 

Connect with Garrett Gee

  • Twitter@Garrettgee
  • LinkedIn/Garrettgee

What app did Garrett Gee make?

Opinions expressed by interviewee participants are their own. 

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What app did the bucket list family create?

Before we began our Bucket List adventures, I was a attending school at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. While a Freshman at BYU, I built my first app, Scan. Together with my talented team, we grew Scan into a successful business.

How much did Garrett Gee make from Snapchat?

Back in 2014 Garrett Gee and two of his friends sold their company, Scan, to Snapchat for $54 million (£44,316,800). You know those little black dots that other people can, well... scan, to find you on the app?

What did Garrett Gee sell on Shark Tank?

Scan is the next App in the Shark Tank in season 5 and appears in episode 507. The QR Scan Code Generator has over 40 million users world-wide to date! Entrepreneur Garrett Gee started the business while a freshman at BYU along with classmates, Kirk Ouimet and Ben Turley.

Who invented Snapchat QR Code?

That's the story of 28-year-old Garrett Gee, former Co-founder of Scan, which was acquired by Snapchat for $54 million in 2014. The company, which was formed in 2011 by three friends, Kirk Ouimet, Ben Turley, and Garrett, had created a technology that Snapchat later used to develop the 'Snapcode'.