She has a boyfriend but confides in me

If a girl has a boyfriend but talks to you every day, it doesn’t necessarily mean that she’s into you and that she wants to be in a relationship with you.

She’s probably talking to you because she likes your company and enjoys the entertainment that you provide to her on a daily basis.

She basically finds you fun to be around and likes spending her free time with you.

Nothing more, nothing less. Her focus is still on her boyfriend.

Keep in mind that she talks to you despite being in a relationship because she trusts you. She expects you to respect her relationship boundaries and wants you to continue to respect her.

As far as you and I know, she loves her boyfriend. And even if she doesn’t, you don’t have the right to meddle with their business.

She’s the one who decides if she truly loves the guy and whether she wants to leave him.

So whatever you do, don’t go YOLO on a girl with a boyfriend. If she has any respect for herself and her boyfriend, she’ll reject you in a swift manner and sever her ties with you.

And also, if her boyfriend finds out about it, you’re in big trouble.

Today, we’ll talk about what it means if she has a boyfriend but talks to you everyday.

She has a boyfriend but confides in me

What does it mean if a girl has a boyfriend but talks to you every day?

In most cases, a girl who has a boyfriend wants to stay with her boyfriend. She doesn’t want to cheat on him and she certainly doesn’t want to monkey-branch in a relationship with someone else.

She’s loyal and intends to keep it that way—so remember this whenever you think about trying your luck with her.

Remember that the girl whom you may have a crush on has feelings for someone else. She’s in a relationship with that person because she intends to spend the rest of her life with him.

That’s the idea, anyway.

So don’t attempt to sabotage what they’d built and what they aspire to achieve as a couple.

It took them months or years to get to where they are—and you have no right to confuse the girl by deliberately portraying yourself in a better romantic light than her boyfriend.

You can’t, or rather—shouldn’t bad-mouth and belittle her boyfriend and his ability to make the girl happy in the long run.

If she’s an adult with the mental capacity to look after herself, she’s more than capable of making her own decisions. She doesn’t need you to advise her.

Especially if it’s against her will and you’re trying to steal her from her boyfriend.

How to get a girl who has a boyfriend to like you?

If the girl’s relationship is on the verge of destruction and you don’t want to get caught in the crossfire, wait for the girl to leave her dysfunctional relationship.

Don’t push her to break up with the guy. Just sit tight and let her leave her boyfriend if that’s what she truly wants.

When their relationship is finally over, chances are that she will look for friends and companions to spend time with. It’s what dumpers do when they leave a suffocating relationship.

They look for new ways to distract themselves with—and you could be one of them.

But then again, you’ll only be one of them if the girl sees you as someone she can confide in.

I suppose this depends on how close you are to her and whether she trusts you with her personal issues.

If she likes you and wants to spend time with you, you’re already half-way there. Simply continue to spend (alone) time with her and be the best version of yourself.

Continue to get to know her and be there for her. Go out for drinks, help her with shopping, and plan activities that make her life easier and help her relax.

When she realizes that she enjoys her time with you, she’ll probably show you this in one way or another.

She might open up to you about certain relationship subjects. Maybe she’ll even take the initiative and invite you to her home and make the job easier on you.

As long as she likes you, the girl will be eager to learn more about you and your past.

She’ll tell you things she never told you about before—and you should do the same. Share your weaknesses with her and her trust and respect for you will increase.

Just don’t deceive her by pretending that you’re someone you’re not. When she gets to know you romantically, she’ll see that you’re not who you said you were.

The dangers of talking to a girl who just left her boyfriend

If you think that you’re lucky now that your crush is finally single, you’re mistaken.

You’re out of luck because this person is most likely not ready to be in a serious relationship yet.

She’s still exhausted from all the arguments and issues that she encountered in her previous relationship—so she’s far from ready to date you.

Unless she slowly detached from her boyfriend over a long period of time and is somewhat insecure and needs someone to love her for self-esteem reasons, of course.

In that case, feel free to date the girl who just left her boyfriend. You might have a fair shot at dating her on normal terms.

But if the girl just got dumped and is incredibly heartbroken, dating her when she’s starving for her ex-boyfriend’s attention and validation might not be the best idea.

You’ll most likely become her rebound and see her go through the 6 stages of a rebound relationship.

And the moment she feels better about herself or the moment her ex wants her back, you can almost be certain that things will take a turn for the worse.

She’ll likely leave you or go back to her ex and pretend that your relationship never happened.

So be careful about dating someone who’s not ready to date. It usually brings more issues than joy.

You’ll have to live with fear and anxiety

If the girl you have a crush on leaves her boyfriend for you or starts dating you right after the relationship with her ex, you probably won’t feel too good about it.

You’ll wonder how she was able to move on so quickly, and most importantly—if she’s going to do the same thing to you when she meets another guy.

The sense of foreboding in your gut will basically torture you with apprehension. If you’re a person with decent moral values because it will make you question hers.

You’ll likely have a difficult time trusting her with your heart because you’ll become overly cautious of everything that she’s capable of.

So before you celebrate about getting a chance at dating this girl, consider the dangers of dating someone who hasn’t fully recovered from her last relationship.

Think about whether the girl you’d been talking to is truly worth your love and attention and if your emotional well-being is worth the risk.

If you think that you can’t afford a heartbreak right now because you aren’t fully healed from something that’s happened to you, I would strongly suggest that you forget about this girl and find someone who can give you her best from the get-go.

She has a boyfriend but flirts with me

When a girl has a boyfriend but flirts with you, it sounds like a recipe for disaster.

She’s essentially shamelessly cheating on her partner and doesn’t care about her immoral actions.

It doesn’t matter if her relationship with her boyfriend is dead and if she doesn’t love him anymore.

She’s still officially with him and is technically breaking an oath – a promise.

And if she’s breaking a promise with the person whom she swore to be loyal to, what are the odds that she’s going to emotionally or physically cheat on you when similar circumstances recur?

From my understanding, people who mindlessly use, abuse, cheat, or lie—almost never change their behavioral patterns.

They continue to act as if their choices are flawless—and consequently, hurt others.

Narcissists and other manipulative people, for example, tend to do selfish things as long as they can benefit from them.

“How can I make myself feel better” is the question that doesn’t leave their mind very often because they lack empathy and compassion—as well as other important traits and characteristics that caring people have.

So before you flirt with a girl who has a boyfriend, ask yourself what her actions are saying about her.

If they’re saying bad things, this girl’s story isn’t something you’d brag about.

Heck, you wouldn’t even tell your kids about it because you wouldn’t want them to do the same to someone else.

You would want the best for them—so want the best for yourself by remembering that flirting with a girl who has a boyfriend is wrong.

Imagine someone doing it to your girlfriend when you’re trying to patch up the differences with her.

Why does she flirt with me if she’s with her boyfriend then?

The girl flirts with you because her relationship with her boyfriend lacks a lot of things.

It lacks loyalty, honesty, care, and respect as well as other key elements that form the basis of a healthy relationship.

But the relationship didn’t end up this way on its own. There’s a reason why this happened.

You’re free to think what you’d like of course, but it looks like the girl you have a crush on has something to do with it.

She’s displaying unethical characteristics by flirting with you so she’s technically already proven to you that she doesn’t care about the guy she’s with.

If you were that guy, she wouldn’t care either. She’d follow her emotions and flirt with the next guy in line.

Here’s what it means if a girl flirts with you when she has a boyfriend.

She has a boyfriend but confides in me

If you’re flirting with a girl who has a boyfriend, I completely understand how you feel. You like communicating with a person of the opposite gender and adore the attention that the girl is giving you.

Maybe you’re not even serious about dating her and you just want to see how far it will go.

Whatever your goals are, it’s not a good idea to flirt with her if she has a boyfriend because it could get too far.

Believe it or not, but you could eventually fall for her and so could she. You could make her leave her boyfriend and fall for a girl who might not be suitable for you.

So before you do something you’ll regret, let her relationship with her boyfriend finish and wait for her to express the desire to see you.

When she does that, take it very, very slowly.

If you rush, you’ll probably scare her away because she might not be ready to reciprocate your feelings for her.

The last topic of this article is if the girl you like wants you but has a boyfriend.

If she shows you that she’s interested in dating you despite being in a relationship, reflect on the points up till now and discern whether you want to take the risk to go out with her.

If you think that it’s worth it, I still suggest that you wait for her to leave her boyfriend. Give her a few weeks to take care of the mess she’s in and she might contact you when she’s ready.

And if you don’t have the patience to do that because you’re afraid that she’ll forget about you or find someone else, then simply keep talking to her and show her that you’re interested in her too.

She’ll probably soon cheat on her boyfriend with you.

Just note that you’ll be starting a relationship with her on really poor terms.

Does a girl have a boyfriend but talks to you everyday? Is she flirting or showing signs of interest? Post below.

How can you tell if a girl likes you but she has a boyfriend?

Additionally, pay attention to whether she goes out of her way to brush against your hand or arm, as well as whether she always smiles when she sees you and laughs at all of your jokes. These could be signs that she's more interested in you than in her boyfriend.

Why does she talk to me if she has a boyfriend?

She is only using you for her emotional support which she is not getting from her boyfriend. You will find that she talks to you about her relationship problems and she will often ask you for solutions. She definitely wants to keep her relationship and you're just a shoulder for her to cry on.

What does it mean when a girl confides in you?

If she is adding you to an exclusive group of confidants, then she is clearly very close to you. However, this doesn't mean she necessarily like-likes (fancies) you. Either way, take it as a good sign. It shows how comfortable she is with you and how much she trusts you.

How do you get a girl who has a boyfriend but likes you?

Look for opportunities to hang out with her and do fun things together, without any romantic expectations. To make her feel more at ease, try inviting her out with other friends at first. That way, she won't feel like you're trying to ask her out on a date right away.