How to put a game on Steam for free

How to put a game on Steam for free

How to put a game on Steam for free

How to Register a Free To Play Game on steam

Hey I need to know how to register a free to play or free game on steam any links or advice thanks

Showing 1-13 of 13 comments

How to put a game on Steam for free

You go to the store page and click install.

If you mean as a developer, steam direct, pay $100 and put your game on steam.

Last edited by Washell; 23 Apr, 2018 @ 10:26am

How to put a game on Steam for free


23 Apr, 2018 @ 10:27am 

If you have the thought of tieing the game to your library, the only way it can be done is by simply downloading it to play thus it appears as a complimentary not indefinite license.

If it is outside of Steam, unfortunately, it can only be added as a non-Steam game.

Last edited by Si-Fi; 23 Apr, 2018 @ 10:28am

How to put a game on Steam for free

Yes I mean as a developer to register my game

How to put a game on Steam for free

How to put a game on Steam for free

How to put a game on Steam for free

Yeah I know I still have to pay steam I get it

How to put a game on Steam for free

Is there any other sites out there that I can post my free to play game without all that bullsh*t personal crap steam requires

How to put a game on Steam for free

Is there any other sites out there that I can post my free to play game without all that bullsh*t personal crap steam requires

Search for them on you own - you'd find some.

Steam is undoubtedly the best place for this though...

How to put a game on Steam for free

Is there any other sites out there that I can post my free to play game without all that ******* personal crap steam requires

It's a kind of security, with that info Valve know who made the software if it should turn out to be a rogue developer trying to do shady stuff.
If you can't put your name behind it, I'm not sure I would feel secure downloading/installing and running your software.

How to put a game on Steam for free

How to put a game on Steam for free

Thank you this is what I was looking for you are awesome cSg|mc-Hotsauce thank you so so much

How to put a game on Steam for free

I get games from there from time to time.

Good luck!

How to put a game on Steam for free

Showing 1-13 of 13 comments

Date Posted: 23 Apr, 2018 @ 10:23am

Posts: 13

Can you put a free game on Steam?

You can get free Steam games in multiple ways, all of them perfectly legitimate. Many games on Steam are free to download and play, even if they also include in-game microtransactions that you can pay for. Some websites, like the Humble Bundle, occasionally give games away for free.

How much does it cost to put free games on Steam?

You go to the store page and click install. If you mean as a developer, steam direct, pay $100 and put your game on steam. If you have the thought of tieing the game to your library, the only way it can be done is by simply downloading it to play thus it appears as a complimentary not indefinite license.

How do I submit a game to Steam?

In order to get a game on Steam, you need to register as a partner at Steamworks. You'll need to fill out some forms, pay a submission fee, and go through an onboarding process. Then you will need to create your store page, build the depots for your game, upload a game build, and set a price for your game.

Can anyone upload a game to Steam?

Valve announced today that anyone will be able to publish games on Steam through its previously announced Steam Direct program for "a $100 recoupable publishing fee per game."