Sita: Warrior of Mithila number of pages

1.0 out of 5 stars Better disappointment than earlier.

I have been thinking of this book as the cover-up for the mistakes Amish did in his last book of this series. But Alas! No such thing seen, instead since starting there were many mistakes that one goes irritate counting and stop concentrating on the content which elsewise is not aptly put in reference to the real scripture. Deviation is allowed up to a level where one can think of its presence in any other version of the writing, but when you unnecessarily add things which are just for fun and meant to make you bestseller instead of retelling the facts; You messed up the whole work. Different perspective can go very well but you can’t change the fact that something is there and something is not and vice-versa.

From the very starting there are things that are not written in any version of Ramayan; be it the original Maharishi Valmiki’s or Kambaramayanam or Saptakanda Ramayana or Vilanka Ramayana or any other among many. I will point out the mistakes that have been done profoundly by author and in very proud manner like his fiction mind is writing about some fantasy script rather than keeping the base original and move the perspectives to change the course of an Epic.

1.) Makrant was roaming around with Mata Sita like some random servant. This utmost impossible and never mentioned in any part of Original texts.
Reason: No servant meant to be there with the Trio as they were on exile. They are not allowed to have servants or be in connection to any other empire in complete exile period of 14 Years. Only Jungles or Rishi’s (Sage) Ashrams are they allowed to be in.

2.) Before the abduction of Sita Ji, she never saw Raavan, but there here shown the fight in front of him with his armed men. Utmost corrupt thought.

3.) “Sita, along with her husband Prince Ram of Ayodhya and her brother-in-law Lakshman, had been racing through the Dandakaranya, or forest of Dandak, to escape the expected vengeance of the demon-king of Lanka, Raavan. Captain Jatayu, leading a small company of the Malayaputra tribe, had sworn to protect the three Ayodhya royals.” Mind here the underlined words. It shows that Lord Ram was scared of Raavan which again is utmost corrupt thought to put in words, but he did because many here don’t even know their own culture and scriptures. Also, Jatayu never lead the Trio ever. Yes, he owed to protect them. And even they were shown preparing food by hiding and make sure there was no smell or smoke came out just to save themselves from Raavan, utter nonsense.

4.) Kumbhakarna never went to look for trio.

5.) Two Soldiers mentioned looking for Sita Ji. One killed by her, then to whom he was talking? “Move! Move! There’s nobody else!” Also, Sita arrested in the End, how could he normalized Sita Ji to that much extent?

6.) Jatayu was called Naga tribe, though he was a bird. They were called deformed, quoted as; ‘Naga was the name given to people of the Sapt Sindhu born with deformities. Jatayu’s malformation gave his face the appearance of a vulture.’
Fact: Jatayu, sibling of Sampati both were from bird species. They were not humans with vulture faces, but vultures who could transformed to human figure.

7.) Sita Ji found over the ground which was again a big messing with facts. And named Sita, directly, which was wrong as well. She was found on the quest of King Janak of Mithila while digging the earth surface, buried under it. Hence, she was named as “BHUMIJA”, born from the earth. That was her first given name. Mithila was liberal in thoughts when it comes to gender equality, but Queen Sunaina never sought the responsibility of the Throne. Kushadhwaj had always been devotee to his elder brother Janak, therefore there was no dispute regarding the armed forces or resources for their citizens. An unnecessarily created diff. between both the bothers mentioned.

8.) Lord Hanuman never met with Goddess Sita prior to his meeting with Lord Ram. Radhika was created out of nowhere. Hanuman Ji always used ‘Gadaa’ (Mace), never ever a knife or modern ‘Khukari’. Places were named like it’s a today’s world; Assam (Her father was from Assam) & India (We cannot allow our beloved India to suffer endlessly). ‘Bhaaratas’, that was not even a term used for the descendants of King Bharat. And he was never being contemporary to Lord Rama. As per Author, Ramayan dates back to only 3400BC, but in reality it happened to be taken place in Treta Yug which lasted for 1296000 years; somewhere around 21,63,000 years back, In front of which 3400BC looks like a first step backwards.

9.) Vishwamitra had clashes with Rishi Vashishtha, when he was a king, but later, much prior to the Happening of Ramayan, in the Era of Siya-Ram, all those previous clashes summed up to a way back closure. Even then here Amish had shown their conflicts. And the language of abusing their contemporary but senior Sage was never meant to be the part of Hindu culture and customs. ‘Sanyaas’ is 4th among the four stages of Hindu system ‘Ashram’; a concept of “Dharma” itself. ‘Sanyaas’ derived from Sanskrit word ‘nyas’, which simply means “Complete Purification”; but author due to his race of getting famous and lack of knowledge in & for the subject, missed entirely. Thus, any one sage can never use corrupting and abusing words for another Human being forget his counterpart like ‘That backstabber … I did so much for him …’ and ‘That snake has taken the Ayodhya princes to his gurukul,’ said Vishwamitra, anger boiling within.’

10.) Concept of Making someone “Lord Vishnu”, again was wholesomely wrong. As written; ‘Yes, I am the chief of the Malayaputras. But I cannot be the Vishnu. My task is to decide who the next Vishnu will be.’ ; was not happened to be Vishwamitra’s decision to make/create or decide who will the next ‘Vishnu’ be. Lord Vishnu took incarnation himself, he was ‘not created’ by anyone.

11.) Sunaina died even before Sita’s Marriage. Sita called as ‘troubled child’, seriously? And she screamed on Janak, her father; It is like some rich American brat or some spoiled child of modern rich Indian society. What an idiotic writing by Amish.

12.) Vyomkesh was from folk tales much before Ramayan, seriously? Factually, this detective character created by Sharadindu Bandyopadhyay, an Indian writer, in Early 30s of 20th century. And whole chariot brought upon in the Chambers of Sita; was it a really a chamber or premises of market/ground/etc.??? that much big room to look upon damaged chariot? Wow. Hats-off to this silliness of an Author.

13.) Sita made Vishwamitra to bring along Ram and Laxman; and she was sure to convince the former in getting Ram to get her married with him. Seriously, is it some cheap drama? Amish stooped down to the level of drain weed. He made the whole purity of their relationship looks like some roadside show. He must be banned from writing mythologies. And, she went to meet Ram and Samichi, her chief of Police was addressing Ram like he is some local boy and not the Prime guest of Mithila, more importantly the Prince of the Largest Empire of that Epoch. What a shame. Ram was leaving Mithila on hearing Raavan’s arrival, SERIOUSLY? Is this some joke or melodrama? To brought upon his next book titled Raavan, Amish uplifted the level of that Asur above the incarnation of God himself. Facts kept aside when it comes to money and fame for author. Bogus writing.

14.) “Jallikattu” the Bull racing sport was in tradition in India ever since around 700BCE. This is what later became base for the ‘Running of the Bulls’ event of San fermin.
Facts vs Author: -
• Fermin was a Spanish saint lived around 4th CE.
• Jallikattu as mentioned above was around 700BCE.
• Ramayan (according to Author) is around 3400BCE.
• Ramayan (as per real event) happened in “Treta Yug” (Kalpa) around 5000 BCE.

Now let’s see the calculation in short;
Treta Yug (Time of Ramayan happening in real): Lasted for 1296000 years
Dwapar Yug (third of Yug Cycle): Lasted for 864000 years
Kali Yug (Fourth/current Yug Cycle): Lasts for 432000 years started around 5000 BCE.

In Nutshell, if we go as per logic and knowledge-less research of Author, then, Ramayan happened for real just 5400 years back (wrong); It fell as per his calculation in Dwapar Yug (wrong); Jallikattu was before actual Ramayan time(wrong).

Basic thing is this complete work was waste that presented before us for just the purpose to misguide the learning Youth and unknown readers about the facts to make his sell better rather than presenting the Ancient Scripture with facts which are the live evidence to the Ramayan Era.
What I observed while reading this book, is that, it’s all about rags and rubbish thoughts of Author carried along with his lack of knowledge on the subject. His main Motive is just to add spice to the content even in which he failed miserably. His thought as it seemed clear from the book is just to made hero out of Raavan so that he could sell his next book in the series. Whole writing is trash.
For us being the Part of Sanatan Dharma (by birth and Karma), this is indigestible from start till End. I have been through this just to know what else he had written after spoiling the contents of ‘Ram (#1 book in series)’. I’ll for sure read next in series (#3 Raavan) for finding deep-rooted bigotry that accompanied with lack of research and knowledge-less mind.
Same he did while writing his another Series about ’Mahadev aka Lord Shiv’ (Shiva Trilogy).

Such writings are “Venom” to the current age of youngsters which consistently feeding to them to spoil their very culture and distract them from the reality towards fake fantasy and fiction. What he has written was just from the POV of him getting famous by adding spicing stories and manipulate the original and real EPIC. He seemed more prone to prove that what happened all-over in that time of Treta-Yug was myth even when there was nth no. of evidences to prove that it was reality and not some myth evolved from writing only. “RAM SETU” is the biggest live evidence; so are the distance and path equivalent to the present day Places, even their geographical stature. Movement in Exile period from Ayodhya-chitrakoot-dandakaranya-kishkindha-rameshwaram-lanka; all were evident to be the correct path to cover distance from first to last place and back. Availability of resources mentioned in real epic were still shows their growth at those places. In spite of making it more real, all he did was just to show his writing skills in English, even which was not up to the mark. These works definitely affect the youth with no knowledge on the subject and hence they marked such novels as the base for their religion and hold the flag of fake Hinduism, which eventually hurt the sentiments of many as well as evident the path of lost culture in Hinduism. These ‘Epics’ along with ‘Vedas’ and ‘Upanishads’ and many other works are plinth to our culture; not just Hinduism but for ‘the way of Life’. I am very much disappointed and felt failed as a follower of such glorified religion for not been able to change what’s he did. It was to me a debris, litter, sentimental rubbish. I expected for the eternal verities but not every person comes up with writings that are necessarily veridical.
Such Authors must be banned. Not for writing but misguiding the Youngsters with delusional stories instead of putting facts on their table to let them feed themselves and learn to grow better with more knowledge and research base to acknowledge word with ‘Spirit of Divinity’ and ‘Path to Dharma (righteousness)’; which eventually help them groomed as a better human, that always yielded later as a better citizen of the Nation and the world.

For me its deserves negative markings but due to no optional possibility of such kind here, I have to rate it with the minimum most allowed here; 1.0/5.0 else (-)∞/10.

What is the book Sita about?

The book is based on Sita, the legendary Indian queen regarded as an incarnation of Lakshmi. The title was revealed by the author at his Facebook Page. The story begins with King Janak of Mithila finding a girl child abandoned in a field. She is mysteriously guarded by a vulture from a pack of wolves.

In which order should I read Amish Tripathi books?

Must-read books by Amish Tripathi.
01/8Amish Tripathi. ... .
02/8The Immortals of Meluha. ... .
03/8The Secret of the Nagas. ... .
04/8The Oath of the Vayuputras. ... .
05/8Ram: Scion of Ikshvaku. ... .
06/8Sita: Warrior of Mithila. ... .
07/8Raavan: Enemy of Aryavarta. ... .
08/8Immortal India..

Who is the writer of Sita?

Amish TripathiSita - Warrior of Mithila / Authornull

Is Sita was from Mithila?

Birth. In Valmiki's Ramayana, Sita is said to have been discovered in a furrow in a ploughed field, believed to be Sitamarhi in Mithila region of present-day Bihar, and for that reason is regarded as a daughter of Bhūmi Devi (the goddess earth).