Dragon Age 2 Bethany Circle or Warden

should I have her join the Grey Wardens or should I just not take her along on the deep roads? What is the best option?

"Thats a lotta nuts!!"

SengokuNoMaou 11 years ago#2

Play and find out.

Blue lives scatter.

MetalGearRAXA 11 years ago#3

This is the general gist of from what I gather.

Want her to die? Take her to the Deep Roads but don't bring Anders.

Want to side with the Mages? Leave her behind.

Want to side with the Templars? Bring both Bethany and Anders to the Deep Roads so she can become a Grey Warden.

"I'm Commander Shepard and thi-Assuming direct control." - Keldean

RufusNKenRSTier 11 years ago#4

Would you rather her be imprisoned, then oppressed, then involved in a massacre, or would you rather her become a Grey Warden?

"He's the polar opposite of orca" - Jimayo

Roninzeta 11 years ago#5

If you're going to side with the Mages, then leave Bethany behind. She'll always rejoin you, but she'll rejoin you sooner if you side with the Mages. But if you want to side with the Templars, then the Grey Warden route is the way to go.

Flip it for Carver.

RufusNKenRSTier 11 years ago#6

What? Why does being a Grey Warden = siding with that blonde Hitlette?

"He's the polar opposite of orca" - Jimayo

AbsolutelyAlex 11 years ago#7

From: Roninzeta | #005
If you're going to side with the Mages, then leave Bethany behind. She'll always rejoin you, but she'll rejoin you sooner if you side with the Mages. But if you want to side with the Templars, then the Grey Warden route is the way to go.

Flip it for Carver.

She comes back? :o

Goddamn, I thought she was gone permanently either way, so I didn't bother playing an earlier save when she died in the Deep Roads.

starmilski13 11 years ago#8

Because if she becomes a Grey Warden, she won't automatically want to side with the mages. That seems pretty obvious, I think.

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MetalGearRAXA 11 years ago#9

RufusNKenRSTier posted...
What? Why does being a Grey Warden = siding with that blonde Hitlette?

Siding with Meredith is saying "Screw all mages". Bethany is a mage >_>

Turning her into a Grey Warden keeps her at a distance as she will travel with them instead of being stuck in the Circle/Gallows waiting to be purged by the templars.

You know . . . unless you want to leave your sister to die by siding with her enemies . . .

"I'm Commander Shepard and thi-Assuming direct control." - Keldean

oemorish 11 years ago#10

and like wise if your a mage and have carver and leave him behind he becomes a templar... kind of problematic if you side with the mages.

As long as their alive, you can do Legacy with them I believe. But I know for certain that you can do it post game after they rejoin your party. You will get a cameo of them in Act II regardless of the path you choose, but I would recommend, letting her be taken to the Circle, it will mean more later in the game, than her being a Warden.

DominatedMind 11 years ago#3

I'd go with the Circle, at least she won't have the taint or have to answer the calling eventually. I have one of both, we'll see what happens in future games.

nicola_nibhroin 11 years ago#4

You get to see her a teeny bit more if she goes to the Circle, but I think the change in your relationship dynamic is more interesting if she becomes a Grey Warden, plus I just think the Wardens are far cooler.

Ultimately, once you get to endgame it doesn't make a huge amount of difference- what's more important is probably the 'sides' you pick in the main storyline, in terms of which is 'best; to have her do- the small amount of time you get to see her more if she's Circle isn't really enough to be the only reason for the choice, I think.

(Incidentally, first playthrough, I had no idea what was going to happen in the Deep Roads, and didn't take Anders. I was properly gutted)

belisar6 11 years ago#5

nicola_nibhroin posted...
(Incidentally, first playthrough, I had no idea what was going to happen in the Deep Roads, and didn't take Anders. I was properly gutted)

^^ Same here. I felt so bad that I went and re-played the Deep Roads, leaving her behind this time... Only to find out you lose her as a party member either way.

If you really want to maximize your playing time with Bethany though, having her along with you (and Anders) on the Deep Roads would give you more than the little extra you'd get at the end with her in the Circle.

We were going full speed ahead... but facing backwards the whole time.

khrulez 11 years ago#6

It's pretty even, actually. You see Bethany again during an attack on the city when she's a Circle mage, but she'll also show up with the Wardens during that time. Near the end, she'll be standing with the mages during that confrontation before... you know, but she'll show up a few minutes later as a Warden to help you as well.

I think both siblings are better off as Wardens. If Bethany goes to the Circle, she's still not free even after you save her in the end, she'll just be hunted again. As a Warden, she doesn't have to worry about templars and stuff any more. Yes, she'll live a shorter life, which sucks, but I'd rather live 40 years and live them as a free person than die at age 70 after a lifetime of being on the run and unable to ever settle down.
As for Carver, he'll have finally found a place in the world that he doesn't have to share with his sibling if he joins the Wardens. If he becomes a templar, he's either overshadowed BIG TIME if Hawke sides with him, and otherwise he'll be forced to give up the life he's built for himself in order to stand with his sibling yet again.

But yeah, we'll have to wait until 3 (If 3 is about Hawke) to see which option is better for real.

Actually...you can think of Pong as a dirty game...I mean the ultimate goal is to get the ball in between.... ~Zako_Soldier

phoenix52 11 years ago#7

I like the Circle option just because she doesn't have to worry much about Darkspawn. I mean, sure she has to deal with Templars and all that nonsense, but she seems to adjust to her new life pretty well judging by what we're told of her. And if the Chantry is really in as much trouble as some people think it's definitely possible that the Templars won't be as huge a threat.

What happens if Bethany joins the Circle?

If left behind during the Deep Roads Expedition, Bethany will be cast off into the Circle. If she joins the Deep Roads Expedition, she will manifest the symptoms of the Taint, the results of which are grave. Unless Anders is present in the party, there is nothing you can do to help her.

Can you save Bethany from the Circle?

If taken on the Deep Roads expedition she contracts the taint and dies unless Anders is in the party, in which case she can be recruited into the Grey Wardens as the only recourse to save her life.

What happens if I leave Bethany Dragon Age 2?

To save Bethany's life, Anders will implore Hawke to search for a nearby group of Grey Wardens and persuades their leader, Stroud, to recruit her into the Grey Wardens. If left behind, Bethany is captured and forced into the Kirkwall Circle of Magi, though she will excel in her position as a Circle Mage.

Can you save both Carver and Bethany?

You can keep Bethany and Carver alive, Hawke just has to die then you watch the rest of the game play out as a series of cutscenes...just like Final Fantasy!