Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

This article will be updated every time new characters are released for the game, so check back often!


Things in this article

Character Overview (alphabetical)

Amazing Spider-Man (Peter Parker)[Defenders, Web Warriors (Leader)]

Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update
Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

This version of Spider-Man has a Leadership ability for the Web Warriors which allows any of your allies to pay 1 Power to slow an enemy character. As a fighter, Amazing Spider-Man is fast and mobile character with full re-rolls for dodge and defense as well as several abilities that combine attacking and moving either himself or others around.

Ancient One (Ancient One) [Convocation, Defenders]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

The Ancient One excels at Mystic attacks an can apply both Poison and Stagger to targets. It also has the cool reactive ability Winds of Watoomb, which can pull an attacker closer to the Ancient One regardless of the distance from which it is attacking.

Angela (Aldrif Odinsdottir) [A-Force, Asgard, Guardians of the Galaxy)

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

This Asgardian swordmaster is great at closing in on her target and delivering devastating close combat damage. Her Heven’s Wrath attack lets her add dice to the attack equal to the size of the target, making her a real giantslayer as well, and she can fly.

Ant-Man (Scott Lang) [Avengers]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Ant-Man has two profiles – one for when he’s tiny (size 1) and normal-sized (size 2). His normal size profile has a strong Beam attack (hits several targets in a row) that applies Poison and Stun, as well as a standard attack that also allows it to switch to its tiny profile. The tiny profile has a better standard attack that also allows Ant-Man to change size, but no Beam attack. Instead, it has a free Power that lets it relocate within Range 3 once per turn, and a full reroll of defense and dodge dice, so Ant-Man is a very versatile character who can switch back and forth between a mostly defensive and mostly aggressive profile – and the kit comes with a model for each of the profiles!

Arnim Zola (Arnim Zola) [Hydra]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

This Hydra villain has an extremely versatile standard attack that allows him to choose the damage type of the attack, as well as whether he wants to Bleed, Shock, Slow or Stun the target if the attack does damage – an attack that’s literally got something for everyone. he can also increase his attack dice at the risk of doing damage to himself, and he’s generally an unpredictable character that gives you great power at the risk of suffering negative effects to himself or allies – He’s superhero science anxiety in its purest form!

Baron Mordo (Karl Amadeus Mordo) [Cabal, Convocation]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Much like the Ancient One, Baron Mordo is a sorcerer specialised in Mystic attacks that also apply special conditions. He can follow up his attacks with Soul Barb, an ability that lets you spread Hex, Incinerate, Poison or slow from one affected enemy character to all its nearby allies. Additionally, Ferocity of Cyttorak lets Baron Mordo buff the attack dice of an ally who pays the price of magic by suffering a wound in return.

Baron Strucker (Wolfgang von Strucker) [Hydra (Leader)]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

The Baron Strucker character is a master of transferring damage and special conditions between himself, his allies and his enemies. His The World is Mine attack costs 4 Power but heals him for the same amount of damage as he deals with the attack, and his Hydra Affiliation Leadership ability is a one-two punch that allows an allied character to transfer a special condition it has to an enemy character after a succesful attack, thereby removing the special condition from itself – and then it heals an allied character who loses a special condition for 1 damage. As a great combo ability for this ability, Strucker can also apply Poison to all characters within Range 3 of him for 2 Power. Strucker is generally a Leader who excels at adding value to his allies, and he has a Healing Factor and a good buff to defense and attack rolls to boot.

Baron Zemo (Helmut Zemo) [Cabal]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Baron Zemo is a swordsman with surprising range and mobility. He uses the Large movement gauge, but he also has an ability that lets him make a move action and an attack action as one action. As long as he stays close to his target, he can also reroll all his attack and defense dice when using or defending against Physical attacks, and as if that wasn’t enough, he lets nearby allies reroll two of their defense and attack dice. He’s a real gem of an affordable villain, and he’s included in the starter set.

Beast (Henry McCoy) [Avengers, Inhumans, Uncanny X-Men]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

This wall-crawling, acrobatic mutant is great at getting movement out of attack actions. He can also throw stuff, pay Power for rerolls and gain Power from rolling skulls. His many movement skills require a good tactical player to fully utilize, but since he has good access to gaining Power, zapping him around the board applying damage and Bleed with his Animalistic Freestyle attack is definitely a viable way to go.

Black Bolt (Blackagar Boltagon) [Inhumans (Leader)]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

As the only Leader of the Inhumans affiliation, Black Bolt is a must-have for Inhumans players. His Leadership ability lets you move 1 Power token from an allied character to another nearby ally, and he has a good 4 Power attack, but the real fun begins when you flip his character card to the Injured side: He then gains the Whisper attack – a Beam attack that applies Stun and Stagger, lets you roll 9 attack dice (which another of his abilities can increase to 11!) and destroy all small interactive terrain features in the line of fire of the Beam attack. Quite an awesome way to represent the terrifying voice of the king of the Inhumans!

Black Cat (Felicia Hardy) [A-Force, Criminal Syndicate, Midnight Sons, Web Warriors]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Black Cat is a specialist character who can’t deal a lot of damage at all, but in return, she’s very fast, has an attack that has a 100% chance to apply the Stagger special condition, and, most importantly, a superpower that lets her steal an Asset or Civilian token from an adjacent enemy character. She’s also really hard to hit, so if you want an affordable character who can fit into 4 different affiliations and mess with your opponent’s plans, Black Cat has you covered.

Black Dwarf (Black Dwarf) [Black Order]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

This big brute hits pretty hard, but his real utility lies in his Reactive superpower Intimidating Presence lets him pay 2 Power to become the target of an enemy attack instead of the target originally intended, regardless of the distance to the attacker. On top of that, Black Dwarf has an Innate superpower that reduces all damage caused to him by 1 (but it can’t go lower than 1). In short, Black Dwarf is the tank of your supervillainous adventuring party.

Black Panther (T’Challa) [Wakanda (Leader), Avengers]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

The sole Leader of the Wakanda affiliation for obvious reasons, Black Panther lets his allies spend 1 Power to reroll one dice when they attack, defend or dodge. However, he is also a formidable fighter on his own, with the option pay Power to reroll his dice, and with access to both Physical and Energy attacks, good movement and a Vibranium Armor defensive superpower that changes when you flip his character card to its Injured side. Finally, his Kinetic Burst attack has a chance to inflict Explosive Force, which pushes all characters around him Small range away as well as applying 1 damage to each of them. Pretty badass.

Black Swan (Black Swan) [Black Order]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Black Swan’s standard attack isn’t particularly special, but Black Swan is one of those characters who allow you to pull off absolutely devastating attacks in one activation if you have the Power to pay for it. If, for example, you have 6 Power tokens on her, you can pay 2 to take her Charge action (make a move action and an attack action as one action) and let the attack be Everything Dies, a Strength 8 attack for 4 Power, which can Throw the target. Everything Dies, in turn, triggers a free Eye Beam attack, a Strength 5 Energy attack that applies Incinerate to the target and allows you to change one of its succesful defense dice to a blank, targeting the same enemy as the first attack. So, for 6 Power, you run up to an enemy, punch them really hard, throw them, and light them on fire with your eyes! On top of all this, Black Swan is also a Gem Bearer.

Black Widow (Natasha Romanova) [A-Force, Avengers, SHIELD]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Black Widow is one of the characters in the starter set, and she only costs 2 Threat Level. She has three different attacks. two Physical attacks and one Energy attack, the ability to counter-strike (deal damage to an attacker), has great movement and the Stealth Innate superpower which means she can’t be targeted by long range attacks. This profile for Black Widow isn’t nearly as interesting as the one below, so if you have access to that, consider using it instead.

Black Widow, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. (Natasha Romanoff) [A-Force, Avengers, SHIELD]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

This second profile for Black Widow has a pretty cool standard attack called Automatic Pistol, which lets you use the attack twice, a Poison-inducing Tear Gas area attack and the Widow’s Kiss Energy attack which adds 1 dice to its attack roll for each special condition the target has. Even more interestingly, this version of Black Widow has the Interrogate Reactive superpower, which can be used if she’s close to Dazed enemy characters. If she uses this superpower, the Victory Points you score from Crisis cards in the next Cleanup Phase goes up by 1. Black Widow, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. has a Threat Level that’s 1 higher than the regular Black Widow Profile, but she’s worth it.

Blade (Eric Brooks) [Avengers, Defenders, Midnight Sons (Leader)]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Blade is the Leader of the Midnight Sons Affiliation (letting one allied character spend 1 Power to relocate Range 1 each turn), but he’s also an absolute berserker with his twin blades. All his attacks cause the Bleed special condition, and his Mystic attack Night of the Dhampir can reroll its attack dice if the target already has the Bleed special condition. All of this synergizes with his Innate superpower Vampiric Immortality, which heals him for 1 damage and gives him 1 Power at the end of his activation for each character near him with the Bleed special condition, allowing Blade to stay on his feet and keep attacking as long as he is on the frontlines dishing out Bleed conditions.

Bob, Agent of Hydra (Robert Dobalina) [Cabal]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Bob, Agent of Hydra, is absolutely nuts. His defenses are pretty bad, his standard attack is as vanilla as they come, but, oh my: his Excessive Violence is pretty crazy. A Strength 9, Range 4 attack that deals 2 damage to everyone around Bob and throws him Range Small away from the target and Bob takes 3 damage if it doesn’t have a Dazed token (we’ll get back to that in a second). The attack basically simulates someone (Bob) who doesn’t know how to handle a rocket launcher fire one in the face of an enemy character. To use this attack, Bob needs a Loaded token, which is something he gets at the start of the game, and if he’s spent that one, he has to pay 8 Power to get a new one. And we’re not done! On his Injured side, Bob can’t be KO’ed. Instead, he gains a Dazed token and keeps going, but loses 3 Power in every Cleanup Phase.

Finally, if Bob is on his Injured side and is the only character you have on the battlefield, you lose the game. Insane.

Bullseye (Benjamin Poindexter) [Cabal, Criminal Syndicate]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Bullseye is a long range specialist with two Range 4 attacks, one of which can be fired twice as one action. He also has the “reverse charge” Hit and Run superpower that lets him make an attack and then a move action, and the I Never Miss superpower lets him pay 1 Power after an unsuccesful attack to deal 1 damage to the target. Bullseye isn’t big on synergies or great combos, but he’s good at dealing damage at range while keeping out of harm’s way.

Cable (Nathan Summers) [Avengers, X-Force (Leader), Uncanny X-Men]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Cable is the Leader of the X-Force affiliation, with a simple but nice Leadership ability that allows all allies to reroll 1 attack dice per turn. His standard attack has a very long range for a standard attack, and his Askani’ Son attack is a strong (but expensive) area attack that also heals him (and has a chance to Stagger the target when Cable is Injured).

Cable can also buff the defense rolls of nearby allies and throw terrain features of variable sizes depending on how much Power he spends to do so.

Captain America (Steve Rogers) [Avengers (Leader)]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Captain America’s Steve Rogers version is one of a few different Leaders for the Avengers affiliation. His Leadership ability reduces the Power cost of the first superpower an allied character uses each turn. His attacks are all Physical, but full of utility: Strike can push the target away, Shield Throw ignores Line of Sight and has a chance to trigger another attack, and Shield Slam can throw the target. On top of this, this version of Captain America has the very useful Bodyguard Reactive superpower that allows him to become the target of an enemy attack instead of the original target. Finally, his thematically awesome Innate superpower I Can Do This All Day makes him a lot better at defense rolls when his card is on its Injured side.

Captain America (Sam Wilson) [Avengers (Leader)]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Captain America’s Sam Wilson version is also a Leader for the Avengers affiliation, but his Leadership ability is quite different than the one Steve Rogers has: All New, All Different activates when Wilson or another allied character is Dazed or KO’d. Then, you can choose another allied character who isn’t Dazed and tlet them heal a wound, make a Small move and remove a special condition. Since this can happen once per round and doesn’t require you to lose a character first (Dazed also works), this is a pretty useful ability.

Sam Wilson also has a Shield Throw attack, but in addition to that, he has Redwing Assault, which has a higher Strength and lets you move this character as well. Wilson can also Air Lift to move another allied character alongside him, which works great with his Long Range speed statistic. In general, Wilson is a more mobile Captain America with an interesting Leadership ability.

Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers) [A-Force, Avengers]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Captain Marvel, another character from the game’s Core Set, has a good Physical attack, an Energy Blast for which she can reroll all her attack dice, a staggering Rocket Punch, a throwing superpower called Danvers’ Special, and the ability to pay 4 Power to add 2 dice to its attack and defense rolls. That might seem a bit expensive for an ability that she really needs to buff her attacks, but she can also absorb Power from enemy Energy attacks, so she has a chance to have more than enough Power to keep churning out the good Energy attacks.

Carnage (Cletus Kasady) [Spider-Foes]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Carnage is an excellent close combat fighter with a Bleed-causing standard attack, an area attack that also causes Bleed and some extra wounds, but his other superpowers are what really make him stand out. For 3 Power, he can fully heal himself, move and attack after Dazing/KO’ing an enemy character, defending characters can’t add extra dice to their rolls from critical hits – and he can add 2 extra dice to his attacks for 2 Power at the risk of also suffering wounds himself. In short, he’s a true berserker, but he also has an Arch Nemesis ability that makes him much better against Eddie Brock, but he also has to attack him if he’s nearby. Carnage is a beast, as long as you keep him away from Energy and Mystic attacks, against which he only has a Defense of 1.

Cassandra Nova (Cassandra Nova Xavier) [Cabal]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Cassandra Nova is mainly a Mystic character, and she has a lot of tricks up the sleeve of her coat: Her Psionic Bolt attack can drain Power from its target, Mind Possession lets you move its target around, and the Physical attack Flesh Manipulation is a hardhitting attack that can also push characters. On top of this, she can Slow and Root enemies with one ability, ignore collision damage (for the price of 2 Power) with another, and she has a Reactive superpower that can cause damage to characters moving close to her. Add her Flight and Healing Factor to this, and it’s no wonder that she has a Threat Level of 5!

Clea (Clea) [Convocation, Defenders]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Clea is a Mystic character with a Bleed-causing standard attack and the terrifying Icy Tendrils of Ikthalon has a chance to cause both Slow, Stun and Stagger. She can gain 3 extra Power each activation at the risk of suffering up to 5 damage (which would mean she got Dazed/KO’ed). She can also throw objects or characters and move itself or another nearby character. In short, Clea is great for inflicting Special Conditions on enemies and moving them around, but like all other practitioners of magic, there can be a price to pay for spending too much Power with her.

Colossus (Piotr Rasputin) [Brotherhood of Mutants, X-Force, Uncanny X-Men]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Colossus is a real tank, with the ability to make himself the target of an enemy attack directed at another friendly character, an Innate superpower that reduces damage dealt to him by 1, an immunity to Bleed, two good Physical attacks and his Health increases by 1 when his card is turned to its Injured side, so he’s really hard to take down.

Corvus Glaive (Corvus Glaive) [Black Order]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Corvus Glaive is a powerful Gem Bearer with the cool Death Blow attack that lets him move and gives him a chance to make a free standard Strike attack. Both of these become even better if Glaive pays 3 Power to turn all blank dice in their attack rolls into successes with Glaive’s Edge. What really makes him shine, though, is if you field him with his partner, Proxima Midnight. Then you can pay 1 Power to activate her after Glaive, and skipping the enemy’s chance to activate between two of your activations is always a big advantage.

Crimson Dynamo (Dimitri Bukharin) [Winter Guard (Leader)]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Crimson Dynamo is a Leader for the Winter Guard affiliation, with a Leadership ability that lets allied characters remove 1 special condition per round and resist being pushed when contesting a Secure objective – a nice ability for holding your ground at objectives.

He can gain an extra 2 Power each turn for free, can reduce incoming damage dealt to him and reroll some of an attacker’s dice when he is the target, but an especially cool thing about Crimson Dynamo is that his standard Electric Blast attack is a Beam attack with a chance to cause the Shock special condition. An attack that can hit multiple targets without costing any Power is always nice to have.

Crossbones (Brock Rumlow) [Cabal, Criminal Syndicate]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Crossbones is part of the Core Set, and he’s a fun, straightforward character to use. His Overpower attack is great for grabbing objectives as it lets him teleport toward his target and get a chance to throw the target as well. He can add three dice to his attacks for 4 Power, and spend 1 Power to reduce incoming damage. Finally, he can always advance towards an attacker after taking damage from their attack. Crossbones is, in short, an aggressive wrecking ball who’s always heading towards the fight.

Crystal (Crystal Amaquelin) [A-Force, Inhumans]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Crystal is remarkable for having no less than 4 different attacks that don’t cost any Power to use. Three of them cause different special conditions (Stun, Slow, Incinerate), and the last one can Push the target. What Crystal does use Power for is Elemental Onslaught, which costs 4 Power and allows you to make two different attacks in a row. Enemy characters near Crystal can’t use Shake to remove the special conditions she can cause, and she can always reroll one of her dice in attack or defense rolls. All of this makes Crystal a very versatile, but also complex character to play.

Cyclops (Scott Summers) [Uncanny X-Men (Leader)]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Cyclops is a Leader for the Uncanny X-Men affiliation, with a Leadership ability that let allied characters spend 1 Power to reduce the Power cost of the attack action of the currently activated allied character, which is definitely one of the cooler Leadership abilities.

He has a standard attack called Optic Blast (of course), but his really good attack is called Optic Devastation, a beam attack with 7 Strength that takes Power away from the target(s). Other than that, Cyclops can pay 2 Power to do a move action and an attack action, and he can grant a Small free move to a nearby aliied character.

Daredevil (Matt Murdock) [Defenders, Web Warriors]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Daredevil is a fast, wall-crawling superhero with a good close combat Strike attack, a long-range Baton Hook attack that ignores Line of Sight, and an area attack that gets stronger the more enemies surround him. If he gets attacked by a nearby enemy, Daredevil can pay 2 Power to make a free Strike attack against the attacker – but that’s only when Daredevil’s character card is on its Healthy side. If the card is on its Injured side, Daredevil can instead make an extra attack against a nearby enemy for 2 Power, at the risk of suffering some damage himself.

Darkstar (Laynia Petrovna) [Winter Guard]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Darkstar has the Innate Flight superpower, and her standard attack Darkforce Strike allows her to reroll all 5 dice for the attack. Her other attack, Rending Force, is a bit expensive at 3 Power, but with 7 Strength, the chance to apply Bleed to the target and the option to choose whether the attack is Physical or Energy every time you use it makes it pretty great.

Otherwise, Darkstar is a support character who can teleport herself or an allied character, as well as adding 2 dice to the defense roll of a nearby ally and raise their resistances to certain special conditions for 3 Power.

Deadpool (Wade Wilson) [Avengers, X-Force]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Deadpool as a comics and movie character is absolutely bonkers: He’s a fourth-wall-breaking, murderous, ironic killer clown with the ability to heal back from almost any injury, an ability that allows him to behave like a Looney Tunes character in real life.

In Marvel Crisis Protocol, this translates pretty perfectly to his rules: His standard attacks are called Stab and Bang (and certain dice results can turn Bang into Bang, Bang or Bang, Bang, Bang for additional attacks), and his Merc With A Mouth superpower lets him remove 2 Power from an enemy character (through the power of sick burns). He can’t be moved around by Mystic attacks or superpowers, because his brain is too far gone for that, and he has a Healing Factor of 2, of course.

Deadpool also counts as Healthy for the purpose of securing objectives even when his card is on its Injured side, and he also gains a very strong attack called Maximum Effort! when being injured.

Doctor Octopus (Otto Octavius) [Spider-Foes]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Doctor Octopus is a character that comes with the Core Set, and he’s pretty straightforward to play. His standard Strike attack has a Range of 3, and if he rolls any Wild symbols, they count as two successes. He also has a long Range Arm Lasers attack, he can throw characters and objects, and he gains 1 Power for every dice roll in which he rolls a crit. Finally, his mechanical tentacles also allow him the Wall-Crawler Innate superpower.

Doctor Strange (Stephen Vincent Strange) [Convocation, Defenders (Leader), Midnight Sons]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

This first of two different Doctor Strange character profiles definitely isn’t for beginners, as his character card contains about twice the amount of rules as most of the Core Set characters. Let’s start with the easy stuff: His standard attack can push its target, he can fly, he’s a Gem Bearer so he can carry the Soul or Time Gem, he can heal other allied characters, and he can reroll his attack and defense rolls.

On top of that, he’s a Leader of the Defenders affiliation, with a Leadership ability that allows allies to pay 1 power to give the Hex special condition to targets of one of their attacks and change the type of that attack. He can buff allied defense rolls, and he gains 1 Power whenever he makes a dice roll with at least one Shield Symbol.

Finally, his Crimson Bands of Cyttorak attack has a chance to give an unactivated enemy target an Activated token, which means that character skips its activation. That’s a very impressive list of abilities!

Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme (Stephen Vincent Strange) [Convocation, Defenders]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

This second, newer version of Doctor Strange isn’t a Leader, but otherwise, he’s very much a support character. His standard attacks are, well, pretty standard, but his big Mystic attack Shining Circle of the Seraphim has a Strength of 7, hits an area rather than one target and has a chance to heal nearby allies as well as remove a special condition from them. It’s a bit expensive to use, but Strange gains 2 rather than 1 Power per turn, so you’ll get to use it eventually. He can also gain Power from Mystic Armor of Strange, one of his Innate superpowers.

Finally, Eye of Agamotto lets Strange reroll all his attack or defence dice once per attack, as well as modifying and rerolling Skulls rolls.

This version of Strange isn’t amazing in the first round, but if you play him well, he can really pull off some crazy magic once you have enough Power for it.

Doctor Voodoo (Jericho Drumm) [Avengers, Convocation, Midnight Sons]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Doctor Voodoo is a fun but pretty advanced character to play. His two standard attacks are remarkable for their ability to subtract Power from targets (and one of them even gives that Power to Doctor Voodoo instead), but the core of the character’s abilities are all about his Brother Daniel token, symbolizing the ghost of Voodoo’s dead brother.

Doctor Voodoo starts the game with the token, which gives him better defenses and an extra Power for every roll in which he rolls at least one skull – but the token has offensive capabilities as well. With Possession, you can spend an amount of Power equal to the Threat Level of the character you want to posess, and then move the Brother Daniel token to that (enemy) character. That character then drops all its objective tokens and loses the ability to interact with objectives in any way, as long as it has the Brother Daniel token.

Voodoo can also throw characters, and if a character has the Brother Daniel token, it can even be thrown if it is Size 3. Voodoo can recall the token to himself in every Power phase, and, for 2 Power, when he is targeted by an attack.

The Brother Daniel token is pretty great for disrupting enemy plans for objectives, and diminishing enemy Power pools through attacks is also really good. The only thing you have to watch out for is that Doctor Voodoo has bad defences against Physical and Energy attacks when he doesn’t have his Brother Daniel Token.

Domino (Neena Thurman) [A-Force, X-Force, Uncanny X-Men]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Domino is a ranged character with the ability to generate critical hits on her rolls.

Her standard attack can generate extra attacks, her Grenade Bounce attack ignores cover, and her Lucky Shot attack can stun the target. On top of this, her Probability Manipulation Superpower lets you turn rolls of Skulls intro critical hits – but you have to pay 1 Power for each dice you want to turn into a crit. This is a bit situational, but it’s a fun way of turning a bad roll into a good one. In addition to this, critical hits don’t generate extra rolls for characters attacking or defending against Domino.

Dormammu (Dormammu) [Dark Dimension (Leader)]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Dormammu is a Leader of the Dark Dimension affiliation. He’s the only member of that affiliation, but don’t let that fool you: Whenever Dormammu is included in a team, everyone in that team gets the Dark Dimension affiliation! Everyone in the affiliation gets 1 additional Power per turn. This makes Dormammu fun to use for mixed squads that wouldn’t otherwise fit an affiliation, so if you’re into rolling out the spreadsheets and figuring out the optimal combo of characters regardless of affiliation and theme, Dormammu is the Leader for you.

His standard attack saps Power from the target, and his Strength 8 Incantation of Obliteration attack can generate another of the same attack against another nearby target. Unlike most of these kinds of multiple attacks, you can then gain another Incantation attack from the second attack, as long as it targets a nearby target that hasn’t already been attacked by an Incantation.

Dormammu can only gain a maximum of 1 Power when taking damage from an attack, but he also gets 1 Power every time one of his allies suffer damage, including the damage they suffer if they have 6 or more Power (an effect of his Leadership ability), so you can really ramp up Dormammu’s Power pool by sacrificing your allies, like a true supervillain.

Dormammu, can also teleport, cast Hex on attackers and become even stronger when he’s Injured, so all in all, he’s a true beast, even for a Threat Level of 8!

Drax the Destroyer (Drax) [Guardians of the Galaxy]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Drax is a close combat character who’s all about taking down single targets. His standard attack is Strength 5 and can cause Bleed, but if the target already has the Bleed special condition, you can reroll two dice for the attack – perfect for attacking a character multiple times. His Headbutt attack can Stun and push the target, and Titan Killer can throw characters up to Size 4, and you can add dice to the attack for every wound the target has, which is great for finishing off big enemies.

All of this gets even better if Drax uses his Vengeance token. He gains the token by being damaged by an attack, and he then applies the token to the character who attacked him. When attacking a character with the Vengeance token attached to it, Drax suddenly rolls 3 extra attack dice against it: This means he has a free standard attack with, effectively, a Strength of 8 and a chance to reroll two of those dice!

Finally, Drax reduces incoming damage by 1, giving him a chance to stay in the fight a bit longer. In general, he packs a hell of a punch for a Threat Level of 3.

Ebony Maw (Ebony Maw) [Black Order]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Ebony Maw is a powerful Mystic chracter whose two attacks are great at forcibly moving enemy targets (both attacks are solid damage dealers as well, with Strength 6 and 8, respectively). He’s also a Gem Bearer capable of using either the Mind or the Space Gem, and even though the model looks pretty fragile, he’s very sturdy with a Health of 7 and the ability to use his Mystic Defence of 6 for any attack, unless the attacker pays 2 Power to bypass it.

Finally, Ebony Maw has serious throwing skills, with the ability to throw terrain features of size 4 or less, and he gains 3 Power instead of 1 in each Power Phase.

Ebony Maw is a slightly tricky character who’s all about moving stuff around with his attacks and abilities, but he still does good damage as well and is resilient for a “wizard”.

Elektra (Elektra Natchios) [Criminal Syndicate, Defenders]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Elektra is a strong fighter, who can use a superpower to deal damage to her attackers, but what’s really interesting about her is how one of her attacks, Ancient Throwing Blades, is able to summon a Hand Ninjas (see the Grunts overview below) character into the game, and that Hand Ninjas character then serves as a buff to Elektra’s other attack, Impale, so that you can end up rolling 10 (!) dice for that attack.

Being able to summon an additional character to your team as part of an attack is a big deal, but Elektra can also cause Bleed, advance after her Impale attack, and manipulate enemy defence dice. She’s a very solid choice for a close combat fighter, especially because the Hand Ninjas model comes in the same pack as her.

Enchantress (Amora) [Asgard, Cabal]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Enchantress is a versatile character who can do all sorts of stuff: Her standard attack Spurned Affection is a Beam attack that can steal Power from the target, and her Enthrall attack can Slow, Stun or Stagger the target.

She can throw small terrain features, she can fly, move enemy targets closer to her, use her Mystic defence against anything unless the attacker pays 2 Power, but most importantly, Enchantress can steal Asset or Civilian tokens from enemy characters and carry them herself. This last superpower is great for scoring Victory Points, but it does require Enchantress to get very close to the target she wants to steal from.

Gambit (Remy LeBeau) [Brotherhood of Mutants, Uncanny X-Men]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Gambit is an X-Man chracter who specialises in controlling combat: His Bo Staff can push its target, Kinetic Ace deals damage to nearby characters when dealing damage to its target, and 52 Card Pickup is a Beam attack where Wild rolls count as two successes – all in all a great toolbox for spreading chaos on the game board!

He can also advance away from an attacker after being attacked for 2 Power, change a hit into a critical hit for 1 Power, and add 2 dice to his attacks for 3 Power.

Gambit only has a Threat Level of 3, and while he isn’t the greatest damage dealer in the game, he really has many combat options for such an affordable character.

Gamora (Gamora) [A-Force, Guardians of the Galaxy]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Gamora is a strong close combat fighter, through and through. Her standard attack can cause Bleed, and her Cosmic Assassin attack can be used twice for the Power cost of one attack. Gamora can also throw herself, and she can only be targeted by enemy characters at Range 3 or less. FInally, she has the Martial Prowess Reactive superpower which lets her roll five defense dice against an attack rather than what her appropriate defence score is for that attack – and then deal 2 damage to the attacker if the attack doesn’t do any damage.

On top of all this, Gamora has a Long movement range, so she’s really the perfect berserker who you can just throw at a priority target to hack it apart.

Ghost Rider (Johnathon Blaze) [Defenders, Midnight Sons]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Ghost Rider is a pretty versatile character who can diminish a target’s Power pool, apply multiple different special conditions and gain Power from his allies taking damage.

His standard attack Chains of Damnation (the fact that that’s the name of his most basic attack says something about his general level of heavy metal) can cause the Hex special condition and Flames of Hell is a beam attack that applies Incinerate to its targets.

Penance Stare adds attack dice to its roll equal to the Power the target has (but no more than 5), and the target then loses 1 Power for each point of damage it takes from the attack.

Hell on Wheels lets Ghost Rider pay 3 Power to move at Long Range rather than Medium for one move action, and Wicked’s Judgment does damage to an attackers based on their attack roll.

Finally, Ghost Rider gains 1 Power for every attack against one of his allies that does any damage, and he is also immune to a host of conditions. All in all, he’s a cool character who turns the strengths of his targets and attackers against them.

Ghost-Spider (Gwen Stacy) [Web Warriors]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Ghost-Spider is a fast character who’s great at throwing and pulling people around. Her standard attack Spider Technique adds three dice to its attack if it already attacked the chosen target once in the same activation, and if Ghost-Spider has already advanced or been placed in the same activation, she can make a Long range advance after the attack has been resolved.

Impact Webbing is a long range attack that can push its target, and Freestyle Beatdown can throw its target.

In the pulling department, Web Line can pull an enemy character closer to Ghost-Spider (that’s still called pushing in Crisis Protocol terms, but you get the idea), and Life Saver can pull an allied character who is the target of an attack closer to Ghost-Spider, which means you have a chance to pull that character out of the range of the attacker so that the attack never occurs!

All of this makes Ghost-Spider a very effective character in the hands of an experienced player. After all, movement and positioning is key in a game that’s all about completing objectives.

Green Goblin (Norman Osborn) [Spider-Foes (Leader), Criminal Syndicate]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Green Goblin is the Leader of the Spider-Foes affiliation, which lets one ally per turn reroll one of its target’s defense dice during an attack.

In addition to that, his Pumpkin Bombs attack is extremely flexible: It can be either Physical or Energy, and it can cause either Bleed, Poison or Incinerate. His stronger attack Night of the Goblin has a Strength of 7 and applies both Poison and Incinerate.

His attacks are further improved by the Hit and Run superpower which lets him make an attack action followed by a move action, counting as one action for the cost of 2 Power.

Trick or Treat is a Reactive Superpower that allows Green Goblin to collapse a terrain feature on top of an approaching enemy character, and finally, Arch Nemesis (Peter Parker) gives Green Goblin all sorts of bonuses if he’s fighting Peter Parker.

Green Goblin changes when his card is turned to its Injured side: He loses Hit and Run and gains Glider Ram, which throws him Medium range, and Unstable Psyche, which gives you a chance to gain some extra Power at the cost of Green Goblin no longer being able to interact with objective tokens in any way.

Groot (I Am Groot) [Guardians of the Galaxy]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Groot is a very defensive character who can heal 3 wounds per turn, cause Root to enemy characters, and do pretty good damage with his standard attack Strike and his Strength 8 attack I am Groot! – and that’s about it. Groot’s real utility lies in his synergies with Rocket Raccoon, who’s a furry little gun platform with lots of firepower and way too little Health. Groot is able to intervene against attacks against Rocket and direct those attacks toward himself.

Hawkeye (Clint Barton) [Avengers, Defenders, SHIELD]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Hawkeye is a long range fighter with just one attack, but it’s a good one: Arrow Shot has Range 5, can be either Physical or Energy, and has a chance to cause Bleed, Shock, Slow or Poision (chosen by the player fielding Hawkeye).

He can pay 1 Power to make Arrow Shot ignores Line of Sight and Cover, but that’s not the best part: the Reactive Superpower Fast Draw allows Hawkeye to make an Arrow Shot against an attacking character if the attacker is more than Range 3 away from him. Attacking outside of your activation is always great, and the fact that the superpower resolves after being targeted for an attack rather than after the attack has occurred gives you a chance to take down the attacker before they can do any damage.

All that being said, Hawkeye is a pretty fragile character with a Health of 4 and pretty bad defenses against anything else than Physical attacks, so you have to be careful to keep him out of harm’s way.

Heimdall, The All-Seeing (Heimdall) [Asgard]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Heimdall is a strong and defensive hero who’s good at guarding positions. His standard attack Strike is pretty straightforward, but he can use it in the opponent’s activation with the Reactive Superpower Forefend, which lets him make a Strike attack against an enemy who ends their movement close to Heimdall.

In a similarly defensive way, the Horfund attack can push its target Medium range away after doing damage to it – most abilities like this just push the target Short range, so that’s pretty good.

The Reactive superpower All-Seeing Eyes lets a nearby allied character reroll up to 2 of their dice for a roll, even for rolls for Crisis and Team Tactic cards. This superpower isn’t limited to one use per turn, so if you have enough Power, it can really buff your team. Luckily, Heimdall gains 2 rather than 1 Power in each Power Phase. Finally, Heimdall can also teleport himself or an allied character within Range 4 once per turn.

Hela, Queen of Hel (Hela) [Asgard]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Hela is a powerful fighter who thrives on buffing her attacks through the use of her Captured Soul tokens.

Her standard attack Hel Forged Blade can cause Bleed and is otherwise unremarkable, but her Claim Soul ranged Mystic attack grants you a Captured Soul token if you do any damage with it. These tokens can also be gained from another character (friend or foe) getting Dazed or KO’d, and Hela can have up to three of them. She can then discard 1-3 of them to add as many dice to an attack roll and Bleed to the target of that attack.

But wait, didn’t the standard attack already have a chance to inflict Bleed? Yes, but having a 100% chance to inflict it via Captured Soul tokens is essential to Hela’s big attack, Rain of Hel. Rain of Hel is a Strength 7 attack, and if the target already has the Bleed special condition (see?), the target can’t use Wild results in a defence roll as successes. If Hela rolls any Wild results for the attack, however, enemy characters close to the target also suffer damage. Powerful stuff, even if it requires some planning to pull off.

Captured Soul tokens have one additional use: If Hela’s character card is on its Injured side, she has three tokens and she would be KO’d, she can discard all damage and all her Captured Soul tokens and then avoid being KO’d. That’s effectively like being able to be Dazed twice!

Honey Badger (Gabrielle Kinney) [X-Force, Uncanny X-Men]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Honey Badger is a close combat fighter who can also support her nearby allies, especially her sister X-23.

Her standard attack Claw Slash can cause Bleed, and her Hamstring attack causes Slow and Bleed, and lets her move Medium range after the attack if she rolls any Wild results.

If Laura Kinney (X-23) is nearby and is damaged by an enemy, Honey Badger can move Medium range towards the character who damaged her sister, and while Honey Badger can’t interact with objective tokens in any way, she can make enemies roll one less defence dice

Hood (Parker Robbins) [Cabal, Criminal Syndicate]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Hood is a highly unusual character, mechanically: When he is his normal self and takes any damage from an enemy, he can transform into his Possessed version, which is both a different miniature and a different profile. These two profile aren’t the same as the Healthy/Injured sides that usual character cards have: Both the Normal and Possessed version of Hood can be Healthy or Injured, and whenever one of the two profiles is Dazed, it turns into the other Profile and then turns to its Injured side. If that sounds complex, just wait until we start getting into the abilities of the two profiles (and that’s now – we’re getting into it now!).

The Normal Hood has a standard Hex Shot attack that can generate an additional attack, and his Dark Lightning attack has 6 Strength and can do an extra point of damage to nearby characters and Shock its target.

He can also heal 3 damage on a nearby allied character, but that character then also gains the Bleed special condition – Hood is getting his powers from a demonic source, after all, and finally, Hood’s Invisibility Cloak lets him use his Mystic defense (his best defense) for a defense or dodge roll and add blank dice rolls as successes.

In general, Normal Hood is ok, but unremarkable.

Possessed Hood, however, can Charge (make a move action and an attack action as one action for 2 Power plus whatever those actions cost) and he reduces incoming damage by 2. His Razor Talons is a strong close combat Bleed attack, and if you Daze or KO the target, Possessed Hood then becomes Normal Hood again.

Empowered Dark LIghtning is a much stronger version of Normal Hood’s Dark Lightning, but it always makes Hood go back to his Normal version after the attack. Finally, being damaged by a Mystic attack always turns Possessed Hulk into Normal Hulk, and he’s particularly vulnerable to Mystic attacks on top of that.

In short, when playing Hood, you’re constantly switching back and forth between two different profiles – one defensive and supporting, another super-aggressive, making Hood a real Swiss army knife of a character

Hulk (Bruce Banner) [Avengers, Defenders]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

The first thing you need to know about Hulk is that he is so tough (20 Stamina!), his character card does not have an Injured side. You simply play him until he’s Dazed, and then he’s KO’d. He gains 3 Power every Power phase, and he adds 1 dice to his attack rolls for every 4 damage that are allocated to him. In short, he gets stronger and stronger the more your opponent hurts him.

Hulk’s standard attack (the one that doesn’t cost any Power to use) has Strength 7, which is pretty crazy considering that you will often add attack dice to that from the damage you’ve taken, and the attack can also push the target before allocating the damage.

Thunder Clap is a Strength 5 Beam attack, and Hulk Smash has Strength 8 and can cause Stagger as well as throwing the target. Hulk can also teleport with Gamma Leap, and he can throw stuff up to Size 4. Finally, he can pay 4 Power to fully reroll defense dice against a Physical or Energy attack, and he’s immune to Poison.

In short, Hulk is a beast. When he’s taken a good chunk of damage, his attacks become devastating, and he’s also good at staying in the fight. The only problem is actually getting him to show up at said fight, since his movement is only Short range.

Hulkbuster (Tony Stark) [Avengers (Leader)]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Hulkbuster is, essentially, a transforming character just like Hood above here, but he works a bit differently – more on that in a moment. The first thing to know about him, however, is that he is one of your options for a Leader for the Avengers Affiliation, and his Leadership ability reduces the damage suffered from collision damage by 1.

The Healthy side of Hulkbuster has a Heavy Repulsor Blast that pushes the target and gains Power even when it doesn’t do any damage, and Meteor Punch is a Strength 8 attack that deal damage in an area around the target and throw the target as well.

These attacks can be used with Hit and Run, which lets you carry out an attack and a move action ( in that order) as one action for 2 Power plus the cost of the respective abilities used. Hulkbuster also reduces incoming damage by 1 for the cost of 1 Power.

When Hulkbuster would be turned to its Injured side, it is instead removed and replaced by Iron Man/Hulkbuster, an Iron Man model with a different profile. It’s much weaker in terms of Stamina (a downgrade from 13 to 5), but has a different version of the Repulsor Blast that can generate an extra attack, make an extra move after being attacked for the cost of 2 Power, and when it would be Dazed, it is KO’ed instead.

However, if Iron Man Hulkbuster survives long enough to acquire 10 Power, it can replace itself with a new Hulkbuster model, at the cost of 10 Power and the Hulkbuster skipping an activation. This means you can have the 13 Stamina Hulkbuster twice in a game, and that’s pretty powerful.

Iron Fist (Danny Rand) [Avengers, Defenders, Midnight Sons]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Iron Fist is a very straightforward close combat fighter with a combination of Energy and Physical attacks. His standard attack can Stun the target, and his other free attack, Flying Kick has a Range of 3 but teleports him to within Range 1 of the target after the attack. His big Energy attack, The Iron Fist, is very expensive (8 Power!), but it’s Strength 9, does damage to all other enemy characters within Range 3 of the target and applies Stagger to the target and forces them to skip their activation if they haven’t yet activated in the ongoing turn. That’s a real nuke of an attack!

Irong Fist gains 2 Power in every Power Phase, and he adds blanks to his succesful defense rolls when defending against Energy and Physical – but that’s also very neccessary since he’s a pretty vulnerable character with only 5 Health and pretty average defenses.

Iron Man (Tony Stark) [Avengers, SHIELD]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

This is the standard Iron Man character from the starter set, and he’s not that difficult to play.

On his Healthy side, he has twp attacks: Repulsor Blast can Push the target, and Homing Rockets ignores Cover and Line of Sight, as well as doing damage to all enemies near the target. He can also pay 2 Power to add 2 dice to his attacks, he can Fly, and he reduces incoming damage by 1.

On his Injured side, Iron Man retains all of that, but also gains the much stronger Beam attack Unibeam, which gives him some much-needed damage output against groups of enemy characters.

Jean Grey (Jean Grey) [Uncanny X-Men]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Jean Grey is a powerful psychic mutant with a good mix of different abilities. Her standard attack, Psionic Bolt, can take Power from the target and give it to Jean Grey, and her big attack Telekinetic Force can Throw the target and do damage to nearby enemy characters.

Speaking of throwing, Battlefield Manipulation also allows Jean Grey to Throw terrain features Medium range for 3 Power, and she can Push characters that have already been activated in the same turn.

When it comes to defenses, Jean Grey can pay 2 Power to avoid being Pushed, advanced or placed by an enemy attack or superpower – and this superpower can even be used on allied characters!

All of this makes Jean Grey really good at moving stuff around the battlefield, while also being able to stand her ground.

Juggernaut (Cain Marko) [Brotherhood of Mutants]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Juggernaut is a huge boulder of a close combat fighter. His standard attack can Push the target, but his attack I’m the Juggernaut! is where it gets interesting: It’s a Strength 7 attack, but if you roll any Wild symbols, it triggers a free Nothing Stops the Juggernaut! superpower. Nothing Stops the Juggernaut! is a superpower that pushes Juggernaut through terrain features, destroying them as well as doing damage to any characters he passes through. This superpower can also be used on its own for 3 Power.

Unstoppable Momentum is an Innate Superpower that adds 3 dice to an attack roll if it follows after a move action (and gives you 2 Power after that move action) , which means that Juggernaut has a playstyle that’s all about staying on the move. It can be difficult to combine moving and attacking all the time, since Juggernaut only has a Small range move, but if you can pull it off, he’s really dangerous.

In terms of defensive capabilities, Juggernaut can pay 1 Power to reduce incoming damage by 1, he can’t be pushed or advanced by Mystic enemty attacks or superpowers, and he’s immune to Stun.

Killmonger (N’Jadaka) [Wakanda, Cabal, Criminal Syndicate]

Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update
Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Killmonger is a dangerous melee fighter who gets more powerful the more enemies he takes out. His standard attack can change enemy defense rolls of Crit, Wild or Shield to blanks, and his Black Ops Strike attack teleports him to the target and can cause the Stagger special condition.

He has the Charge superpower that lets him pay 2 Power to do a move action and an attack action as one action (while still paying the relevant Power cost for those actions). This is very useful since his Innate superpower Focused on the Kill lets him add 2 dice to the attack roll of an attack if he has already attacked the target once in the same turn.

Kill Count is another Innate superpower that gives Killmonger a Kill Count token every time he Dazes or KO’s a target. For each token, Killmonger can reroll a dice when making an attack roll.

Of course, taking out multiple enemy characters is not something that Killmonger is going to do in every single game you play, so it’s actually his ability to really stack attack dice on a specific enemy target that makes him a useful character to bring along, and then, if you take out your target, Killmonger simply gets better at what he does as a bonus.

Finally, Killmonger can use Shield rolls instead of Hit rolls as succesful hits in an attack roll if he wants to for 1 Power – a fun way to change the fortune of a dice roll.

Kingpin (Wilson Fisk) [Cabal, Criminal Syndicate (Leader), Spider-Foes]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Kingpin is one of the Leaders of the Criminal Syndicate affiliation, with a pretty cool Leadership ability: Illicit Network lets Kingpin move an Asset or Civilian token from one allied character to another in that allied characters activation once per turn for the cost of 2 Power. The ability also lets Healthy allied characters count for two when determining objective control.

In addition to that, Kingpin is a formidable fighter with a Headbutt attack that can Push and Stun, a Cane Laser Beam attack that ignores Line of Sight and Cover, and the Hail to the King attack that applies the Stagger special condition and throws the target.

Kingpin can also throw terrain features or enemy characters of Size 3 or less, and he can pay 1 Power to reduce incoming damage by 1. Finally, he’s so big and stout that he doesn’t suffer collision damage from colliding with other characters.

Kraven the Hunter (Sergei Nikolaevich Kravinoff) [Criminal Syndicate, Spider-Foes]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Kraven is an expert hunter who tracks down his prey tirelessly. His standard attack applies Bleed and lets Kraven move Small range after the attack, and Spear Thrust is a Strength 4 attack that becomes Strength 7 if Kraven has already attacked that target in the same turn – and then it lets him advance again after the attack.

The Corner the Beast superpower is the real star of Kraven’s ability toolbox, as it forces an enemy character to suffer damage whenever it advances or climbs, and if it has the Wall Crawler ability ( I wonder who that’s aimed at, specifically?), it loses that ability until it activates again. Abilities that add risk to a choice the opponent can make (in this case, moving a character), are not that common in this game, so it’s interesting that it’s being used for Kraven here, and if you’re up against a friendly neighborhood superhero of some kind, it’s very fun and thematic to use.

Expert Tracker is another great superpower, letting you pay 3 Power to let all allied characters roll one additional attack dice against a specific enemy target for one round. Kraven himself can also reroll one dice in every attack or defense roll, making him even more dangerous and resilient for his humble Threat Level of 3.

Lizard (Curtis Connors) [Spider-Foes]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Lizard is a fairly inexpensive character with one attack that can Push the target, and another that can cause Bleed and Slow to the target. He can also throw terrain features or enemy characters.

All of that is pretty standard fare that you can find on many other characters, but Lizard combines it with a pretty high amount of Stamina for his Threat Level and a Healing Factor plus the Innate ability to reduce incoming damage from enemy effects by 1, making him a very durable character among the lower tier ones.

Lockjaw (Lockjaw) [Inhumans]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Lockjaw is a very good dog who can do all sorts of things: His standard (and only) attack can cause Bleed, he can throw terrain features, he can give allies an extra attack dice against a specific target, he can teleport himself or an ally, and he can reroll one dice for any attack or defense roll.

To make use of all those superpowers, Lockjaw has the appropriately named Innate superpower Who’s a Good Boy?, which gives him 3 Power at the start of every activation in which he’s close to an allied character.

All in all, Lockjaw is a good support character with a bit of survivability added on top.

Loki, God of Mischief (Loki Laufeyson) [Asgard, Cabal]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Loki is a strong Mystic character with all sorts of tricks up his sleeve. He has three attacks: Strike is an absolutely standard Strength 5 attack that gives you Power for every point of damage you do to the target (just like almost anyone else’s standard attack). Frost Blast is a Beam attack that Slows the target, and last but not least, Illusions is a hilarious attack that turns the target into a missile: If you roll two Wild symbols, you can move the target its speed (very fun if your target has Long range movement!) and then do 1 damage to anyone within range 2 of where the target ends its movement.

Loki can buff all these attacks significantly if he can pay 2 Power before an attack (or defense) roll – it allows him to treat blank rolls as successes in that roll.

The shenanigans don’t stop there: The Reactive superpower Trickster lets Loki move range Small away when he is targeted by an attack, allowing him to dodge that attack entirely (but the attacker gets to choose another action instead of the attack), and the Innate superpower God of Mischief forces nearby enemy characters to spend 1 Power before using a Reactive or Active superpower. On top of that, Loki is a Gem Bearer with the option to take either the Mind or the Space gem. That’s a lot of utility for 4 Threat Level!

Luke Cage (Luke Cage) [Avengers, Defenders]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Luke Cage is a very tough fighter who can “tank” for other allied characters. His standard attack can cause Stagger, and his stronger attack Sweet Christmas can Throw the target and cause Slow and Stun to it as well.

He can also throw small terrain features, he reduces incoming damage from enemy effects by 1, and he’s immune to Bleed. The coolest thing about him, however, is his ability to redirect an attack meant for a nearby ally towards himself instead, making him a great bodyguard for one of your more vulnerable characters.

Magik (Illyana Rasputin) [Convocation, Defenders, Uncanny X-Men]

Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update
Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Magik is a powerful mutant fighter who’s very good at bending the rules for dice rolls. She has two “free” attacks: Bolts of Oshtur is a long range attack that gains you 1 Power regardless of whether she hits anything with it, and Soulsword is a Mystic melee attack that can turn one enemy defense succes dice roll into a blank.

Darkchylde, however, is the real star of her character card: It adds the Failure (skull symbol) rolls of both the attack and defense roll for the attack to its successes, which means that the Strength value of the attack has the potential to be higher than what it actually says on the card. The attack then also adds Bleed and Incinerate to the target, making it a pretty formidable attack overall.

Adding further to Magik’s utility, Limbo Step lets her spend 1-3 Power to teleport Range 1-3, and her Innate superpower Sorcerer Supreme of Limbo lets her change one enemy success roll into a blank for each Wild symbol she rolls when she rolls defense rolls, and then gain 1 Power for every dice she changes.

Magneto (Max Eisenhardt) [Brotherhood of Mutants (Leader), Cabal]

Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update
Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Magneto is one of two possible Leaders for the Brotherhood of Mutants affiliation (the other one being Mystique). His Leadership ability triggers when a terrain feature is destroyed, and it grants 1 Power to a number of allies up to the size number of the terrain feature (so a size 2 terrain feature gives 1 Power to 2 allies).

Magneto’s standard attack can reroll its entire attack roll if the target is close enough, or, if it’s farther away, it can instead push the target. His other attack, Shrapnel Blast, is closely tied to Magneto’s Leadership ability and its associated Innate Superpower, so we’ll have to explain that first: Master of Magnetism lets Magneto place a Metal Construct (a Size 2 terrain feature that comes with his miniature) on the battlefield in the Power Phase and gain 1 Power from it and any other Metal Construct in play. He can keep doing this for consecutive Power Phases as long as there are never more than 2 Constructs on the battlefield.

Ok, so back to Shrapnel Blast: this attack’s range can be measured from one of those Metal Constructs instead of Magneto, and after resolving the attack, that Construct is destroyed – triggering the Power gains from Magneto’s Leadership ability, of course. The attack also stuns the target. Using the Fatal Attraction superpower, Magneto can also throw the Constructs.

The use of Constructs means that Magneto can do damage to enemies within a very large area because of the extended range of his attacks via the Constructs, and his ability to throw them Long range. Note, however, that Magneto’s own movement is only Small range, so you have to think a few moves ahead to get the most of his sattelite Constructs.

Finally, Magneto can fly, has an amazing Mystic defense (due to his helmet), and he goes from 6 to 8 Stamina when his card is flipped to the Injured side.

Malekith the Accursed (Malekith) [Cabal (Leader)]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Malekith is one of the Leaders available to the Cabal affiliation. His Leadership ability The Dark Council takes effect when Malekith or an ally takes down an enemy, and you can then choose a non-Dazed ally and give them 1 Power, heal them for 1 point of damage, and move them Small range. This can only happen to the same character once per round, but it can happen to multiple different allies in a round.

Malekith has a very strong standard attack called Blade of Midninght at 7 Strength that can change one succesful enemy defense dice roll into a blank, and another free attack called Blood Boil which is a Beam attack that can Poison its target.

His third attack, Butcher of Thors, is a Strength 10 attack that costs 4 Power. It teleports Malekith to the target, and then the target gains one of either Bleed, Shock, Slow or Stun for every Wild symbol Malekith rolled in the attack roll.

Malekith’s Active superpower Ferocity is an advanced Charge action, letting you move and use Blade of Midnight, and then Throw the target if it takes any damage.

His Reactive Superpower Cloak of Shadows lets him pay a number of Power points equal to how many Failure dice rolls he wants to turn into Crits – a very powerful ability.

To make all of this possible, Malekith gains an extra Power in each Power Phase, and finally, attackers can’t modify their dice rolls when attacking him (and he can Fly as well as being immune to Hex and Stun).

To summarize, Malekith is very strong. He does have a Threat Level of 7, but he’s well worth the cost for an aggressive Cabal squad.

Medusa (Medusalith Amaquelin-Boltagon) [A-Force, Inhumans]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Medusa is a strong fighter with several abilities that let her control enemies and allies around her.

Her standard Braid Bash attack can push its target, but it also has a chance to trigger an additional Braid Bash attack – a good way to make a standard attack much more valuable.

Her other attack, Split Ends (you’re in for a lot of hair puns in this paragraph, so sorry), is an area attack that can pull targets towards Medusa and cause Bleed to several targets.

Medusa can also just straight up throw enemy characters with her Hair Flip (told you) Superpower, or use her hair tactically by moving allies around with Royal Decree.

She has 3 Innate Superpowers: Inhuman lets her reroll 1 dice in attack or defense rolls, she has Immunity to Poison, and finally she has Living Strands, which prevents the opponent’s movement tool from overlapping her base when measuring the trajectory of a move or climb, and it also prevents enemies from modifying attack dice in their attack rolls when Medusa is the target.

Having so many ways of manipulating what goes on around Medusa is really cool, and if you combine it with the possibility of a double attack with Braid Bash, you end up with a pretty formidable force on the battlefield.

Modok (George Tarleton) [Cabal, Criminal Syndicate]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

M.O.D.O.K’s reputation as a mad mastermind might lead you to expect that he’ll be a really complex character to play, but behind the very wordy titles of his superpowers, he’s actually pretty straightforward. Powerful, but not that difficult to understand.

His standard attack is a long range attack that can steal Power from the target, and his Doomsday Chair attack automatically grants you an additional free Doomsday Chair attack – and it can cause Bleed.

The rest of M.O.D.O.K.’s powers can be summed up as follows (so I don’t have to write their ridiculously long names): He can teleport a nearby ally, throw a terrain feature, spend any amount of Power to reroll as many dice in an attack or defense roll, and he can change Wild symbols in an enemy attack roll against him into blanks.

When flipped to his Injured side, he goes from 10 Stamina to 4 and loses the ability to turn Wild symbols into blanks, so make the most of him before he is Dazed.

Moon Knight (Marc Spector) [Defenders, Midnight Sons, Web Warriors]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Moon Knight is a fighter who can deal damage at both close and long range, with a dash of his multiple personality disorder thrown into the mix for variety.

His Bo Staff attack can be fully rerolled, and it can Stagger the target, but it only has 4 Strength. Throwing Crescents, his other attack, is a long range attack that generates another Throwing Crescent attack if score any hits.

On the defensive side, Moon Knight can spend 2 Power to add 2 dice to his defense roll against a Mystic attack, and also avoid being in any way moved by the attack. He can also only be targeted by enemies within Range 3 of him.

Finally, the Innate Superpower Multiple Personalities makes you roll 1 dice when Moon Knight begins any activation. If he rolls a crit, he can make an additional free move action. If he rolls a Wild or hit symbol, he can add 2 dice to his next attack roll in that activation. If it’s a Shield or a blank, he gains 1 Power, and if it’s a Failure, nothing happens. This form of randomized bonus is difficult to count on, of course, but since all the positive results are actually really good, it definitely makes Moon Knight a lot more valuable than his somewhat standard attacks would suggest.

Mr. Sinister (Nathaniel Essex) [Cabal]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Mister Sinister is a somewhat advanced character whose powers revolve around Genetic Sample tokens, which he can generate with the Beam attack Genetic Splicing. He does have a bog standard Strength 5 close range strike for generating Power, but it’s the connection between the tokens and his big attack Recombinant Disintegration: Disintegration has an area range equal to the amount of Genetic Sample tokens on Mister Sinister, and if you roll a crit, a Wild symbol and a hit, the attack does 1 damage to all enemy characters within range of the attack, which can be quite a lot if you have 3 tokens (Sinister can only have a maximum of 3 tokens at a time).

Tokens can also be discarded to remove Special Conditions (1 token for 1 condition), or you can discard a token to Root a nearby enemy. They can also be discarded instead of taking damage – so all in all, playing Mister Sinister is all about using Genetic Splicing as much as you can to fuel all your other superpowers.

Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan) [Avengers, Inhumans]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Like Ant-Man, Ms. Marvel can be represented by two different miniatures on the battlefield, one normal and one big.

Her Normal version has a Long range standard attack that can push the target, and she can throw terrain features and enemy characters. If she pays 3 Power, she can transform into her Embiggened version.

Her Embiggened version has a standard Strength 5 attack, but if the target is smaller than her, it can reroll 2 attack dice. The Embiggened version, being big, can also interact with objectives within Range 2 rather than Range 1. Whenever this version ends its activation, it reverts back into the Normal version.

Both versions of Ms. Marvel can reroll one dice in any attack or defense roll, and are immune to Poison.

Mysterio (Quentin Black) [Cabal, Criminal Syndicate, Spider-Foes]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Mysterio is a Mystic character with some very potent defenses. His standard attack can advance the target, and his big attack Curtain Call can Throw and Stagger the target – and that’s it for offensive abilities!

Attacking Mysterio, however, can be just as dangerous as being attacked by him. The Reactive superpower Tricks and Traps sees him pay 3 Power when an enemy ends a movement close to him to roll 4 dice, and for every Crit or Wild symbol, the target suffers 1 damage -and then Mysterio can advance Small range if he did any damage with those 4 dice. This can happen every time Mysterio is attacked, since he can’t be targeted from further away than the range of Tricks and Traps.

When being attacked, Mysterio can always use his excellent (5) Mystic defense, unless the attacker pays 2 Power.

To fuel all this, Mysterio gains 1 Power every time he makes a roll with at least one blank dice roll in it.

Mystique (Raven Darkholme) [Brotherhood of Mutants (Leader), Cabal]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Mystique is one of two possible Leaders for the Brotherhood of Mutants. Her Leadership ability allows one ally per turn to gain 1 Power when interacting with an Extract Objective token, and it also allows all allies to place a token on an objective to keep contesting it even when none of your allies are around – until an enemy starts contesting it.

Mystiques attacks aren’t unusual: Pistol can generate an additional Pistol attack, and Espionage always Stuns its target. Her Active superpower Expert Sabotage destroys a terrain feature and does damage to all enemies right next to it, so it could itself be seen as another attack option for her.

Mystique can also add blanks to her successes for defense rolls against Physical or Energy attacks, and characters must be close to her to attack her, but her best trick is that enemies can’t use Reactive superpowers or Team Tactic cards during her activation.

Nebula (Nebula) [Guardians of the Galaxy]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Nebula is a fast-moving fighter who’s an expert in taking down targets that are holding objectives. She can’t contest or hold objectives herself, but she can reroll all her attack dice against enemies on objectives.

She has three attacks: Strike can shock the target and it grants Nebula Power equal to the damage dealt with it. Blaster Pistol is a ranged attack that gives you 1 Power each time you use it, and Shock Sword Assault teleports Nebula next to the target as well as having a chance to Stun it.

She can reroll one dice on a defense roll, and she heals 1 damage at the start of her activation, as well as being immune to Bleed, Poison and Stun.

Nebula’s powers might not look that special separately, but they’re all tailored towards staying clear of danger until the enemy moves in on an objective, and then she closes in to do a lot of damage. Finally, her inability to contest objectives seems to have given her a discount in Threat Level (she is only at a 2).

Nick Fury (Nicholas J. Fury, Junior) [SHIELD (Leader)]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Nick Fury is the Leader of the S.H.I.E.L.D. affiliation, and his Leadership ability affects how you score Victory Points: If you have fewer Victory Points than your opponent, you score 1 Victory Point the first time in a round of your allies is Dazed or KO’d by an enemy effect. If you have the same amount of Victory Points or more than your opponent, you can spend 1 Power to advance Short range with an allied chracter every time an enemy character does damage to it.

Nick Fury can also call in the SHIELD Agents grunt by spending 2 Power to summon 1 of them. It can’t activate until the next round begins, but it can interact with an Extract Objective token immediately if it is close enough. The Agents can also reroll one of its attack or defense dice if it is close to Nick Fury, and Fury gains 1 power whenever the Agents deal or suffer damage.

In addition to all the Agents abilities, Fury has 3 attacks: Fury Special can Pierce the target (changing one of their succesful dice rolls into a blank), Tactical Knife can Pierce as well as applying Bleed to the target, and finally, Lead from the Front is a Strength 7 attack that also allows a nearby Agents grunt to advance on the target and perform a Pistols attack against it.

Fury is very dependent upon interacting with the S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents grunt, but since they come in the same box, that’s exactly how it’s supposed to be.

Nick Fury and the Howling Commandos (Nicholas Fury, Sr., Timothy “Dum Dum” Dugan, Gabriel Jones) [SHIELD]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

This version of Nick Fury is actually 3 models on the same base (but not a Grunts character!). Its standard attack. Prototype Weapons, is a long range attack that gives you a chance to advance upon the target before dealing damage to it. GRENADES! (that’s how it’s spelled) Incinerates the target, and The Show’s over is a Strength 6 attack that you can chooce to be either Physical or Energy, and it also triggers an additional Prototype Weapons attack.

Fury can also teleport other characters towards him, and when an ally close to him is Dazed or KO’ed, Fury can make a Prototype Weapons attack against the enemy that caused the ally to go down. Finally, this version of Fury has Stealth, so it can’t be attacked from further than Range 3 away.

Okoye (Okoye) [A-Force, Wakanda]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Okoye is a defensive character who can divert attacks targeting allies toward herself with her Bodyguard ability. Her Strike attack is a fairly weak Strength 4 attack, but her Vibranium Spear Thrust attack can generate a free Strike attack if you roll any Wild symbols for it, as well as changing one of the defendant’s succesful defense dice into a blank. Her final attack, Vibranium Spear Blast, is the same as Strike, but with a range of 4.

Okoye is very tough defensively for a Threat Level 2 character: She an reroll one dice in every defense roll, and if she’s targeted by a close combat Energy or Physical attack, she can treat blanks as successes in her defense rolls. Bringing Okoye along as a bodyguard for Black Panther or Shuri is really cool thematically, so it’s great that the rules fit that playstyle as well.

Omega Red (Arkady Gregorivich Rossovich) [Cabal, Criminal Syndicate]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

There are a lot of rules on Omega Red’s character card, but the main thing to understand about him before anything else is that he’s a wandering cloud of Poison.

Any character who finishes their turn within Range 2 of him gain the Poision Special Condition, and any character within the same range when Omega Red finishes his own activation also gain it. This synergizes with the Death Factor Active superpower that lets Omega Red pay 2 Power to deal 2 damage to himself and all characters within Range 2 of him who have the Poison Condition. If you can get Omega Red close to a bunch of low-Stamina enemies, that’s pretty powerful! You can’t do it many times, though, since Omega Red doesn’t have a Healing Factor and only has 6 Stamina, but to make up for that, he reduces incoming damage by 1 and his Carbonadium Coils attack heals him for 1 point of damage if he did any damage with it. To make even further use of his Poison Aura, his Ensnare Active superpower can push an enemy character closer to Omega Red.

Finally, his Red Terror attack can be either Energy or Physical, and it can change an enemy defense roll dice from a success to a failure, and Omega Red gains 1 Power for doing so.

Proxima Midnight (Proxima Midnight) [Black Order]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Proxima Midnight is a fast-moving fighter who’s good at applying special conditions to her targets – but she works best in cooperation with her partner, Corvus Glaive. ‘

Her standard Strike attack has a chance to turn one of the target’s successes in their defense roll into a blank, and her Spear Throw teleports her to the target and has a chance to Poison the target.

Her big attack, Quantum Starburst is a lot more interesting: If it deals any damage, the target gains the Poison, Bleed and Stun special conditions, significantly weakening them. This is great in combination with Proxima’s Long movement range, meaning you can send her off to weaken a target that you know you want to take out with other, more heavy-hitting characters.

When it comes to defense, Proxima has two important superpowers: Martial Prowess lets her pay 2 Power to roll five defense dice against an attack rather than what her Defense against that attack type allows her to, and if she then suffers no damage from the attack, the attacker takes 2 damage. It’s a good ability for the Power cost, and just knowing that she has this superpower available will be a deterrent for any opponent considering attacking her. Just remember that Martial Prowess only works within Range 2, so stay close to potential threats. Invulnerability is her other defensive superpower, an Innate superpower that reduces damage from enemy effects by 1.

Like her partner, Corvus Glaive, Proxima can pay 1 Power at the end of her activation if she’s close to Corvus, allowing him to activate immediately after her if he hasn’t already activated in the same round. Allowing you to take two activations before your opponent gets one is really strong, so keep these two lovebirds close.

Punisher (Frank Castle)

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Punisher is a ranged character who gets better the more of his allies are taken down. His standard attack, Hip Fire, triggers and additional Hip Fire attack if its aimed at the same target – that’s effectively a Strength 8 attack against one target for the cost of zero Power!

His other attack, Aimed Shot, can change one of the targets succesful defense dice into a blank, and if the attack does any damage, the target gets the Stun and Slow special conditions.

Punisher can also pay 2 Power to do an extra short range move, and he can pay 3 Power to destroy a terrain feature and do 2 damage to all characters next to it before it is destroyed.

However, the full potential of Punisher’s rules lies within the use of Punishment tokens. He gets a Punishment token every time another ally is Dazed or KO’d (up to a maximum of 3 tokens), and once per turn, he can discard 1-3 tokens to add that many dice to his next attack roll.

If you’re looking at this list without having played the game, you might think that this is a bad ability, since you don’t want your other characters to die, but remember that getting Dazed is effectively only the midway point towards getting KO’d: nearly all characters have to deplete the Stamina pool of both the Healthy and the Injured side of their character card before they are KO’d, so getting Dazed, which also gives Punisher a Punishment token if it happens to one of his allies, is something that happens all the time.

Pyro (St. John Alleroyce) [Brotherhood of Mutants]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Pyro is (surprise!) a fire-based character with many Energy attacks. His first standard attack, Fireblast, has Strength 5 and a chance to apply Incinerate, and his other standard attack, Flame Jet, is a Beam attack that can also Incinerate. His big attack, Inferno, is a close range Strength 7 attack that always Incinerates the target, and it also deals 1 point of damage to any enemy character in a small area around the target.

Pyro’s Firewall superpower applies Root and Slow to a nearby enemy character, and Stoke the Flames lets you pay 3 Power to add 2 dice to your next attack action. On top of all this, Pyro has the Innate superpower Fire Manipulation, which lets you apply Incinerate to an enemy character close to your target after you attack a target that gains the Incinerate special condtion. In short, Pyro is a cheap (Threat 3) , aggressive fighter who excels at applying Incinerate everywhere so your enemies have their defenses worsened for when your big hitters show up.

Quicksilver (Pietro Maximoff) [Avengers, Brotherhood of Mutants, Inhumans]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Quicksilver is an extremely fast character who’s all about movement – his two Innate superpowers are the only abilities on his character card that don’t give him an extra move of some kind!

His standard attack, Supersonic Strike, has a chance to give him an extra Short advance, and a chance to make a second Supersonic Strike against a different target. His other attack, Cyclonic Vortex, gives him a Medium range move after the attack is resolved.

Once per turn, Quicksilver can spend 2 Power to make a Long move if he isn’t holding an objective token, and his Reactive superpower, Can’t Catch Me, lets him advance Short range when targeted by the attack, giving him a chance to avoid the attack altogether.

All of those abilities mean that Quicksilver can zip straight across the battlefield every turn if you have the Power pool for it!

Quicksilver can also reroll 2 of his defense (against Physical or Energy) or dodge (when trying to avoid something thrown at him) dice, and he’s a Wall Crawler.

Red Guardian (Nikolai Krylenko)

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Red Guardian is a character who’s good at moving his enemies away from him. His standard Strike attack can push his target away Short range, and his Siberian Shield Slam attack can throw the target.

His Shield Throw attack ignores Line of Sight and Cover, and it has a chance to genereate another Shield Throw attack against another nearby enemy.

For 2 Power, Red Guardian can add blanks to his successes against an Energy or Physical attack, and his Innate Superpower, Red Guardian’s Suit, grants him 1 Power when he is damaged by an enemy effect without getting Dazed.

Red Skull (Johann Schmidt) [Cabal (Leader)]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Red Skull is a Leader of the Cabal affiliation, and he is part of the core starter set for the game. His Leadership ability gives 1 Power to an ally each time that ally damages an enemy with their attack – simple but useful.

Red Skull is also a leader in a more despotic way: When he is targeted by an attack, he can spend 2 Power to redirect that attack to another ally close to him, sacrificing his team mate to stay in the fight himself.

His standard attack can Push the target, and his Cosmic Blast is a ranged attack that has a chance to take Power away from the target and give it to Red Skull instead.

His big attack, Unleash the Cube, throws the target if the attack deals any damage, and if you roll any Wild symbols for the attack roll, it also Stuns the target and anyone else (except Red Skull) within Range 1 of the target.

Speaking of the Cube, Cosmic Cube is an Active superpower that grants Red Skull 3 Power. Then he has to roll 5 dice, and for every Failure symbol rolled, he suffers 1 damage. It’s a bit risky, but since you can always use 2 of those 3 Power to redirect an attack targeting Red Skull, it’s well worth it even if you take some damage.

Finally, Master of the Cube lets Red Skull move himself or another ally Range 2 once per turn.

Red Skull (Johann Schmidt) [Hydra (Leader)]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

This newer version of Red Skull is the Leader of the Hydra affiliation, and his Leadership ability grants 1 Power every Power phase to any allied characters holding or contesting an objective token.

His standard attack, Blitz Strike, is a strong zero Power attack with Strength 6 and a chance to advance Red Skull Short range and/or Push the target. Blitz Strike can be augmented by paying 2 Power to treat blanks as successes in one of its attack rolls. Red Skull’s other attack, Kneel Before Me! is a Strength 9 attack that can be either Energy or Physical, and has a chance to Throw the target.

Instead of gaining 3 Power and rolling 5 dice like the original Red Skull, this version can instead choose to simply suffer 1 damage and gain 2 Power from it once per turn.

In every Power phase, Red Skull can choose between two types of Shielding: Dispersion Field gives him 3 extra defense dice against Energy attacks and makes Red Skull immune to being moved by Mystic attacks or superpowers. The other Shielding type, Null Field gives him 3 extra defense dice against Mystic attacks and makes him immune to collision damage.

Finally, at the beginning of his activation, Red Skull can place a Hydra Troopers grunts character on the battlefield next to him if they aren’t already in the game. They have the Stagger special condition, so they essentially only have 1 action the first time they activate.

Rhino (Aleksei Sytsevich)

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Rhino is a Size 4 heavy hitter. He has just one attack, Gore, which is Range 3 and Strength 5, and it lets you teleport to within Range 1 of the target. This can be amplified by Rhino’s Active Superpower Stampede, which pushes him Range Medium forward, destroying any Size 2 terrain features in his wake, and then he adds 2 dice to his next Gore attack.

His other Active Superpower, Nobody Ever Accused the Rhino of Good Manners lets him throw a terrain feature up to Size 4 Medium Range away, which is pretty wild.

Finally, Rhino has 3 Innate Superpowers: Aggressive lets him advance Small Range towards anyone attacking him if he suffers damage from the attack. Ornery gives him 1 Power whenever he takes damage without getting dazed, which is good since he needs lots of Power to be fully effective, since he only has 1 attack and both his Active Superpowers cost 3 Power each. Finally, Rhino Hide reduces incoming damge done to Rhino by 1.

All of this adds up to Rhino being a really tough character who is all about getting into close combat really fast, and then staying in there, getting stronger while he takes damage. He only has Short Range movement, but Gore, Stampede, Aggressive and Nobody Ever Accused… increases his threat range immensely.

Rocket Raccoon (Rocket Raccoon) [Guardians of the Galaxy]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

First of all, Rocket Raccoon is not a raccoon if you ask him. Other than that, he’s a very inexpensive little guy with only 3 Stamina, but that’s because he’s supposed to be played alongside his best friend, Groot. If Rocket is close to Groot, he can always redirect an attack aimed at himself towards Groot instead.

Rocket’s standard attack, Plasma Rifle, has a very long range of 5, and his other attack, Hadron Enforcer has a chance to deal damage to everyone around the target and push them toward the target.

He can also pay 3 Power when an enemy moves close to him to roll 4 dice and do one damage to that enemy for every Crit and Wild symbol rolled.

Finally, because Rocket is so small and nimble (he is Size 1), he can’t suffer damage from collisions and he’s always considered as being in cover.

Rogue (Anna Marie LeBeau) [Brotherhood of Mutants, Uncanny X-Men]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Rogue is a good fighter who’s particularly remarkable for her Mutant Absorption superpower, which lets her pay 2 Power to pick an enemy within Range 2, roll 5 dice and then remove 1 Power from that target for every Crit, Wild or Hit symbol rolled. If the target loses more Power than they have, the surplus is just counted as damage dealt instead! That’s pretty good for 2 Power!

Rogues standard attack also has a chance to steal Power from the target, and her big attack, Southern Hospitality, can Throw the target. Both of these attacks can be used with Charge, which lets you pay 2 Power to make a move action and an attack action. She can also Throw terrain, and she reduces incoming damage from enemy effects by 1.

Ronan the Accuser (Ronan the Accuser) [Guardians of the Galaxy, Inhumans]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Ronan the Accuser is a Gem Bearer of the Poison Gem, and he is also a pretty strong combatant. His standard Strike attack can Throw the target, and his Universal Weapon attack is a long range attack that can apply Shock to the target.

His final attack, Kree Justice can apply Stun and Stagger to the target, and if you roll any Wild symbols in its attack roll, it also does 1 damage to every enemy character within Range 2 of the target.

When Ronan is Dazed or KO’d by an enemy, Ronan can move Short range and then make an attack against the attacker before going down – a really cool superpower that doesn’t cost any Power to use.

Finally, Ronan can pay 2 Power to apply the Judgment special condition to an attacker who damages him or an ally.

Sabretooth (Victor Creed) [Brotherhood of Mutants, Cabal, X-Force]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Sabretooth is a fast-moving, fierce bundle of fur, fangs and claws. His standard attack, Claw Slash can cause Bleed as well as change one of the target’s succesful defense dice to a blank.

His second attack, Savage Predator is a Strength 7 attack that also has a chance to trigger an additional Claw Slash for which you can reroll all attack dice.

If Sabretooth pays 3 Power, he can add a dice to his next attack roll for each point of damage the target has suffered, making him perfect for taking down wounded enemies.

Even Sabretooth’s defensive superpowers are pretty aggressive: Once per turn, if an attacker is within Range 2 when it attacks this character, Sabretooth can make a Claw Slash attack against it for the cost of 2 Power. Also, every time Sabretooth has been attacked and suffered damage from the attack, he can advance Short range toward the attacker.

Finally, Sabretooth has a Healing Factor of 1 to keep him in the fight.

Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff) [A-Force, Avengers, Brotherhood of Mutants, Defenders]

Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update
Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Scarlet Witch is a character with a very strong standard attack: Hex Bolt is a long range Strength 6 attack, and for each Failure symbol rolled in its attack roll, the target gains either Bleed, Hex, Incinerate or Poison. That’s a lot for a Power cost of zero!

Her second attack, Cruel Twist, ignores Crit rolls in the defender’s defense rolls, and if you roll any Failure rolls in the defense roll, you can change a succesful defense dice into a blank.

In general, Failure rolls are great for Scarlet Witch: She treats Failures as successes in all her rolls!

Whenever Scarlet Witch is damaged by an enemy, you can pay 2 Power to apply the Judgment special condition to the attacker, and to support that, enemies who make Shake actions close to Scarlet Witch can’t remove Judgment, Hex or Poison special conditions!

The only real counterweight to all these excellent rules is that Scarlet Witch is relatively expensive with a Threat Level of 5.

Sentinel MK4

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

A Sentinel is huge (Size 5!) and it’s remarkable in the sense that you can include 2 of them in a squad rather than the usual limit of 1 for each character. Its standard Plasma Blast attack costs no Power, but you can choose to spend up to 3 Power to add that many dice to its attack roll.

Its big attack, Suppression Protocols, adds either Slow, Shock or Incinerate to the target for every Wild symbol rolled.

Sentinels can push a target toward them, they gain 2 Power in each Power phase (1 if they’re on their Injured side), and they can’t be pushed or advanced by Mystic effects. They also count Wild symbols in defense rolls against Mystic attacks as 2 successes, they can fly, and they’re immune to Bleed and Poison.

Sentinel Prime MK4

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

The Sentinel Prime MK4 is the Leader of the Sentinels affiliation, and its Leadership ability lets you pick a number of allies equal to the Threat Level of a newly Dazed enemy and give each of those allies 1 Power.

The Prime can also pay up to 3 Power to let itself or an ally reroll that many dice for an attack or defense roll.

Otherwise, the Prime functions like a stronger and more durable Sentinel MK4 – until its card is turned to its Injured side, that is: Then, in the Power phase, you have to roll 5 dice, and for every Crit and Hit rolled, the Prime gains 1 power, and it also suffers 1 damage if it rolled at least 1 Failure.

Shadowland Daredevil (Matt Murdock) [Criminal Syndicate (Leader)]

Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update
Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

This second version of Daredevil is a Leader of the Criminal Syndicate (long story – if you’re curious about it, go read the Daredevil: Shadowland comics from 2010), and his Leadership ability lets an ally who attacks an enemy holding or contesting an objective reroll one of its attack dice, even if it has the Failure symbol.

His standard attack summons a Hand Ninjas grunts character if it’s not already on the battlefield, and his Demon’s Devastation attack adds 2 dice to its attack roll if any Hand Ninjas are nearby, which brings it up from a Strength of 7 to one of 9. The attack also has a chance to let Daredevil teleport Range 2 after the attack. Fascinatingly, Demon’s Devastation changes from a Physical attack to a Mystic attack when Daredevil’s character card is on its Injured side, and on that side, you can also pay 3 Power to change the attack’s range from 2 to A2, turning it into and area attack.

Baton Snare is Daredevil’s long range attack, and it ignores Line of Sight and Cover, as well as letting you advance Daredevil towards the target before dealing damage.

On the defensive side of things, Daredevil relies on Innate superpowers letting him add blanks to his successes when rolling defense against Physical or Energy attacks, and only letting enemies attack him when they’re within Range 3 of him.

She-Hulk (Jennifer Walters) [A-Force, Avengers, SHIELD]

Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update
Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Like her cousing Hulk, She-Hulk has 20 Stamina and no Injured side to her character card, so she’s durable, but when she’s out, she’s out!

She is also a Leader of the A-Force affiliation, and her Leadership ability gives 1 Power to one ally when another ally takes damage.

Her standard attack, Sensational Uppercut, always applies Slow to the target, and her other attack, The Defense Rests, is a Strength 9 attack that can cause Slow, Stagger and Stun.

She-Hulk can also throw terrain or enemy characters, and she can pay 3 Power to add dice to an attack roll equal to the size of the target of the attack -pretty scary against big monster characters!

She can also act as a bodyguard, letting you pay 2 Power to redirect an attack aimed at a nearby ally to She-Hulk instead, she gains 2 rather than 1 Power every Power phase, and she can always advance Short range towards an attacker if their attack did any damage to her.

Shuri (Shuri) [A-Force, Wakanda]

Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update
Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Shuri has a slightly weird standard attack, Panther Gauntlets, with Strength 6 and Range 5 (great for at standard attack!), but it has a rule that forces it to only ever deal 1 damage no matter how many damage you would normally do (more than 1), but it always pushes the target is it is Size 3 or less.

This leaves you with her big attack, Sonic Crush, to do damage (as well as Stun and possibly Stagger the target), but that costs 4 Power. To keep your Power pool high, Shuri has an Innate superpower that gives her 1 Power for any roll she makes in which she rolls at least one Failure.

She can also pay 1 Power to choose to count Shields rather than Hits as successes in an attack roll after rolling it, and if an ally is within Range 4 and attacking or defending, Shuri can spend up to 3 Power to let them reroll that many dice for the roll.

Sin (Sinthea Schmidt) [Cabal (Leader), Criminal Syndicate]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Sin is a Leader of the Cabal affiliation with a pretty wild Leadership ability: In every Cleanup phase, just after Victory Points are scores, you roll a dice for every objective token one of your allies are contesting, and if you a success (Crit, Wild or Hit), you can Push any enemies also contesting that objective away from it. You also roll a dice for each enemy character holding an Asset token close to one of your allies, and again, on a succesful roll, it drops the token.

On the offensive side of things, Sin has a Hit and Run Active Superpower that allows her to pay 2 Power to make an attack and then a move action. For the attack, she has her standard attack, Automatic Pistol, which triggers another Automatic Pistol attack against the same target, and the Strength 6 attack Make it Personal, which has a chance to trigger an additional Make it Personal attack against the same target if you roll a Crit and a Wild symbol, but that second attack changes from being Physical to being Mystic.

Sin has a Reactive superpower that lets her activate her partner in crime, Crossbones, immediately after her, before the opponent gets their next activation.

On the defensive side, she gains 1 Power whenever she is damaged without being Dazed, and she can only be attacked from within Range 3.

Skurge, the Executioner [Asgard, Cabal]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Skurge is a pretty straightforward, but fun, aggressive support character. His standard Battle-Axe attack can cause Bleed, and his Strength 8 Executioner attack can reroll up to 2 of its attack dice against a target with the Bleed special condition – and it can also apply Bleed.

Skurge can also redirect an attack targeting a nearby ally towards himself for 2 Power, and after an attack against him is resolved, he can advance Short range toward the attacker – so Skurge steps in in front of an ally under attack, takes the damage and then starts running with his Bleed-causing axe toward the enemy!

Spider-Man (Miles Morales) [Web Warriors (Leader)]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

This Miles Morales version of Spider-Man is a Leader of the Web Warriors affiliation, and his Leadership ability lets allies reroll 1 defense dice and they can modify and reroll Failure rolls if are holding or contesting objectives.

His own standard attack, Webline Kick, can Throw the target, and his big attack, Venom Blast, forces the target to drop any objective tokens they’re carrying.

Webline Kick has an “upgrade” in the Active superpower Web Swing, which lets you teleport Spider-Man and then add 2 dice to his next Webline Kick attack roll in the same turn.

Spider-Man is (naturally) also a Wall Crawler, and he can reroll 2 defense dice against Physical or Energy attacks, or 2 dodge dice. Finally, he can only be attacked from within Range 3, so even though he only has a Stamina of 5, Miles Morales is all about getting up close and personal in combat.

Spider-Man (Peter Parker) [Defenders, Web Warriors]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

This is the classic Spider-Man character from the starter set. He has 2 standard “free” attacks: Strike is just a close combat Strength 5 attack, whereas Impact Webbing is a Range 4 attack that has a chance to Push the target. His big attack, Taser Webs, can Stun the target.

Spider-Man can also Push an enemy toward himself, or throw an enemy or terrain feature, and like Miles Morales, he can reroll two defense dice (against Physical and Energy) or dodge dice, and he’s a Wall Crawler.

Star-Lord (Peter Quill) [Guardians of the Galaxy (Leader)]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Star-Lord is the Leader of the Guardians of the Galaxy affiliation, and his Leadership ability gives up to 3 allies a Winging It token in the Power Phase. Those allies can then spend that token to reroll up to 2 dice for a dice roll such as an attack, a defense roll or a dodge roll. At the end of each round, unspent Winging It tokens are discarded.

When it comes to how Star-Lord himself plays as a fighter, he can pay 2 Power to make an attack action immediately followed by a move action, and for this, he has his Range 4 standard Element Gun attack and his big Full Auto attack, the latter of which can apply either Bleed, Shock, Stun or Slow for every Wild symbol rolled in the attack roll.

If Star-Lord rolls no Hit symbols in an attack roll, or no Shields in a defense dice, he can reroll all his dice in that roll, which is pretty great. Finally, he is also a Gem Bearer of the Power Gem, and he can fly.

Steve Rogers, Captain America (Steve Rogers) [SHIELD]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

This newer version of Captain America is a pretty scary fighter. His standard Stars and Stripes attack has a chance to generate another Stars and Stripes attack, and his I Don’t Like Bullies attack has a chance to Throw the target and a chance to apply Stun and Slow to it. If Captain America pays 3 Power, he can reroll a complete attack roll once per turn, making those attacks even better.

Further aiding his aggressive playstyle, he can also pay 2 Power to advance Medium range if he’s not holding an objective token.

Finally, he can pay 2 Power to add two dice to his defense rolls against a single Physical or Energy attack.

Storm (Ororo Munroe) [A-Force, Wakanda, Uncanny X-Men (Leader)]

Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update
Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Storm is a Leader of the Uncanny X-Men affiliation, and her Leadership ability can teleport an ally during their turn once per round, and any allied character who’s attacked by someone not within Range 2 of them is considered as being in Cover.

Storm’s standard attack, Lightning Bolt, can apply Shock to the target, and her other standard attack, Ice Blizzard, is a Beam attack that Stuns the target. Her big attack is an area attack called Hurricane, which ignores Line of Sight and Cover and does extra damage to flying enemies.

She can buff her attacks by paying 3 Power to add 2 dice to her next attack roll, and she can throw terrain features or enemy characters.

Finally, she can’t be targeted by attacks made from outside Range 3 of her.

Supergiant (Supergiant) [Black Order]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Supergiant is a Gem Bearer of the Soul Gem, and she’s a pretty complex Mystic fighter. her standard attack, Mental Vampire, can heal her if she does any damage, and her big attack, Devastate Intellect, is a Strength 8 that doesn’t do damage! Instead, it damages the target’s Power Pool, and it has a chance to Stun and Stagger the target. If you roll a Crit, a Wild symbol, 2 Hits and 2 Failures, the target is immediately Dazed or KO’d! It’s a small chance, but if you’re up against Hulk, it’s definitely worth a try for the Power cost of 8.

Supergiant can also spend up to 5 Power to interact with a Civilian token at a distance equal to the amount of Power spent on the superpower and without paying the Power cost to make the Interact action.

She can also prevent a nearby ally from being Pushed by paying 2 Power, and she reduces any incoming damage from a Physical attack to just 1 damage, and she drops all objective tokens if she suffers damage from such an attack.

Finally (!) she gains 1 Power whenever an enemy character within Range 3 of her rolls 1 or more Crits in any dice roll.

Taskmaster (Anthony Masters) [Criminal Syndicate, SHIELD, Hydra]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Taskmaster is one of the rather few characters in the game who are Rogue Agents, meaning that one of them can be counted as an affiliated character when building your squad, regardless of what affiliation you choose.

His standard attack, Sword Strike has a chance to apply Bleed, and his Shield Throw attack ignores Line of Sight and Cover and can trigger an additional Shield Throw attack at a different target than the original attack.

His “big” attack, Mnemonic Technique, is only Strength 4, but adds dice to its attack roll equal to the target’s Physical Defense (so if the target’s Physical Defense is 4, the attack is now Strength 8), and the target can’t reroll or modify any dice for its defense roll.

These are already pretty good attacks, but the way Taskmaster reacts to getting attacked is really what defines his playstyle: When an attack against him has been carried out, Taskmaster can pay 2 Power to roll 4 dice if the attack came from within Range 3 (6 dice if the attack is the second attack against Taskmaster from that attack this turn), and then deal 1 damage to the attacker for every Crit and Wild symbol rolled.

Likewise, if an attacker directs a second attack in the same turn against Taskmaster, you can add 2 dice to his defense roll against it, and when Taskmaster defends against a Physical or Energy attack made at close range, he adds blanks to his successes. All this defensive excellence is a cool way of translating the comic book character’s ability to analyze and learn enemy attack patterns into rules for the game, and it makes him quite a formidable dualist in close combat.

Thanos, The Mad Titan (Thanos) [Black Order, Leader]

Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update
Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Thanos is the Leader of the Black Order affiliation, and he’s a Gem Bearer of the Mind, Power, Reality, Soul, Space and Time Gems, he can wear 2 of them at once, and he doesn’t have to pay any Power to use their superpowers ! His Leadership ability differs from the Healthy side of his character card to its Injured side: On the Healthy side, it simply gives you 1 Victory Point when an enemy character is KO’d, making the Black Order a top affiliation choice if you just want to table your opponent. On the Injured side, the ability changes to letting allies suffer up to 3 damage to reroll up to that many attack dice, leaning even more into the aggressive playstyle of the affiliation.

Thanos’ standard Strike attack is Strength 6 and has a chance to Throw the target, and his other “free” attack, Cosmic Blast can Slow the target, and you can pay up to 3 Power to add that many dice to the attack roll.

Thanos can also teleport a character within Range 4 of him, friend or foe, and when an ally attacks an enemy, Thanos can pay 2 power to add 2 dice to the attack roll if the target is on its Healthy side, and 4 if it’s on its Injured side.

The Blob (Fred Dukes) [Brotherhood of Mutants]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

The Blob is a Size 3 fighter who’s great at holding his ground. His standard Strike attack can Push the target, and his big attack, Thunderous Slash, is a Strength 7 attack at Range 3 that starts out teleporting the Blob next to the target before damage is dealt. Then, if you roll any Wild symbols, characters close to the target are Pushed and suffer damage as well.

The Blob can also throw characters and terrain features, and he can pay 1 Power when he is about to take damage to reduce that damage by 1 and then Push the attacker if it is within Range 3. While the Blob is great at Pushing and Throwing, he can’t himself be moved forcibly, which makes him a great tank or defensive fighter for his affordable 3 Threat Level.

The Original Human Torch (S.H.I.E.L.D.)

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

The Original Human Torch is a a character who specializes in Beam attacks and Incinerating the enemy. His standard attack, Burn Baby Burn, is a Beam attack that can Incinerate the target, and his big attack, Nova Burst, is also a Beam attack with Strength 4, but you can pay up to 7 (!) additional Power to add that many dice to its attack roll, and it always Incinerates its targets. However, if this attack deals any damage, Human Torch also takes 1 damage after the attack ends.

Human Torch can pay 2 Power to make an attack action followed by a move action, and pay 3 Power to make a nearby enemy drop an Asset token. If someone tries to Push or Throw Human Torch, you can pay 2 Power to do 1 damage to that character.

Finally, when Human Torch ends an advance, he can gain 1 Power for every character he passed that had the Incinerate condition.

Thor, Prince of Asgard (Thor Odinson) [Avengers, Asgard (Leader)]

Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update
Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Thor is the Leader of the Asgard affiliation, and his Leadership ability lets each ally pay 1 Power at the start of your turn to remove 1 damage or 1 special condition from them.

He can pay 3 Power for the For Asgard! Active superpower to make a move action followed by his standard attack, Strike, which can Throw his target. If he makes the attack as a part of For Asgard!, and the attack deals damage, the target also gains the Stagger special condition.

Thor has two more attacks: Hammer Throw is a long range attack that Shocks the target, and God of Thunder is a Strength 7 area attack.

Finally, Thor can also Throw terrain features and enemy characters, and he gains 1 additional Power in each Power phase.

Toad (Mortimer Toynbee) [Brotherhood of Mutants]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Toad is a fighter who’s really good at interacting with objectives.

His standard attack, Tongue Lash, can Push the target, and his other attack, Spit Acid, Incinerates the target.

Toad can pay 2 power to steal an Asset or civilian token from an ally (out of harm’s way, preferably), pay 2 Power to teleport himself Range 2, or pay 2 Power to advance Medium range after suffering damage from an attack, and he can Interact with objectives within Range 2 rather than the usual Range 1.

Ultron (Ultron) [Cabal]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Ultron is a very straightforward fighter who’s a good source of both damage and special conditions.

His standard Strike attack is a Strength 6 attack, Energy Blast can Incinerate the target, and Metallic Fury is a Strength 7 attack that can be either Physical or Energy and can cause Bleed.

Ultron can also throw terrain features, and when defending against a Mystic attack, he can count Wild symbols as 2 successes (and his Mystic Defense was already 4!), and he can always reroll one of his attack dice for every Crit in the target’s defense roll.

Ursa Major (Mikhail Ursus) [Winter Guard]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Ursa Major is an aggressive fighter with a simple but fun playstyle. His standard attack, Bear Slap, can cause Bleed, and his Bear-Armed Brawler attack can Throw and Stagger the target.

He can pay 2 Power to make a move action and then an attack action, and he can throw terrain features.

Finally, if he suffers damage from an attack, he can immediately move Short range toward the attacker. Pretty scary when you’re a huge Russian Bleed-causing bear.

Valkyrie (Brunhilde) [A-Force, Asgard, Defenders]

Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update
Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Valkyrie is a strong close combat fighter with a very consistent hit rate on her attacks. Her standard Strike attack is a close combat Strength 5 attack, and her Dragon Fang attack causes Bleed and has a chance to generate an additional Strike attack.

She can pay 2 Power to make a move action followed by an attack action, and she can throw terrain features and enemy characters, and she gains 1 additional Power every Power Phase.

Finally, she can pay 2 Power to change one dice into a hit for each Crit or Wild symbol in her next attack roll.

Venom (Eddie Brock) [Spider-Foes, Web Warriors]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Venom is a really scary close combat fighter who can heal himself through doing damage. His standard Symbiote Tendrils attack causes Bleed, and his We Are Venom attack heals him for 1 point of damage for each point of damage he inflicts.

Venom can also throw terrain features or enemy characters, and he can Push enemy characters closer to him. He also prevents targets from modifying defense dice when he attacks them.

Finally, Venom can pay 2 Power to immediately attack a target right after it attacked him.

Viper (Ophelia Sarkissian) [Cabal]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Viper is a fast-moving character who, as her name suggests, is good at poisoning enemies.

Her standard Poisoned Blade attack can Poison the target, Assassin’s Pistol can Stun the target, and Viper Strike teleports her toward the target with a chance to apply Slow and Stun to it.

Viper is also really good at staying out of harm’s way. Displacement Ring lets her teleport Range 2 once per turn for 2 Power, she can’t be targeted from outside of Range 3, and Coiled Serpent lets her pay 2 Power to roll 5 defense dice against an attack rather than the amount dictated by her Defense statistic for that attack type, and if she takes no damage from the attack, the attacker takes 2 damage instead.

Vision (Victor Shade) [Avengers]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Vision is a fighter who’s especially characterized by his Phasing superpower, which makes him pick one of two types of Phasing at the beginning of every Power phase: Enhanced Density makes him much more resistant to Physical attacks and being Pushed, and the other type, Phased, makes him more resistant to Energy attacks and collision damage. With the Reactive Superpower Rapid Phase, Vision can also pay 2 Power to change Phasing type when targeted by an attack.

His standard attack, Solar Energy Beam, is a Beam attack (surprise!) that can steal Power from the target, and Synthezoid Avenger is a Physical attack that disables Crits for the defense roll.

On top of all this, Vision can also throw terrain features and enemy characters, and he can use an action to gain 2 Power, which is a pretty strong superpower to have.

War Machine (James Rhodes) [Avengers, SHIELD]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

War Machine is a very straightforward character whose sole focus is on ranged damage, but that doesn’t mean his rules aren’t good!

His standard attack, Metal Storm, is a Beam attack that can cause Bleed, and Rocket Pods is a Long range attack that triggers another Rocket Pods attack -effectively making it a Strength 8 attack, but split evenly across two targets.

His big attack, Empty the Clip, is risky but cool: When a Crit is rolled for it, you don’t roll 1 additional attack dice, but 2! However, for each Crit rolled in the attack roll, War Machine takes 1 damage.

Other than that, War Machine can Fly, and he reduces incoming damage by 1. That’s it! Simple but fun.

Wasp (Janet Van Dyne) [A-Force, Avengers]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Like Ant-Man and others, Wasp can be represented by 2 different miniatures on the battlefield – one Normal, and one Tiny version of her. Both versions have a character card with a Healthy and Injured side, but different abilities.

The Normal side has an attack allows you to transform into Wasp’s Tiny version after the attack is resolved. Once per turn, the Normal side can also just transform into the Tiny version for 1 Power if you can’t find anyone to attack.

The Normal side can also throw terrain features, and finally, it can pay 1 Power to transform into its Tiny version when targeted by an attack or suffering a collision.

The Tiny version is much harder to hit: The enemy must be within Range 3 to attack her, and she can reroll all her defense or dodge dice. The only drawback to her size is that she can’t hold objective tokens.

The Tiny version has a Stinger Blast attack that prevent the target from gaining Power when it suffers damage from the attack, and she also has a Wasp’s Fury attack that lets her advance Medium range after the attack, as well as transform into the Normal version for free.

Winter Soldier (James “Bucky” Barnes) [SHIELD]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Winter Soldier is a Rogue Agent, meaning that he can count as an affiliated character in any squad, regardless of affiliation.

His standard Assault Rifle attack can cause Bleed and has a chance to generate an additional Assault Rifle attack against its original target, and his big Strength 7 Red Fury attack Pushes the target and then triggers an additional Assault Rifle attack as well. As if that wasn’t enough Assault Rifle attacks, Winter Soldier can also pay 3 Power to make an Assault Rifle attack against the attacker when one of his allies are Dazed or KO’d by an enemy.

Finally, he can also teleport a nearby ally to appear right next to him, and he can reroll one dice in attack or defense rolls when they’re made against a character within Range 1 of him.

Wolverine (James Logan Howlett) [Avengers, Defenders, X-Force, Uncanny X-Men]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Wolverine is renowned for his healing abilities, and in the game, that’s represented by a Healing Factor of 2. His standard Adamantium Slash can cause Bleed and has a chance to turn a succesful roll in the target’s defense roll into a blank. This attack can be used in the Active superpower The Best at What I Do, which lets him pay 3 Power to make a move action and an Adamantium Slash action. That Adamantium Slash action counts each Wild symbol in its attack roll as 2 successes, making it a potentially very dangerous attack!

Wolverine’s big attack, Berserker Barrage moves Wolverine close to the target, and if he deals any damage, he can also Throw the target.

Even though Wolverine is size 2, he counts as size 3 when someone attempts to Push or Throw him.

When Wolverine’s character card is turned to its Injured side, he gets an additional Innate superpower, Wild Rage, which adds 1 dice to his attack rolls for every point of damage he has taken since getting Dazed, but it also prevents him for interacting with or holding objectives.

Wong (Wong) [Convocation, Defenders, Midnight Sons]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Wong is a dedicated support character who’s at his best when close to a Doctor Strange character. He only has one attack, Strik, which is as standard as they come with Strength 4 and 1 Power gained per attack, but he can gain 1 Power for free as an action, and spend 2 Power to grant 1 Power to a nearby ally. He can also spend 1 Power to heal a nearby ally for 2 damage or remove one special condition.

Finally, he adds 1 dice to his defense rolls when he is close to a Doctor Strange character.

X-23 (Laura Kinney) [X-Force, Uncanny X-Men]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

X-23 functions like Wolverine in many ways: she has Healing Factor 2, counts as size 3 when Thrown or Pushed. Furthermore, she has the Adamantium Slash attack (see above under W) and she has a Reactive superpower that allows her to advance Short range and make an Adamantium Slash attack after having Dazed or KO’d a target, giving her a chance to knock out 2 characters in a row.

Like her sister Gabrielle Kinney (Honey Badger), she can advance Medium range toward the attacker if her sister takes any damage.

Grunts Overview (alphabetical)

Hand Ninjas

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

Hand Ninjas are Grunts with Elektra and Shadowland Daredevil as the Parent characters. Their standard attack has a chance to inflict Bleed, and they can immediately make an attack when they’re placed on the battlefield by one of their Parents’ abilities.

They can Interact with Civilian or Asset tokens, but can’t contest or hold objectives, and they can sacrifice themselves to transfer an Asset or Civilian token from them to a nearby allied character.

Hydra Troopers

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

HYDRA Troopers are Grunts with Red Skull, Master of Hydra as their Parent character. Their standard attack is a Long range Energy attack, and they can’t Interact with Civilian or Asset tokens, but can hold and contest objective tokens. They can sacrifice themselves to make a move action and then reroll all attack dice for their next attack action (so move, shoot, get KO’d).

S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents [SHIELD]

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation list update

S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents are Grunts with Nick Fury as their Parent character. Their standard attack is a Strength 4 medium range attack, and they can’t contest Secure objectives, but can Interact with Civilian or Asset tokens. If they drop an objective token, it is played on the battlefield by the player who fielded the agents, not by the opponent.

How do affiliations work in Marvel Crisis Protocol?

An Affiliation is a Group of Superheroes. To be consider a group you need to be composed of OVER 50% of the Superheroes as listed on the Affiliations Card. Each Affiliation gains a game effect as listed on the team leaders stat card.

How big are Marvel crisis protocol bases?

Size 2 characters use a 1⅜” (35mm) base size, except for Doc Oc, who has a 2” (50mm) base. Size 3 characters, like Ultron, have a 2” (50mm) base. Size 4 characters, like The Incredible Hulk, have a 2.5” (65mm) base.

How many crisis protocol characters are there?

Marvel Crisis Protocol is a game that it's publisher Atomic Mass Games has managed to grow and expand at a breathtaking pace, even in its first year! With more than 120 different characters already available, deciding where to start your collection can seem almost impossible.

Is Marvel crisis protocol worth buying?

Marvel Crisis Protocol is a surprisingly good tabletop game that makes the most out of the license without sacrificing gameplay. If you're a Marvel fan with an interest in the tabletop hobby, or a veteran player looking for a new set of miniatures, the Core Set has a lot to offer you.