Pokemon generation 1 aged poorly reddit

Just played Lets Go. What a truly miserable experience.

The typings are awful. Want a Grass type? Well it's also Poison. Bug? Hope you like Flying with that. Rock? Comes with a free Ground type. Ghost? Free poison type meaning no benefit to psychic.

Speaking of ghosts, Agatha is a Poison trainer right? Sure, she may claim she's a Ghost trainer. But all your mons are poison, that makes you a Poison trainer. (See also Lance- he's a Flying trainer.)

Movepools are shockingly restrictive. Later gens would have mons learn a variety of moves via level up like Bite, Iron Tail, Lick meaning your Mon has a fighting chance against every type. Here? So many only learn one STAB moves and Tackle. As such, made playing on Set rather than Shift miserable. Admittedly, this does open up when you get to Celadon, but pretty restrictive before that. God bless the Alolan trades, they don't have this issue, Fat Cheeks Raticate I love you.

BUT IT HAS THE BEST POKEMON! Nah, they're mostly terrible. Almost a quarter are just balls with legs (Poliwag, Geodude, Mankey, Jigglypuff, Venonat, maybe Golbat) or just balls (Koffing, Voltorb, arguably Magnemite) many designs that would be criticised if in any other gen (eggs? Slime? A French mine? A sassy black lady?) I wasn't a fan of the Unova dex and how so many were blatant copies, but Gigalith, Palpitoad, Amoonguss even Trubbish are better designs that Golem, Poliwrath, Voltorb and Grimer.

But Kantos fun? No. Every town has something unique, I'll give it that. But Game Freak ran out of ideas for routes by Cerulean. The route to Rock Tunnel is just a path. Why is Vermillion-Fushcia just fences? What purpose does this serve? People criticise Sw/Sh for their linear paths, but every route out of Saffron is about 15 blocks with 2 patches of grass. The only thing to break up the dull world is battles, which with the aforementioned lack of movepool also gets boring fast.

I get it, for a first attempt on aging hardware released in 1989 its a monumental achievement. But man, has it aged poorly. Let's Go should have actually remade it.

Agreed. The reason I think most of the older crowd (WE ARE NOT GENWUNNERS DAMMIT) holds this generation so dear is because of the atmosphere. Not only did we have the games, but we got to watch the anime, collect the cards, the toys. We literally breathed Pokémon. It was a truly magical time

What Pokémon offers now is still awesome albeit fragmented. It isn't the whole package anymore. Trading cards are still around but they aren't as popular as they were when they initially came out. Toys are harder to come by, at least for me. Stores don't have that big of a selection unless you go to a Pokémon center or Nintendo shop. And let's face it, the anime went pretty downhill for a while. Just six feet under. As for the games, they alone could suffice for a new fan to the world of Pokémon.

“Man, Pokémon just isn’t what it used to be,” I’ve heard more passionate players say.

Obviously. It’s 25 years old. Its primary market is children. Every generation of Pokémon is someone’s first generation. It’s not going to be catered to you every generation. Every generation they add a new gimmick and make it more accessible to newer players, and I think that’s great. I will always associate Pokémon with comfort.

In the original Pokémon Red, Blue and Yellow, you couldn’t run. You had an inventory limit. Nothing was organized or labeled.

Other older Pokémon fans, let’s take the rose-tinted glasses off and bring up things we didn’t like in retrospect regarding the older games, and some things in the newer games you think are improvements.

It’s got some pretty ugly sprites.

But I actually am astounded at how many branching paths there are in this game. You can do all kinds of things out of order, like skipping Erika and going straight to Koga.

The game really opens up once you reach Celadon City and get a drink to the gatekeeper at Saffron.

It’s really quite something. I never fully appreciated this when I was little.

Most of all, It’s got adventure. I never felt as if the game was pushing me into a certain direction. I was having an adventure of my own. That alone puts Gen 1 above Gen 6, 7, and 8.

I’d say Gen 1 is overhated now... but I do agree that Gamefreak exploits Kanto far too much these days.

The original games are still worth playing. In fact, I wish Modern Pokémon would keep this style of play. It’s definitely perfect for kids and adults.

RBY and FRLG are the best ways to experience Original Kanto, and probably should have remained the only ones.

I think it's odd that there are "genwunners" but there's really no people who cling to gens 2 through 5 as being the best. What's different about Gen 1 that has more people who cling to it than any other Gen in the series?

level 1

This is conjecture. Plenty of people love different Gens. I myself was old enough to play each as they came out, but consider Gen 2 my favorite. I would buy a VC version of Gold/Silver the second it came out, then quit my job to play it.

level 2

second this one. I bought Yellow on the VC thinking I would do it just to have it and play every now and then, but I'm amazed at how engrossed in it I am. It reminds me a lot of childhood. And with as much as I like the remakes, I would buy Gen II games on the VC in a heartbeat.

level 2

Same. I love rby, but i was completely consumed by gen 2. I remember just playing through silver over and over again until crystal came out, and then running that game repeatedly for months.

level 2

Exact same story here, I played all games as they came out, but Pokémon Silver is by far the game I have the best memories of. I loved the second generation of Pokémon. Just a few days I managed to buy Soulsilver second-hand (that game is so expensive even second-hand) to enjoy Johto again, and I would probably buy both Gold and Silver if they ever come out on the VC.

level 2

Pokemon was damn near unavoidable when it first came out. Even kids who weren't normally into video games much at least watched the show or played with the cards for a while.

level 2

To elaborate on this, I think if we're talking strictly about the video games, most people who were around for gens 1 and 2 agree that gen 2 is their favorite as it took all the aspects of gen 1 and significantly enhanced the playing experience. If we're including everything outside of the games, most people who were around for gens 1 and 2 agree that gen 1 is their favorite. It was a cultural phenomenon bigger and longer lasting than Harry Potter at its peak. Pokemon took the world by storm in 1996 and held on to the world for another 3 years. It was only about a year after gen 2 came out (both games/anime and merchandising) that its popularity dropped down to the levels it is at today.

TL:DR Most people probably think G/S/C > R/B/Y but Gen 1 was the biggest cultural phenomenon that they have ever experienced from anything in the entertainment industry.

level 1

Slightly off-topic, but I've never always seen people complain more about genwunners than I've seen actual genwunners.

Edit: that is, it's another example of how the counter-jerk becomes bigger than the circlejerk.

level 2

Its like the old Zelda is the princess thing. I have literally not heard anyone honestly Link Zelda since about the second grade, yet I see people complaining about it all the time

level 2

Wait... If you mean you see more genwunner complaints than actual genwunners, I completely agree with you. I'm tired of this argument(?). Why do these people need to defend their favorite games when no one is really attacking them?

level 2

Genwunners are typically hipsters you find at your local bar, not people who hang out on r/nintendo and r/pokemon.

level 2

I'd say I've seen equal amounts of both genwunners and people complaining about genwunners. Genwunners however usually just complain on topics focused on the newer games where as people complaining about genwunners complain on anything related to Pokemon/Nintendo and are more easily seen by people not looking soley at Pokemon content.

People should just like whatever they like and not be worried about what other people like, but I will admit it bothers me when people complain about new Pokemon designs/inanimate Pokemon when they have been around since gen 1.

level 1

Gen 5 my favorite, slaughter me. We may have a trashbag Pokemon, but you have sludge and a pokeball.

level 2

And a blackface drag queen.

Why does no one ever point out the blackface drag queen?

level 2

B/W so far has my favorite story out of all the games.

level 1

Gen 2 is my most favorite. Most of my friends think the same. It took everything about gen 1, made it better: added more Pokemon, an amazing day/night system, and being able to revisit the land from gen 1. Just because the majority of people on a subreddit think one way doesn' t mean they represent/speak for all the other gamers in the world. Haha.

level 1

I disagree with you. There is a huge B&W fanbase out there.

level 2

Yeah I think all of them have a decently sized fanbase except 4, which I don't understand because 4 was pretty good.

level 1

What are you talking about? I love gen III, lots of people prefer gen II as their favorite, gen 4-6 is probably too soon for people to be nostalgic over, but I'm sure there are some who think they're the best. Just because there's a lot of people who live gen 1 doesn't mean that nobody likes the other ones.

level 2

You don't see many people who are passionate about other gens to the point to where they think all others are hot garbage though.

level 1

IGN got eviscerated last year because it dared to give a remake of a game with an objectively lousy layout a 7.8 because they didn't change said lousy layout at all.

There are crazies for every gen.


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