WD My Cloud not showing up on network Mac

I've got a WD My Cloud Home that I use as my personal NAS. I installed the software WD Discovery (in a Mac Mini with OS version 10.11.6) so it could detect such device. Until now, it has been working fine, but recently the WD drive isn't shown in Finder, so I cannot access its contents. WD Discovery still detects it, but when clicking on the device, the folder isn't shown either.

Nonetheless, I can access its contents via web and through another Mac Mini with the latest OS, so the NAS is working fine. Therefore, I was wondering what steps should I take in order to troubleshoot the connection of a Mac with a NAS.

Thank you.

This download contains the latest version of the WD Quick View for Mac that supports the newly released WD My Cloud EX2. This is a utility that will discover WD network attached storage drives on the network and provide drive status information.

Very Important: The WD Quick View will not work with older WD network drives such as the My Book World Edition (Blue Rings). This version also is no longer support for Mac OSx 10.5.

The My Cloud Home Public Share is designed and implemented for Windows File Backup. It is not designed for local LAN storage access. Although is can be accessed on macOS using Common Internet File System (CIFS), it was not designed to be used as local LAN storage for Windows or macOS. Please use WD Discovery and the User Private Space for your My Cloud Home content storage needs.

Way back in 2017, I wrote about My Cloud Home, a (then) new Network Attached Storage (NAS) device from Western Digital (WD).

What’s a NAS? Like Dropbox, Google Drive, iCloud Drive, and other cloud-based storage services, a NAS provides many of the same remote storage features with a delightful difference: no monthly charges.

I was impressed by the then-new My Cloud Home, which was reasonably-priced, easier-than-others to configure and use, and surprisingly full-featured for its price (starting at $159 for a 2TB model). I recommended it without hesitation and have used it for personal network storage ever since.

It performed well for the first couple of years before becoming less and less reliable. Its icon, which had appeared on my desktop for months at a time without intervention, began disappearing and requiring me to log in manually. It was annoying, but I was always able to log in and access my files. At least until recently.

Trouble Rears its Ugly Head

Last week when I attempted to log in, instead of mounting its icon on my desktop, I received an error message: “My Cloud is having trouble connecting to the server. Check your internet connection and try again.”

WD My Cloud not showing up on network Mac

My internet connection worked flawlessly for everything except my My Cloud Home, so I tried again. And again. When I was still unable to connect to my My Cloud Home after 24 hours, I contacted WD support and explained that my network-attached storage device is worthless if it’s unable to connect to their (Western Digital’s) servers.

Waiting for Support for Six Days

After four days without a response, I submitted a second support ticket and asked to escalate my issue. I received an automated reply that they would escalate my case and follow up as soon as possible.

It’s been six days since I could access my files from the desktop, and I’m still awaiting a response.

To be fair, while I can’t log and mount an icon for my My Cloud Home device on the desktop, I can access my files via a web browser or IOS app. It’s inconvenient, but I can see and download my files when necessary.

Still, I got the device because it behaves like a directly connected storage device on my Mac, displaying an icon on my desktop as though it were a USB or Thunderbolt drive. Managing its files through a web browser is awkward, to say the least.

My point is that after six days without a response from Western Digital support, I  no longer recommend WD products. Waiting a week or more to hear from a support rep is unconscionable. I’m not sure other storage vendors are better at support, but they couldn’t be any worse.

Since updating to Big Sur my WD mycloud home no longer appears in Finder. Does anybody have an idea as to when WD will upgrade WD Discovery to address this.

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User profile for user: raúl240


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9 points

I have the same problem. After this updating, I cannot use my "home cloud". Only can access through Safari browser, but I can't upload any files neither.

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User profile for user: dt1266

WD My Cloud not showing up on network Mac


User level: Level 1

9 points

Once again Western Digital behind on updates. Had this same problem when i upgraded to Catalina and it took some time to get an update. Looks like it will be the same with Big Sur.

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User profile for user: raúl240


User level: Level 1

9 points

He encontrado la solución: hay que reinstalar Wd

WD My Cloud not showing up on network Mac
discovery para Mac y conceder permisos en preferencias de sistema y ya funciona.

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User profile for user: vishal159

WD My Cloud not showing up on network Mac


User level: Level 1

4 points

I have the same problem. After this updating, I cannot use my "home cloud". Only can access through Safari browser, but time machine backup is not working.

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User profile for user: AlexDG83

WD My Cloud not showing up on network Mac


User level: Level 1

13 points

here the solution ;-)


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User profile for user: vishal159

WD My Cloud not showing up on network Mac


User level: Level 1

4 points


here the solution ;-)


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User profile for user: MarkusAtBXL


User level: Level 1

4 points


Thanks for sharing,

I have installed the update and everything is working properly,

take effective steps as described,

maybe add that after downloading and installation , before restarting, allow the settings and access of the drive in the settings menu ;

privacy settings - general - allow WD disk

then restart - everything ok


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User profile for user: MarkusAtBXL


User level: Level 1

4 points


Thanks for sharing,

I have installed the update and everything is working properly,

take effective steps as described,

maybe add that after downloading and installation , before restarting, allow the settings and access of the drive in the settings menu ;

privacy settings - general - allow WD disk

then restart - everything ok

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User profile for user: Persac


User level: Level 1

9 points

many thanks for your post vishal159. used your link to download new Big Sur compliant WD Discovery. Followed the instructions and all is now OK

How do I add WD My Cloud to a network drive on a Mac?

Mac OS X:.
Open the Finder window..
From the side menu, under Locations, select Network..
Double-click the My Cloud device and login with your local user account..
Locate the device's Public shared folder..
Double click the Public shared folder..
You can now drag and drop files into (and from) the Public shared folder..

How do I connect my WD My Cloud to my network?

Connect your My Cloud Home.
Place the WD My Cloud Home near your router..
Connect the power adapter to the My Cloud Home and to a free power outlet..
Connect the network cable to your WD My Cloud Home and your router or modem..
Wait until the white light comes on..

Why can't I access my WD My Cloud?

The simplest and most widely effective fix for this issue is to simply add a Windows Credential for your WD My Cloud account to the credentials list on your Windows 10 computer.

Can I connect WD My Cloud directly to my Mac?

WD My Cloud Desktop for Mac You can install this software on your MAC OSx computer to allow you access and manage content stored on your WD My Cloud network device from anywhere.