Mississippi mud black and tan review

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  1. Mississippi mud black and tan review

Mississippi Mud Black & TanMississippi Brewing Co.


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Mississippi mud black and tan review

Reviewed by JZH1000 from Colorado

3.75/5  rDev +17.9%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 4 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 3.75

Poured from an undated 32oz howler style bottle which is apparently the only way to get this beer.

On the pour a one finger head forms then quickly gets fizzy and fades to a ring around the glass. Carbonation is very fine but pretty active. body is a dark reddish brown, light gets through pretty well.

Aroma is relatively light for what it is, but what is there is pretty nice. A solid cross between a porter and a pilsner with some light noble-esque hops balanced by a chocolatey malty alighted ale like notes. Dark malty notes, but it's difficult to pick up on much woth how light the aroma is. Nothing off.

Flavor is predictable after the aroma. Relatively light in flavor, but that's there is clean and a good cross of pils and porter. Sort of like something vaguely close to an English bitter but more germanized I suppose. Relatively light and feels like something g that would've been created before the Craft beer boom, but it's very difficult to get any sort of information about the brewery or this beet in general. Onto my second glass, the roasted barley notes bring a more and more obvious coffee note as you drink more quite nice.

Feel is very drinkable and once again a cross of pils and porter. Refreshing and light while carrying some nice roasty notes. A bit watery for the style, so leaning toward the pils feel wise. The porter brings in a bit of mouth coating maltiness, but the feel is mostly light.

Overall this is a good beer, but it could be a bit happier to bring home the pils, but it just is a bit light for being a pilsner AND porter. It could be a bit old seeing as it's a single in a weird format, but If it interests you I'd say try it. It's good but light.

Aug 07, 2022

Mississippi mud black and tan review

Reviewed by xmanden from Michigan

4.38/5  rDev +37.7%
look: 4.5 | smell: 4 | taste: 4.5 | feel: 4.5 | overall: 4.5

Nice clear amber color. It smells like malt with hints of chocolate and toffee like a Heath candy bar. Surprisingly smooth and well balance taste. Robust and filling, the chocolate is in the taste as well as coffee, but not bitter. This is a nice beer for its price point. If you like darks and reds, give this a try.

May 23, 2022

Mississippi mud black and tan review

Reviewed by stevoj from Idaho

2.84/5  rDev -10.7%
look: 2.5 | smell: 2.75 | taste: 3 | feel: 2.75 | overall: 2.75

32oz jug from Winco. Cola colored pour, fizzy head, then flat. Aroma is light roast and caramel. Taste is sweet, root beer, roast malts. Super fast finish leaves a full feeling on the palate.

May 13, 2022

Mississippi mud black and tan review

Reviewed by Christianriveraaa

4.3/5  rDev +35.2%
look: 4 | smell: 4 | taste: 4.5 | feel: 4.5 | overall: 4.25

The pour was nice and smooth, not to much foam rising to the surface. The smell reminds me of something close to a Modelo kind of smell mixed with Guiness. The initial taste was very refreshing actually, kind of took me by surprise. I was expecting more of a bitter taste but it tasted sweet like a Pilsner with a kind of bitter ending at the end. Overall not bad! this was actually pretty refreshing coming straight out of the gym trying this.

Feb 06, 2022

Mississippi mud black and tan review

Rated by Animage_66 from Georgia

3.38/5  rDev +6.3%
look: 4.25 | smell: 3 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3 | overall: 3.5

It's not bad for the price. but you are better off with a 6 pack of yuingling black and tan for this price range if its available.

Jun 16, 2021

Mississippi mud black and tan review

Reviewed by BNSlums from Washington

3.54/5  rDev +11.3%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3.25 | taste: 3.75 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 3.5

L: Dark caramel to amber, surprisingly clear. Srm ~27. Inch tan head remained a minute. Moderate carbonation visible.

S: Burnt toffee and caramel. Hints of coffee. Bread crust upfront and throughout.

T: Pilsner beginning followed by the porter. Obvious Pilsner finish as well, bready and light. A crisp finish but malty in the middle, and sweet. Vanilla, not much fruit sweetness, but bread sweetness, all roasted.

F: Moderate body, slick and oily, like mud. Not, however, mouthcoating. The Pilsner covers that.

All in all, if one is into premixed black and tans, go for it. It sips smooth but is strange for me to be mixed with a Pilsner, almost too light. I see the appeal of crispy malt, but there is not substantial sweetness to back it up. Not bad, but not great either.

Nov 25, 2020

Mississippi mud black and tan review

Rated by HelloTMarie from California

4.11/5  rDev +29.2%
look: 5 | smell: 4 | taste: 4 | feel: 4.5 | overall: 4

Love this beer! It’s dark and smooth!

Oct 11, 2020

Mississippi mud black and tan review

Reviewed by jetpower from California

4.8/5  rDev +50.9%
look: 5 | smell: 5 | taste: 4.5 | feel: 5 | overall: 5

Mississippi Mud is the perfect balance of black & tan for refreshment AND taste. It defies expectations of summer lager and winter porter with hints of each. While Mud is challenging to compare due to its uniqueness, its loyal followers know what they like - and the screw-on cap is there for a reason: Bama Mud is just as good the next day.

Trader Joe's now-national presence makes Mud available in most or all markets; the trick these days is locating the 16 oz. 4-pack, which seems to have disappeared of late.

Oct 04, 2020

Mississippi mud black and tan review

Reviewed by nebula1999 from Connecticut

3.47/5  rDev +9.1%
look: 3.75 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3 | overall: 3.5

Drank a lot of this back in the day, mid 1990s. Brings me back. Just okay now, despite it being my first introduction to the style. Nevertheless, it'still not too bad. Fun to revisit. Malty, yet crisp from the pilsner. Mild overall. Worth a shot.

Apr 22, 2020

Mississippi mud black and tan review

Reviewed by Tommon

4.28/5  rDev +34.6%
look: 4 | smell: 4 | taste: 4.5 | feel: 4.25 | overall: 4.25

I love this beer and now the local grocery stores and liquor stores do not carry it anymore. I’d love to find somewhere in San Antonio TX. Anyone have any idea where I can find it?

Mar 27, 2020

Mississippi mud black and tan review

Reviewed by StonedTrippin from Colorado

3.5/5  rDev +10.1%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 3.5

$3.49 for a jug of this stuff, a price suggesting it should be cheap tasting and terrible, especially given the packing probably costing a good chunk of that, but it isnt, it ends up being a great deal for a surprisingly flavorful and dynamic beer. a blend of pils and porter they say, and when i taste it, i agree, i definitely taste pilsener malt and lager yeast in this, very much to my surprise. it looks light brown or even deep red in color, paler than expected, and with the amount of the lager i taste, im betting this isnt an even blend, but is a little lighter on the darker beer. i get some minerals, dry cocoa, molasses, roasted barley, some english bready yeast character too, a crackery pils layer, and maybe slight metallics to finish, but this is pretty good for what it is, thin but easy drinking. this appears to be some pseudo craft thing though, like the brewery doesnt seem to exist, there are multiple layers of "brewing companies" involved, but none that i have known, and utica new york is a long way from mississippi, maybe a montucky sort of situation here. either way, it tastes well better than expectations, with both threads of the blend appreciable as decent beers it seems, if its all a hoax, they did a good job fooling me. me and my new "mud brothers" decided its been too long since well all had one of these, and split a jug for the heck of it. all of us were surprised how much we liked it. this was a product i may have unfairly written off a decade ago, and one i wont be shy to buy again. how this ended up in every gas station in the country baffles me, but im glad to know its easy to find in a pinch. underrated, if its been awhile for you too, go pick one up and treat yourself!

Dec 06, 2019

Mississippi mud black and tan review

Reviewed by mrecatskill

4.89/5  rDev +53.8%
look: 4.75 | smell: 5 | taste: 4.75 | feel: 5 | overall: 5

Amazing beer, I sipped it straight from the jug just sitting on my porch. This is the most amazing part the awesome glass artfully decorated collectable jug. I just felt like an old timer just a sipping away then it was gone. Good to the last drop! The only time I have ever had this taste in beer was an Octoberfest long time ago. Can you imagine I lived my entire life in Upstate NY.. now I live in Boise Idaho and have tasted this amazing Upstate NY beer living in the north west what a taste from home well done.

Nov 24, 2019

Mississippi mud black and tan review

Reviewed by BigGuyDontCry from New York

3.86/5  rDev +21.4%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3 | taste: 4 | feel: 4.25 | overall: 4.5

Being a big guy I like big servings and I have always really enjoyed the quart bottles of Mississippi mud. While this beer isn't going to win any awards and there's nothing about it that really smacks you in the face, it is a very drinkable and very enjoyable beer in a fun format and a nice serving size. I have been a fan for a good twenty years at this point and I am glad to see they haven't changed their formula. Their blend strikes a nice balance,not too sweet, flavorful but not so rich that drinking a quart of it is unpleasant in fact you will want another one. Honestly I can drink this all day long and not get tired of it. Leans a little less on the porter side than Yuengling black and tan.

Sep 23, 2019

Mississippi mud black and tan review

Reviewed by chitoryu12 from Florida

3.72/5  rDev +17%
look: 4.25 | smell: 4 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 3.75

Look: Clear, dark amber. Huge off-white head of foam with excellent retention.

Smell: Chocolate malts, a tiny bit of hop spice, some yeast.

Taste: Chocolate malt with a bit of roastiness. Very mild hop bitterness. Somewhat watery flavor.

Mouthfeel: Thin, with average carbonation.

Overall: Not bad. The marketing choice is quite surprising for a very British beer, though.

Jul 14, 2019

Mississippi Mud Black & Tan from Mississippi Brewing Co.

Beer rating: 73 out of 100 with 1289 ratings

What does Mississippi Mud taste like?

Taste: Chocolate malt with a bit of roastiness. Very mild hop bitterness. Somewhat watery flavor. Mouthfeel: Thin, with average carbonation.

Who makes Mississippi Mud Black and Tan?

About Hornell Brewing Co., Inc. Hornell Brewing Company, established in 1934, has been selling beer for nearly eight decades. They are famously known for Crazy Horse, Crazy Stallion, Midnight Dragon, Arnold Palmer Hard and Mississippi Mud, yet are constantly continuing to bring innovative products to market.

What is the alcohol content of Mississippi Mud?

Dating back to 18th century England, the custom of blending pale and dark beers has kept the "Black & Tan" a favorite of experienced beer drinkers for centuries. ... Share..