Is Red Dead Redemption cross play with PS4 and PS5?

  ❘   Published: 2022-11-01T08:34:00

  ❘   Updated: 2022-11-01T16:50:59

Red Dead Online may not be receiving any future updates but it still has a dedicated player base that login to the game daily. This multiplayer spin-off of the Red Dead Redemption series allows players to explore the Old West on horseback with groups of friends. Does Red Dead Online have cross-platform play though?

Red Dead Online is the multiplayer counterpart to Red Dead Redemption 2. Unlike Red Dead 2, Read Dead Online works a lot like GTA Online, letting players team up or battle one another, using the game’s Wild West setting as the ultimate cowboy playground.

The question is, is Red Dead Online cross-platform? And does it allow players across PC, Xbox, and PlayStation consoles to engage in cross-play with those who own the game on other platforms?

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Rockstar Games

Red Dead Online does not yet feature cross-platform play.

Is Red Dead Online cross-platform?

No, at the time of writing in 2022, Red Dead Online still does not support cross-platform play. This means that those playing on PC, PlayStation, and Xbox consoles will only be able to play with others on the same platforms.

It also seems unlikely that the functionality will be added to the game, as GTA Online, Rockstar’s older and more successful multiplayer game, also hasn’t added it. This would suggest that it’s not coming, or is highly unlikely to ever arrive.

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However, never say never. If Red Dead Online ever adds the feature in the future, we’ll be sure to update you.

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So, there you have it – that’s everything you need to know on whether or not Red Dead Online has crossplay. For games you can enjoy with friends, check out our other crossplay guides for the biggest multiplayer titles:

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In today's gaming world, cross-platform play is becoming increasingly important. It allows players from different consoles to play the same game, and it's often a way for developers and publishers to reach an even wider audience.

One of the most hotly debated topics in video game discussions these days is, "Is Red Dead Redemption 2 cross-platform in 2022?" Red Redemption 2 is the sequel to Rockstar Games' Red Dead Redemption, a 2010 game. This is an action-adventure game set in the American Wild West, which is getting a lot of attention.

Nowadays, the craze for cross-platform gaming is at an all-time high. Different games are being released that allow players to play across different platforms, despite the platform they bought it on.

In this blog post, we'll look at whether or not Red Dead Redemption II is cross-platform and explore the possible reasons why Rockstar Games might be excluding this feature.


  • Red Dead Redemption 2 - A Quick Introduction
  • Is Red Dead Redemption 2 Cross-Platform in 2022?
  • Is Red Dead Redemption 2 Cross-Platform Xbox One and PS4?
  • Is Red Dead Redemption 2 Cross-Platform Xbox One and PC?
  • Is Red Dead Redemption 2 Cross-Platform PS4 and PC?
  • Is Red Dead Redemption 2 Cross-Platform PC and Stadia?
  • Is Red Dead Redemption 2 Cross-Platform PS4 and PS5?
  • Is Red Dead Redemption 2 Cross-Platform Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S?
  • Frequently Asked Questions
    • 1. What does cross-platform mean?
    • 2. Is Red Dead Redemption 2 cross-progression?
    • 3. Is Red Dead Redemption 2 a multiplayer game?
    • 4. I'm playing on PS5; can I play with a player who is playing on Xbox?
    • 5. Is Red Dead Redemption 2 cross-generation?
    • 6. Can I play with my friends on PC if they're playing on Xbox One?
    • 7. Why do players love to play Red Dead Redemption II?
  • Conclusion

Red Dead Redemption 2 - A Quick Introduction

Red Dead Redemption 2 is a sequel to the 2010 game Red Dead Redemption. It's set in 1899 America, where players control former outlaw Arthur Morgan and his gang of fellow bandits as they rob, steal, fight and kill their way across the vast open world.

The player can explore towns like Saint-Denis or interact with characters such as Bonnie-Lou, an old friend of Arthur Morgan's.

Is Red Dead Redemption cross play with PS4 and PS5?

Red Dead Redemption II is much more expansive and detailed than the 2010 game it follows. It also has improved graphics and a new gameplay mode called "Dead-Eye Targeting," which allows players to carefully aim their shots in slow motion. Another unique feature is that there are two different protagonists in the story.

Arthur Morgan is the first playable protagonist, as well as a member of Dutch's Gang and players, can also control "Irish" Red O'Malley, who is part of John Marston's former gang. The game takes place in 1899, which was around about the time when modern America started to take shape following its westward expansion from colonial times.

Daily, millions of players are playing this game, and one of the topics they are discussing is "Is Red Dead Redemption II cross-platform?". Now, without further ado, let's take a look at it.

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Is Red Dead Redemption 2 Cross-Platform in 2022?

No, Red Dead Redemption 2 is not cross-platform compatible. This means that players are locked to their platform and can not play with others who have a different platform. So, if you and your friend have Xbox One and PlayStation consoles, respectively, you won't be able to play together.

Is Red Dead Redemption cross play with PS4 and PS5?

The demand for cross-platform gaming is getting much higher in recent years, as players want to be able to play with their friends on a different platform. But, unfortunately, Rockstar Games has not considered it for Red Dead Redemption 2.

We know that many players are disappointed with this decision, but there may be some reasons why the developers aren't implementing cross-platform play. For example,

  • There might be concerns with the technical side of this feature.
  • There could also be some gameplay elements that would require adjustments to accommodate cross-platform play. For example, game design decisions such as player customization or progression system changes may not work for players who are playing on a different platform than you and your friends.
  • There may be some legal issues that are preventing the game from being cross-platform compatible.
  • The fear of cheating, hacking, and grief might also be a factor.
  • The fear of player toxicity is getting worse with cross-platform games, and it's something the developers want to avoid at all costs.

Till now, the developers have not confirmed anything, so we'll have to wait and see what the future brings. But don't worry, we'll keep you updated on any new developments regarding this topic!

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Is Red Dead Redemption 2 Cross-Platform Xbox One and PS4?

Is Red Dead Redemption cross play with PS4 and PS5?

No, Red Dead Redemption 2 is not cross-platform between Xbox One and PS4. This means that if you are playing on Xbox One, you can not play with someone who is on PS4 or PS5.

This is because both Microsoft and Sony have their own online networks, which are both closed to other consoles. If you want to play with your friends on a different console, you are going to have to get the same one as them.

Is Red Dead Redemption 2 Cross-Platform Xbox One and PC?

The answer is No; Red Dead Redemption II is not cross-platform between Xbox One and PC. This means that if you are playing on Xbox One and your friend is playing on PC, you can not play together.

This is because there are many differences between these two platforms; for example, the Xbox One has a more powerful graphics card than a PC.

Is Red Dead Redemption 2 Cross-Platform PS4 and PC?

Is Red Dead Redemption cross play with PS4 and PS5?

This question is similar to the previous one and can be answered with another "NO". Red Dead Redemption II is not cross-platform between PS4/PS5 and PC. You can not play together if your friend has a PS4 and you have a PC.

The reason for this is that there are many technical differences between these two platforms, such as the controller inputs.

Is Red Dead Redemption 2 Cross-Platform PC and Stadia?

No, Red Dead Redemption 2 is not cross-platform between PC and Stadia. This means that if you are playing on a PC, you can not play with someone who is playing on Stadia. In order to play with them, you would have to purchase the game on their platform.

Is Red Dead Redemption 2 Cross-Platform PS4 and PS5?

Is Red Dead Redemption cross play with PS4 and PS5?

Yes, Red Dead Redemption 2 is cross-platform between PS4 and PS5. This means that both the PS4 and the PS5 players are able to play together.

For the time being, this is possible due to the fact that both consoles are on the same network, and there aren't any significant differences between them.

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Is Red Dead Redemption 2 Cross-Platform Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S?

Yes, Red Dead Redemption 2 is cross-platform between Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S. This means that both the Xbox One players are able to play together with those who have an Xbox Series X or S console.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What does cross-platform mean?

Cross-platform means that you can play with your friends on a different console. This is what allows the Xbox One and PS5 players to be able to play together. A good way of understanding this concept is thinking about it as though it's an online chatroom - everyone in the room has their own device, but they're all able to chat with one another.

2. Is Red Dead Redemption 2 cross-progression?

No, Red Dead Redemption II is not cross-progression. This means that if you are playing on PS4, you can't access your progress from Xbox One and vice versa.

3. Is Red Dead Redemption 2 a multiplayer game?

Yes, Red Dead Redemption 2 is a multiplayer game. This means that you can play with other players on the same platform, such as when two Xbox One players are playing together.

4. I'm playing on PS5; can I play with a player who is playing on Xbox?

No. Red Dead Redemption 2 is not cross-platform between PS5 and Xbox One. This means that if you are from the Playstation Network, you cannot play with someone who has an account from Microsoft's network for this game.

5. Is Red Dead Redemption 2 cross-generation?

Yes, Red Dead Redemption 2 is cross-generation. This means that you can play with players who have the game on a different generation of consoles. For example, you could be playing on PS4 and playing with someone who has the game on PS5.

6. Can I play with my friends on PC if they're playing on Xbox One?

No, you cannot play with your friends on PC if they're playing on Xbox One. In order to play with them, you would need to purchase the game on their platform.

7. Why do players love to play Red Dead Redemption II?

There are many reasons why players love to play Red Dead Redemption II. One reason is that it's a very immersive and detailed game that allows you to explore the Wild West in a way that hasn't been possible before. Another reason is the multiplayer aspect of the game, which allows you to team up with your friends and take on other players in the game's online world.

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We hope this article on "Is Red Dead Redemption 2 cross-platform in 2022?" has been helpful to you. Red Dead Redemption 2 is not cross-platform, meaning that if the person you want to play with doesn't have the same console as you do, you won't be able to play together.

If you have any other questions about this game, please feel free to leave a comment below, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Is Red Dead Redemption cross play with PS4 and PS5?


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Rockstar Games Red Dead Online does not yet feature cross-platform play.

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Unfortunately, Red Dead Online is not cross-platform in any way, shape, or form. It's a restricted title that locks players into their unique platform, regardless of whether they're playing on PC, Xbox, or PlayStation.