Is hot chocolate bad for your heart

There's no better way to celebrate the holidays than by enjoying a nice cup of hot chocolate. In fact, the drink has become a winter necessity! Though it's undeniably delicious, health experts say that the popular drink is actually doing more harm to your body than good. Here's why you should put down that cup of cocoa...

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Is hot chocolate bad for your heart

1. There's a lot of calories in your cocoa

An 8-oz. mug of hot chocolate can have at least 192 calories. That's if you're making your own cocoa at home. If you prefer getting it from a packet, you're looking at around 152 calories. 

2. There's a lot of fat in there, too! 

The calorie count isn't the only thing you have to worry about. There's also a lot of fat in there, too! "An 8-oz. serving of homemade hot chocolate contains 5.85 grams of total fat, with 3.57 of that being saturated," according to Sara Ipatenco from Livestrong. "Prepare an envelope of hot chocolate powder with water and your beverage contains 1.52 grams of fat, with less than 1 gram being saturated."

3. Don't forget about the sugar! 

How do you think hot chocolate gets its sweet taste? It's from sugar! Whether you're making it yourself or having it premade, your cup of cocoa could be adding 24.15 grams of sugar to your diet. 

Is hot chocolate bad for your heart

4. It can cause tooth decay

All of that sugar in your cocoa can lead to a slew of ailments, including tooth decay! 

5. Hot cocoa can lead to unwanted weight gain 

Overconsuming your cocoa, which is filled with sugar and fat, can increase your chances of having high triglycerides and gaining weight! 

6. It can cause heart disease?! 

Not only can excessive hot chocolate consumption cause tooth decay and weight gain, but it can also lead to heart disease and high cholesterol, too! 

Is hot chocolate bad for your heart

7. There's a carcinogen in there, too?! 

Carrageenan is used in Swiss Miss' prepackaged hot chocolate. It's also been found to cause inflammation in the body, which Dr. Joanne K. Tobacman says will lead to heart disease, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, and cancer!

8. Dipotassium phosphates are used as well! 

Dipotassium phosphates are highly water-soluble salt that are used in Swiss Miss' hot chocolate. It's also used as a fertilizer and a buffering agent... ew! 

There's nothing quite like warming up with a cup of hot cocoa on a cold winter day. It may seem like an indulgence, but the chilly day treat actually has a whole host of health benefits. Cocoa powder contains powerful antioxidants and many studies have shown its beneficial effects on heart health, insulin levels, memory and more. Best of all? It just plain makes you happy.

1. Cocoa Is Nutritious

According to the USDA, cocoa powder is a good source of fiber and iron. Dark chocolate (70-85 percent cacao solids) contains calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, Vitamin A, and Vitamin K. 

2. Cocoa Contains Antioxidants

Cocoa is rich in antioxidants known as flavonoids. According to Cornell University scientists, cocoa has twice the antioxidants of a glass of red wine and three times as many as found in green tea. 

Flavonoids have been connected with plenty of health benefits, from reducing inflammation to boosting immune systems, Live Science reports. These antioxidants have been associated with a longer life, weight management, cancer prevention and more. 

Dark chocolate makes a difference, the USDA says. The higher percentage of cacao the better when it comes to bars. Antioxidants are also higher in less processed cocoa powders, meaning that Dutch-processed cocoa powder, while delicious, is not the healthiest option.

3. Cocoa Promotes Heart Health

According to the American Heart Association, cocoa's effects on cardiovascular effects are wide-ranging and, overall, reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke asdf.

These same antioxidants go a long way in promoting heart health. According to the European Food Information Council (EUFIC), cocoa's flavanols have been associated with a lower risk of heart disease, combating LDL cholesterol, increasing blood flow and reducing blood clotting.

4. Cocoa Aids Memory

A 2013 study published in the journal Neurology found a correlation between drinking hot chocolate and boosted memory, suggesting that drinking two cups a day could help stave off Alzheimer's. 


"As different areas of the brain need more energy to complete their tasks, they also need greater blood flow. This relationship, called neurovascular coupling, may play an important role in diseases such as Alzheimer's," Dr. Paul Rosenberg of Johns Hopkins School of Medicine told the Daily Mail. Cocoa's ability to increase blood flow is thought to be at the root of its memory-enhancing abilities. 

In 2014, researchers provided the first direct evidence that cocoa consumption can increase cognitive function in a study published in Nature Neuroscience. Researchers narrowed down the benefits to a boost in activity in a specific region of the brain called the dentate gyrus and tracked the effects of a high-cocoa drink on this region, ultimately finding a significant difference in cognitive function.

"When we imaged our research subjects' brains, we found noticeable improvements in the function of the dentate gyrus in those who consumed the high-cocoa-flavanol drink,"  the study's lead author, Dr. Adam Brickman of the Taub Institute, said in a statement.

5. Cocoa Makes You Happy

Chocolate contains many secrets to happiness. Not only does it taste delicious, but it has quite the positive effect on your brain. It releases certain neurotransmitters that make you feel comfortable and happy, and can even reduce pain and stress. 

Chocolate makes you feel good because it contains energy-boosting caffeine, mood-lightening serotonin, and relaxing tryptophan, the Washington Post explains. 

For the healthiest hot cocoa, the key is to make your own using unsweetened cocoa powder or 85 percent dark chocolate. For a lower-fat version, go with a plant-based milk. Sweeten to your taste with natural sweeteners like honey and pure maple syrup, but don't go overboard. Last but not least, enjoy your guilt-free treat! 

Can heart patients drink hot chocolate?

Cocoa Promotes Heart Health These same antioxidants go a long way in promoting heart health. According to the European Food Information Council (EUFIC), cocoa's flavanols have been associated with a lower risk of heart disease, combating LDL cholesterol, increasing blood flow and reducing blood clotting.

How bad is hot chocolate for you?

Hot chocolate These extra calories can cause weight gain, increasing your risk of heart disease. If it's made with full-fat milk and topped with whipped cream, this will add more calories, and it will be high in saturated fat, which could affect your cholesterol levels.

Is it bad to drink hot chocolate everyday?

Overconsuming your cocoa, which is filled with sugar and fat, can increase your chances of having high triglycerides and gaining weight! 6. It can cause heart disease?! Not only can excessive hot chocolate consumption cause tooth decay and weight gain, but it can also lead to heart disease and high cholesterol, too!

Is hot chocolate good for blood pressure?

Cocoa has high levels of flavonols (e.g., epicatechin, catechin), which can cause antioxidant activity in the endothelium, vasodilation via increased nitrous oxide production, and inhibition of angiotensin-converting enzyme, all of which may lower blood pressure.