Do they make Red Dog beer?

Red Dog

ManufacturerMiller Brewing Company
Introduced1994; 28 years ago
Alcohol by volume4.8%[1]
StyleAmerican-style lager
Original gravity(°Plato): 1.040- 1.046 (10- 11.5 °Plato) typical of this style [2]
Final gravity(°Plato): 1.006 - 1.010 (1.5 - 2.5 °Plato) typical of this style [2]
IBU scale(5 - 17) typical of this style [2]

Red Dog is a beer produced by the Miller Brewing Company and is part of their Plank Road Brewery Family. The beer contains 4.8% alcohol by volume.[3] It was introduced in 1994.


Red Dog was introduced in 1994 and is brewed with two barley malts and five varieties of American hops.[1] "Plank Road Brewery" was the name of Frederick Miller's first brewhouse in the 19th century. The Plank Road name was resurrected in the 1990s to sell Icehouse and Red Dog as a more premium beer under a different name, so as not to directly associate them with Miller Brewing. Using the tag line "Be Your Own Dog," Tommy Lee Jones was hired to voice Red Dog TV commercials in the ad campaign from the creative team of Michael McLaughlin and Stephen Creet at BBDO, Toronto. Although popular during the mid-to-late 1990s, Red Dog faded into near-obscurity after the turn of the 21st century. Since 2005, it has been returning to stores in a current price segment between Miller High Life and Milwaukee's Best.


Do they make Red Dog beer?

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Red Dog has done some commercials featuring the Red Dog mascot who is voiced by Tommy Lee Jones.


  1. ^ a b "Beer Nutrition Facts and Codes". MillerCoors. Retrieved 2008-10-12.
  2. ^ a b c "Beer Style Guide Lagers". Beer of the Month Club. Retrieved 2009-03-03.
  3. ^ MillerCoors

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Red DogMiller Brewing Co.


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Do they make Red Dog beer?

Rated by Chipr62

5/5  rDev +145.1%
look: 5 | smell: 5 | taste: 5 | feel: 5 | overall: 5

Don't understand why score so low. Loved this beer when I could find it here in the south.

May 25, 2022

Do they make Red Dog beer?

Reviewed by tekstr1der from New Hampshire

2.32/5  rDev +13.7%
look: 2 | smell: 2.5 | taste: 2.5 | feel: 2 | overall: 2

Wasn't aware this was still in production, certainly haven't seen it in NH in decades. We would occasionally dip into these for a change from the other equally swill beers of the day, rarely ever able to afford Budweiser.

Mar 29, 2022

Do they make Red Dog beer?

Reviewed by stevoj from Idaho

1.5/5  rDev -26.5%
look: 1.5 | smell: 1.5 | taste: 1.5 | feel: 1.5 | overall: 1.5

12oz can. Can’t say no to free beer (but maybe you should sometimes). My father-in-law bought this because it had a dog on the label. That might have been the best feature

Jan 12, 2022

Do they make Red Dog beer?

Reviewed by Bouleboubier from New Jersey

3.9/5  rDev +91.2%
look: 3.75 | smell: 3.75 | taste: 4 | feel: 3.75 | overall: 4

(12 oz can, APR 2020; bought cold single at local basic liquors... poured into a 14 oz mug)

L: inch-high foam on pour, sitting atop a polished-clear, brass-colored liquid; the foam is actually relatively dense and glossy, receding surprisingly slow... holds a half-moon crescent collar and, dang, if there isn't 3-4 thick bands of lace - huh?

S: very pale, almost flour-like, vaguely corn-flaky grain smell dominates, mellow toasted note; mildly grassy-herbal overtone

T: apple juicy ester(?) up front, with a sudden surge of cereal-like (again, corn flakes), dried grassy/earthy grain midway; finishes rather dry with a mild lingering pils malt husk note, maybe a slight background tinge of masa; moderately bitter for its ilk

F: certainly a vibrant effervescence, bubbling and rumbling the center of each sip, with a few healthy belches as proof... the body itself is on the meatier side of light

O: first time having this in perhaps 25 years, last time being likely a lukewarm can awash in a sea of melting ice in a cooler at a gathering in the woods (or one of my other many haunts)... had no recollection of this being a Miller product, but given my inclination toward their brands, I could honestly see getting this again, even, just maybe, a 30 pack (I've seen em) (1722)

Jan 08, 2021

Do they make Red Dog beer?

Reviewed by TedHead from Illinois

3.08/5  rDev +51%
look: 2.75 | smell: 2.75 | taste: 3 | feel: 4.5 | overall: 3

Pours a translucent gold like any other aal with a white head that dissipates immediately. Smells like wet grain with a touch of just enough hops to let you know it's not a light beer. Taste is surprisingly better than most with a less apparent adjunct presence than other macros. This one shines because it doesn't lie. It's uncommonly smooth. This goes down maybe even easier than water. Overall an exceptional aal but I've only seen it once. Get it if you can.

Oct 28, 2020

Do they make Red Dog beer?

Rated by garrethockey from Wisconsin

1.85/5  rDev -9.3%
look: 4 | smell: 2 | taste: 1 | feel: 4.25 | overall: 1.5

Oct 24, 2020

Do they make Red Dog beer?

Reviewed by 1009 from Massachusetts

2.46/5  rDev +20.6%
look: 2.5 | smell: 2 | taste: 2.75 | feel: 2.75 | overall: 2.25

Our dog came back. We rescued him. We thought he was gone, but we got him back. It's the beer that your dad crushed at dive bars and Boson Garden. It's the classic 90’s beer and we got it back. Red dog. Is it good? No, not particularly. Easy drinking, honestly probably one of the better Miler products. Again, not really sure what that says. But this beer was bought for the story. The brand.

Oct 02, 2020

Do they make Red Dog beer?

Rated by MD31 from Wisconsin

4.94/5  rDev +142.2%
look: 5 | smell: 4.75 | taste: 5 | feel: 5 | overall: 5

Red Dog is a great budget beer. Goes down smooth and taste pretty darn good. Great poker beer!

Sep 29, 2020

Do they make Red Dog beer?

Rated by Cody1021

3.69/5  rDev +80.9%
look: 4 | smell: 3 | taste: 4 | feel: 3.75 | overall: 3.75

Feb 12, 2020

Do they make Red Dog beer?

Reviewed by DADZIG83 from Pennsylvania

5/5  rDev +145.1%
look: 5 | smell: 5 | taste: 5 | feel: 5 | overall: 5

Red Dog is the shit. 30 pack from roger Wilco in pennsauken was about $21.00. Looks great, smells amazing, tastes even better and then it feels so good. Red Dawg. Признайся!

Jul 18, 2019

Do they make Red Dog beer?

Reviewed by JimboBrews54 from Michigan

2/5  rDev -2%
look: 2 | smell: 2 | taste: 2 | feel: 2 | overall: 2

Better than a lot of ice beers. That is not saying much, this is still awful in almost every way shape and form. The only thing that separates this is that it actually tastes somewhat like beer.

May 09, 2019

Do they make Red Dog beer?

Reviewed by Buckeye55 from North Carolina

1.96/5  rDev -3.9%
look: 2.25 | smell: 1.75 | taste: 2 | feel: 2 | overall: 2

I will give this beer one thing, it went down smooth. Unfortunately it is not as smooth coming back up. First time I got drunk on this, I puked. Thinking it might not be the beer, i got drunk on it again. Same result, I cannot think about this beer without wanting to retch

Apr 30, 2019

Do they make Red Dog beer?

Reviewed by cardfan212 from Minnesota

3.22/5  rDev +57.8%
look: 2 | smell: 3 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3.25 | overall: 3.25

Drank from a 12 ounce can. Score is based on the style.

Look - Weird and scatterbrained. The light background picture of the Plank Road Brewery building is on a weird slant, as is the bulldog picture, which is on par with all the millions of high school bulldog mascot pictures. The claim of "uncommonly smooth" is bold, and I wonder just how true it'll be.

Smell - Yep, smells like a beer. Very corny with that air of wet grain. Nothing much of note here, but nothing bad either.

Taste - The essence of beer. Like the smell, it's exactly what comes to mind when you think AAL. Very mild and balanced, sweet but not overly sweet, just enough earthiness without tasting dirty. Don't think I'd ever turn down a can if I was offered one.

Feel - Surprisingly little carbonation with a light-medium body. It truly is uncommonly smooth.

Overall - A random cheap beer that's good and hasn't been picked up by the hipster crowd yet? This is a true rarity.

Feb 05, 2019

Do they make Red Dog beer?

Reviewed by superspak from North Carolina

3.68/5  rDev +80.4%
look: 4 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 4 | overall: 4

24 ounce can into lager glass, best before 6/4/2018. Pours crystal clear medium golden yellow color with a 1 finger fairly dense and fluffy white head with good retention, that reduces to a small cap that lingers. Nice spotty soapy lacing clings on the glass, with a fair amount of streaming carbonation retaining the cap. Aromas of cracker, white bread dough, lightly toasted biscuit, light corn/pepper, and herbal/grassy earthiness. A touch of fruity aromas, but not overwhelming. Nice and pleasant aromas with pale malt/grains and light-moderate earthy hop notes; with solid strength. Taste of cracker, white bread dough, lightly toasted biscuit, light corn/pepper, and herbal/grassy earthiness. Light-moderate herbal, grassy, spicy bitterness on the finish. Lingering notes of cracker, white bread dough, lightly toasted biscuit, light corn/pepper, and herbal/grassy earthiness on the finish for a good bit. Nice robustness and balance of pale malt/grains and light-moderate earthy hop flavors; with a great malt/bitterness balance, and zero cloying/astringent flavors after the finish. Moderately crisp/clean finishing. Perfectly clean on lager flavors, with zero yeast notes present. Light-moderate increasing dryness from bitterness and carbonation. Medium-high carbonation and medium body; with a very smooth, moderately bready/grainy, and fairly sticky balanced mouthfeel that is great. Zero warming alcohol as expected of 5%. Overall this is a nice pale adjunct lager. All around nice obustness and balance of pale malt/grains and light-moderate earthy hop flavors; very smooth, crisp, clean, and refreshing to drink. Very flavorful and not watery for the ABV. Very clean pale malt/grain flavors, and nice earthy hop presence for the style. Really nice barley presence, and not overdone on adjuncts at all. A nicely enjoyable offering, and well made style example as expected of Miller.

May 12, 2018

Do they make Red Dog beer?

Reviewed by connecticutpoet from Connecticut

2.19/5  rDev +7.4%
look: 2.75 | smell: 2.5 | taste: 2 | feel: 2.25 | overall: 2

Appearance – Clear yellow beer with a thin layer of head.

Aroma – Light hoppiness but not very distinctive.

Taste – Funky, like a draft beer in a keg. Not sour funky, more like a little old or lightstruck.

Mouthfeel – Somewhat thin.

Overall – Not a great beer by any means

Feb 27, 2018

Do they make Red Dog beer?

Rated by Arild929 from Arkansas

4.76/5  rDev +133.3%
look: 5 | smell: 4 | taste: 5 | feel: 5 | overall: 5

Great, commercial beer, bold, smooth.

Dec 25, 2017

Do they make Red Dog beer?

Rated by OldSchoolMike from North Carolina

2.65/5  rDev +29.9%
look: 2 | smell: 2.5 | taste: 2.75 | feel: 2.75 | overall: 2.75

Maybe a step above regular Miller.

Dec 11, 2017

Red Dog from Miller Brewing Co.

Beer rating: 51 out of 100 with 799 ratings

Did they stop making Red Dog beer?

Although popular during the mid-to-late 1990s, Red Dog faded into near-obscurity after the turn of the 21st century. Since 2005, it has been returning to stores in a current price segment between Miller High Life and Milwaukee's Best.

What type of dog is on the Red Dog beer label?

Since first catching sight, in the fall of 1994, of the gruff-countenanced, red-hued English bulldog face and accompanying 'Red Dog' brand name that identify Red Dog beer, members of Villa Park Orchards Association, located in the city of Orange, have been irked, to put it mildly.

Who made Mad Dog beer?

MAD DOG GINGER BEER 4% – Terella Brewing.

What is Dog beer?

Bowser Beer is a beer formulated just for dogs. Made in the USA with real human-grade beef, chicken or pork, it has no added salt or fat. Combined with malt barley which contains vitamin B and amino acids, and glucosamine to promote healthy joints, you have a delicious brew that is healthy and nutritious.