Stranger Things season 1 rating age

June 4, 2022

Depends On The Kid

Stranger Things Is My Favourite Show, It’s absolutely brilliant. My 12 year old is obsessed, and finished season 4 the day it came out. It’s a really great show, and, even though it’s seen as a horror show, it’s not very scary, I don’t think there are any jump scares, and even if there are, they aren’t going to make you jump around and scream as we know some movies can. This shows brilliant as it delivers scares in more of the sense of mystery and not knowing what’s really happening, and that can add to the chills of the show. It’s also set in the 80s, so any 80s kids will love the nostalgia. Now I’m moving into what might be scary or whatnot and there might be spoilers from here on, read with caution. SPOILERS Ok, so, I’m going to now say what may be a bit chilling for your child. I’m basing this off mine, so, if your child can watch the hunger games without any problem, then this will probably be fine, it’s not much worse. Anyway, Season 1 isn’t too gory or anything, apart from the depiction of a dead deer with lots of blood and wounds and later on on the last episode, the people are killed by Eleven when she makes them bleed out their eyes and fall to the floor dead, later when they show there bodies, there is a lot, and i mean a LOT, of blood on the floor. But nothing too bad. They also show when she’s in the lab she smashes a guard against the wall and breaks all the bones in the others body, the crackling of all the bones completely shattering can be slightly disturbing, again, depends on the kid. Now, season 2, it’s definitely worse, but still not bad enough for a young teen to watch. There’s depictions of a child having a seizure, and screaming and going mad as he’s taken over by the mind flayer, but it’s not very disturbing. There’s also a monster that kills a cat, which might upset some sensitive children. The worst there really is is when in the end, Bob is mauled to death by Demodogs, which made me cry as he was such a good character, Joyce screaming really added to the effect. His bloody body can be disturbing as the camera pans away from his dead body with bite marks all over this neck and stomach. Now, Season 3, this is less scary but way more gory, there are people screaming as they are melted alive into a pile of flesh that the mind flayer uses to accumulate a physical form, and this could scare some sensitive children. There’s also a psychotic man chasing them around the hospital covered in blood. There’s a man who’s shot and killed, a hitman trying to kill Hopper, and Russians drugging and beating Steve up to give them answers. The end is relatively sad as Hopper is blown up and Billy is impaled and killed by the mind flayer. There are also some sexual jokes in this season, but they will fly over kids heads as they are relatively discrete unless you know what you’re looking for. Season 4, definitely the scariest, and maybe more of an older 12 year old to watch this, you need to be quite mature. There are people being snapped and distorted and getting there eyes pulled out by an evil force, which is chilling at first, but not too bad for older kids, there’s also very graphic violence towards small children as they are smashed against a wall or get there bones snapped and their eyes pulled out. There’s also a small rabbit that gets tortured and killed, a man who cut his eyes out with razor blades and his eye sockets filled with pus. Overall this season is very dark and gory but still so brilliant like the rest of the show. It really depends on your child’s maturity.

This title has:

Great messages

Too much swearing

Too much drinking/drugs/smoking

48 people found this helpful.

June 6, 2022

The rating is for season 4.

The first two seasons are phenomenal and could probably be handled by a 12-year-old, no problem. Some of these reviews seem to indicate even younger kids have no issues, and that's great for them. While the third season isn't as good in terms of overall quality, it's still solid and not too questionable in terms of content. HOWEVER...the fourth season goes full-on demonic/horror, and I am sad that I let myself watch as much of it as I have, let alone my 14-year-old. So much so, I signed up just so I could make this review because I do not feel like other reviews make it sufficiently clear how much they deal with demonic activity. A friend told us it got better after two episodes, but I wish I had listened to the reviews that said they quit after two. Frankly, I wish I had quit after one. If you (or especially your children) are sensitive to this sort of material at all, I do not recommend season 4.

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February 6, 2022

15+ Definitely Not Younger, Unless???

Really, some adults saying 9+??? Guess that's why we have 4th and 5th graders swearing at their peers and teachers at school, nasty attitudes toward adults, and elementary aged kids hyper-sexualized at such a young age. I am an adult male (teacher), and not a prude by any means, but there is just too much of "everything bad" in this show that is already wrong with kids today. I have no problems with the level of "violence or fear-factor" in this show, it's everything else that is overly disturbing.

This title has:

Too much sex

Too much swearing

33 people found this helpful.

June 4, 2022

Season 4 not for younger viewers.

Season 4 is definitely 16 and up, straight up horror. It’s a good show but not for younger kids. Lots of torture, grizzly death, one child losing control with anger to the point of bludgeoning another child in the face with a roller skate. Younger children may want to watch but they will likely feel disturbed for quite some time after watching this. It’s a high quality show for adults and older kids, lots of suspense, story slowly unfolds, 80’s nostalgia. This season is a little over the top in general, one example is the way bullying is written and filmed, less realistic plot lines than some of the other seasons, but still entertaining. Season 1 and 2 more borderline below 16 depending on the kid. Season 3 and 4 I have to go with 16+.

This title has:

Too much violence

Too much drinking/drugs/smoking

23 people found this helpful.

May 28, 2022

4th season warning

Parents beware! Season 4 has taken a huge leap into adult content and no longer safe-ish for the children. So far so good, but we no longer watch with the family. The gore/violence is terrifying. Parents may want to watch an episode and decide. It’s not a one off…the violence continue through the season.

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May 27, 2022

Stranger Things Season 4 disappointingly horrific

We love Stranger Things seasons 1-3, but after watching the first 2 episodes of Season 4 we are gutted. They have woven a really nasty horror theme throughout and there are some very verydisturbing scenes. You see a guy with his eyes and mouth sewn shut, a girl possessed and then bones broken in distorted ways- her body looks horrific and her eyes are burnt out. There are children involved in the horror scenes. I used to love Stranger Things but they have lost the fun. I'm out. Gutted because I wanted to see what happened to Hopper but it's not worth it.

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May 28, 2022

Fantastic show includes everything, heart, humor, horror and more. But it's best left for teens and up

Spectacular show has everything!. Heart, humor, horror, mystery, and drama! But it isn't for all ages. Season 1 is a lot less gory then then 2, 3 and 4. It is still sometimes scary though and I wouldn't suggest for under 12. There is also a fair amount of language used and some mild sexual moments. Season 2 gets gorier and scarier but language and sex stays the same so I'd suggest 13+. Season 3 amps up the gore and horror and language so I'd suggest 14+ unless your kids are used to that kind of thing. Season 4 heavily amps up the violence and gore, with extremely graphic depictions of dismemberment and things like eyes exploding with blood, bones breaking, and overall more disturbing. The aftermath of children being slaughtered with lots of blood is also seen in detail. There is plenty of uses of s**t and there is some drug use and alcohol use. Definitely wouldn't suggest for anyone under the age of 13 and I think it's best left to 15+. There are plenty of great messages about friendship, sharing your feelings, and coping. For role models, characters face adversity and always try their best to help their friends and community. Overall this show is extremely entertaining but best left for teens and up

This title has:

Great messages

Great role models

Too much violence

Too much swearing

Too much drinking/drugs/smoking

12 people found this helpful.

July 5, 2022


Season 4 only…..I don’t understand parents review saying this is ok for a 12 year old! The gore and demonic horror is overwhelming. Seasons 1-3, my 13 year old has enjoyed, but even he said it was too much, and didn’t want to watch season 4. Sex, drug use , and more profanity in season 4 as well. I would Strongly caution parents letting their kids watch this.

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July 19, 2020

It gets worse the further you get.

I'd say season 1 was really good and what I excepted but as you move on through season 2 and 3 the amount of gore increases dramatically. Season 2 hit my limit and made me uneasy about watching more. Season 3 was past it. There is so much blood globs of flesh, bloody messes, and rats/human exploding/melting into the bloody messes.

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July 6, 2022

Great Show - But Believe the TV-14 Rating

This is one of the best series on Netflix and especially makes me nostalgic for the 80s. The cast, costumes, and set are awesome and remind me of my high school days. The story centers around a group of kids and supernatural events occurring in their town and eventually to them personally. It is spooky in Season 1 and becomes scarier the farther along you go in the series. Season 1 could be OK (with parental guidance) for a middle school child. By season 4, I wouldn’t let a middle schooler watch - strictly high school and above. Knowing that, we have not let our 12 year old start watching because we don’t want the fight that will come when they want to binge watch all 4 seasons and we want them to stop at season 1 or 2. Many of her friends have seen it, which blows my mind, but I guess kids are so desensitized to violence now that some can handle it without nightmares. Do you want to roll the dice, though?

This title has:

Too much violence

Too much swearing

Too much drinking/drugs/smoking

9 people found this helpful.

Is Stranger Things season 1 for 12 year olds?

According to the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC), all four seasons of the show have been rated 15. In the BBFC's own words, a 15 rating means 'suitable only for 15 years and over'. It also means that whoever watches something rated 15 might be exposed to things like: Strong language.

Is Stranger Things ok for 10 year old?

Seasons 1-3 of Stranger Things are pretty evenly violent and scary and are rated TV-14. However, Stranger Things 4 is a whole different level and has a TV-MA rating. Well it was rated TV-MA and then recently changed to TV-14, however, it deserves that TV-MA rating. Stranger Things 4 is not for kids.

Is Stranger Things suitable for a 12 year old?

Stranger Things is rated TV-14. Overall, the nonprofit notes it's best for kids 13 and older.

Why is Stranger Things rated 18+?

What are the classification issues in the series? As with its sci-fi and horror influences, the predominant classification issues in Stranger Things are sequences of threat and violence.