How many people live in east riding of yorkshire

In the 2011 census the population of East Riding of Yorkshire was 334,179 and is made up of approximately 51% females and 49% males.

The average age of people in East Riding of Yorkshire is 43, while the median age is higher at 45.

93.9% of people living in East Riding of Yorkshire were born in England. Other top answers for country of birth were 1.4% Scotland, 0.5% Wales, 0.3% Northern Ireland, 0.2% India, 0.2% Ireland, 0.1% South Africa, 0.1% United States, 0.1% Australia, 0.1% Hong Kong .

How many people live in east riding of yorkshire

98.3% of people living in East Riding of Yorkshire speak English. The other top languages spoken are 0.4% Polish, 0.2% Latvian, 0.1% Russian, 0.1% All other Chinese, 0.1% Portuguese, 0.1% German, 0.1% Lithuanian, 0.1% Arabic.

How many people live in east riding of yorkshire

The religious make up of East Riding of Yorkshire is 68.0% Christian, 23.1% No religion, 0.4% Muslim, 0.2% Buddhist, 0.2% Hindu, 0.1% Jewish, 0.1% Sikh.

How many people live in east riding of yorkshire
24,548 people did not state a religion. 864 people identified as a Jedi Knight and 24 people said they believe in Heavy Metal.

54.1% of people are married, 11.3% cohabit with a member of the opposite sex, 0.7% live with a partner of the same sex, 18.3% are single and have never married or been in a registered same sex partnership, 7.7% are separated or divorced. There are 16,235 widowed people living in East Riding of Yorkshire.

The top occupations listed by people in East Riding of Yorkshire are Professional 16.3%, Skilled trades 13.7%, Managers, directors and senior officials 12.0%, Associate professional and technical 11.5%, Administrative and secretarial 11.2%, Elementary 10.7%, Caring, leisure and other service 9.6%, Elementary administration and service 8.3%, Administrative 8.2%, Corporate managers and directors 7.6%.

  • Browse for East Riding of Yorkshire Demographics by ward/suburb

  • England LocalStats
  • Yorkshire and The Humber LocalStats
  • East Riding of Yorkshire Areas
  • Beverley Rural, Bridlington Central and Old Town, Bridlington North, Bridlington South, Cottingham North, Cottingham South, Dale, Driffield and Rural, East Wolds and Coastal, Goole North, Goole South, Hessle, Howden, Howdenshire, Mid Holderness, Minster and Woodmansey, North Holderness, Pocklington Provincial, Snaith, Airmyn, Rawcliffe and Marshland, South East Holderness, South Hunsley, South West Holderness, St Mary's, Tranby, Willerby and Kirk Ella, Wolds Weighton
  • 2011 Census United Kingdom

The populations of Hull and the East Riding have grown over the past decade, but there are fewer children aged four and under, according to newly released figures from the 2021 Census.

The statistics, released today (Tuesday), show Hull's population grew by 4.2 per cent in a decade, from 256,406 to 267,100. In the East Riding, numbers were up from 334,179 to 342,200 (2.4 per cent) since 2011.

However, the number of young children declined, with a total of 30,700 under-fours across Hull and East Riding. This compared with 33,758 in 2011, when the last census was taken.

Read more: Play your way across England and Wales in the Census 2021 map game

The new figures show that the overall population of England and Wales grew by 6.3 per cent to around 59.6 million people. The rate of growth was down slightly on the 7.8 per cent rise seen between 2001 to 2011.

Yorkshire and the Humber's population grew by more than 3.7 per cent from around 5.28 million in 2011 to about 5.48 million in 2021. London's Tower Hamlets district was the local authority area in which the population grew the fastest, at a rate of 22.1 per cent.

Women outnumber men in Hull and East Riding

There are thousands more women than men across Hull and the East Riding. In Hull, there are 133,800 compared to 133,300 men. Meanwhile, in the East Riding there were 174,400 women, compared with a male population of 167,800.

Hull's largest age group was 30-34, with 20,800, 7.8 per cent of the total. Ten years ago, the largest group was in the 20-24 age bracket. In the East Riding, 55-59 year olds made up the largest age group, with a total of 27,100, about 7.9 per cent of the overall population (in 2011, the 45-49 age bracket was the largest).

The smallest age group in Hull was 75-79, with 7,100. In the East Riding, by contrast, the smallest cohort was 20-24, who numbered 14,400. The oldest cohorts shrank slightly in Hull but grew in the East Riding between 2011 to 2021. In Hull, those aged 80 and over fell from 10,108 in 2011 to 10,100 a decade later. By contrast, the 80 and over cohort grew in the East Riding to 24,100 in 2021 from 18,788 in 2011.

The number of children aged four and under in Hull fell from 17,358 to 16,000. In the East Riding, the figure fell from 16,400 to 14,700 in the East Riding. In fact, the number of children in all age brackets up to 19 fell in the East Riding, with the exception of 5-9.

In Hull, the 5-9 and 10-14 age groups grew, but the number of 15 to 19-year-olds fell.

What does the Census mean for Hull and East Yorkshire?

The data we have so far only show raw numbers for age groups and do not include statistics for work, education and other demographics. However, the data we do have show there are some demographic shifts taking place that will have ramifications for our region in years to come.

That the largest age groups in both areas are 10 years older than a decade ago suggests that the region has quite a settled population, though falling numbers of 20 to 24-year-olds in both areas could indicated that people are moving away to find work, education and training opportunities elsewhere. Statistics for 30 to 39-year-olds, however, could suggest some people return after a stint away, perhaps to start a family.

Trends in developed countries of larger elderly populations and falling birth rates present the dual issue of fewer taxpayers and more people claiming pensions and relying on health services. This would become particularly acute if the falling number of under-fours became a persistent trend. In that case, the region would have to start attracting people from elsewhere with the prospect of decent jobs and a good quality of life.

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Is East Riding a nice place to live?

Blessed with rural beauty, bustling towns and a dramatic coastline, East Riding makes a wonderful place to call home. Affordable property prices make living here even more appealing, with luxurious city-centre apartments, quiet suburban new builds and charming country cottages to choose from.

Does East Riding of Yorkshire still exist?

The East Riding of Yorkshire is a local government district with unitary authority status, and is a ceremonial county of England.

What is the population of Driffield East Yorkshire?

Market Place, Driffield
Arms of Driffield Town Council
Driffield Location within the East Riding of Yorkshire
13,080 (2011 census)
Driffield - › wiki › Driffieldnull

What is East Riding famous for?

East Yorkshire hosts the oldest horse race in England – the Kiplingcotes Derby dating back to 1519. East Yorkshire's famous names include William Wilberforce, aviator Amy Johnson, Olympian Luke Campbell and actress Maureen Lipman.