Keeping house clean with multiple dogs

If you share your home with a furry friend, the good news is studies say you're probably happier and healthier. The bad news? Your house quite possibly isn't.

But fear not! We've compiled our top tried and tested tips to keep your pet-friendly home feeling fresh.

1.Keep your pets clean

If Buster looks like he's run a Tough Mudder after every walk, it's time to set up a pet grooming routine. It sounds obvious, but dirt removed through grooming is dirt not lying around the house. While you shouldn't use pet shampoo too often, a quick wash down with plain water can make a world of difference. Keep damp dogs confined to one area, preferably with an easy to clean floor e.g. laundry room, kitchen. Better yet, thoroughly dry them afterwards to avoid any eau de wet dog. From time to time you'll need to give them a proper wash with pet shampoo. Depending on the breed they may also require trimming or de-shedding; use a professional dog groomer for a thorough job.

M&H Donut Dog Bed, Peacock Print

Mutts & Hounds Donut Dog Bed, Peacock Print, £95,

Mutts & Hounds

2.Upgrade your sofa

If you can't bear to push your pooch off the couch it might be time to upgrade your current sofa. The wrong material can act like a hair magnet, hold undesirable odours and show up the slightest stain. While scouting your new sofa, look for leather or tightly woven materials, ideally in a similar shade to your pets. If you can't spring for a new sofa, add a pet friendly throw which can be chucked in the wash when needed.

3.Buy a quality vacuum cleaner

Look for a pet appropriate vacuum cleaner to pick up pesky hairs and help banish odours. You'll need an extra strong suction, quality filter and a good brush action to pull hair out rather than glide over the surface. Consider the type of flooring you have in your home and if your pet goes on the furniture, look for one which can tackle upholstery too. If you've got yourself a shedder, you'll need to vacuum daily to keep on top of things. Be sure to regularly clean out the filter too as a hair and dirt clogged filter will spread the smell of pet hair wherever you vacuum. Ah, pet ownership!

4.Set up a dog cleaning station

Your Danish console table and fiddle-leaf fig might look like the perfect entranceway, but not when you're armed with a muddy dog. Of course, if you have a laundry room, set up your dog cleaning station there. But if not, simply tweak your entranceway. We're talking a heavy duty doormat, easily accessible dog towels and wipes and a water spray bottle to clean muddy paws. Maybe a couple of treats, too. Cecil in 'Pug' by Fenella Smith

Cecil in 'Pug' by Fenella Smith, £200,

5.Regularly clean your pet's things

Pet beds, toys and even leads pick up that strong dog odour and all need to be cleaned regularly. Check if they are machine washable, otherwise you can wash by hand in the sink. Save this chore for a sunny day and allow them to dry outside where the sun will help kill bad odours.

6.Raid your cupboards to fight bad odour

If you don't want to purchase a cupboard load of cleaning products, check out what you've already got. For furniture and upholstery that isn't easy to clean, a light spritzing of vodka will help remove odours. Baking soda is also great at neutralising odours; you can shake over rugs and carpets before vacuuming or leave pots of it in offending areas to absorb odours. Vinegar is also perfect for removing bad smells; use it when washing toys and beds.

7.React quickly to accidents

Life with pets means the odd accident. Our advice? Act fast and use an enzyme-based cleaner to minimise smells.

Pet Potty, House of Bath

Pet Potty, £19.95,

House of Bath

8.Buy a sensible dog bed

Walking down the pet bed aisle, it's easy to get lured in with decadent design and extra fluffy lining. But don't be fooled – they will be a nightmare to clean. Instead go for a water resistant, easy to wipe down option. Give it a quick wipe down once a week and leave it out to air in the sun whenever possible.

9.Air your house

Persistent pet smells affecting the energy in your home? Now that spring is here open your windows and let some fresh air in. Even on cold days, a 10 minute blast of fresh air works wonders at deodorising.

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Abby Driver Abby Driver is a freelance journalist based in Cornwall.

How do people with dogs keep their house clean?

Here are 10 tips that will help you keep your house clean despite your dog's best efforts..
Invest in an Automatic Vacuum. ... .
Keep a Bottle of Stain Remover Handy at All Times. ... .
Cover Any Furniture That You're Going to Allow Your Dog to Climb On. ... .
Place Mats Outside Your Home's Exterior Doors. ... .
Provide Your Dog With Pedicures..

How often should you clean your house with dogs?

Generally, you should mop 2-3 times a week to ensure maximum cleanliness of your floors, or whenever your furry friend brings in a little more dirt or mud. A little trick that you can do is to add a bit of a cleaning agent with fragrance, just to give your home a nice smell after you're done mopping.

How do you deep clean house that had pets?

First, get some gloves and put them on. Then, empty the litter box and then wash it both inside and outside using warm water and mild soap. The 1:1 water-vinegar solution is also a good substitute. While cleaning, a little scrubbing could be helpful to remove stubborn stains if there are any.

How do you keep hardwood floors clean with dogs?

Using a damp mop is a great idea because it picks up dog hair like nobody's business. Just be careful not to use too much water because it may damage the hardwood in the long run, Buying a microfiber duster. This tool picks up dog hair as effectively as the mop does and is even easier to use.