How to make your home germ free

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12 ways a microbiologist fights germs in his house


Germs are everywhere. It's a fact of life.

The bad news is that your home is one of the biggest breeding grounds of bacteria, viruses, mold, and other debris.

The good news is that many of these things aren't going to harm you. In fact, many germs you interact with at home come from your own body, and some foreign invaders can even be beneficial.

But sometimes nasty pathogens can creep in from the outside and make you very sick.

To get the low-down on how best to keep your home germ-free, we spoke with microbiologist and pathologist Philip Tierno of the New York University School of Medicine.

Here are 12 things he does to limit his exposures to potentially nasty critters. And don't worry, you don't have to live in a bubble to keep yourself safe.

He washes his bath towel after every three uses.

Paul Reynolds/Flickr

The moment you dry yourself with your bath towel, it turns into a breeding ground of bacteria; fungi; dead skin cells; salivary, anal, and urinary secretions; and many other germs lingering in your bathroom that may have hopped onto your towel — including droplets from your toilet.

Many of these microbes aren't likely to harm you, but they're there, and they're multiplying quickly — especially when your towel is damp.

For this reason, Tierno washes his towel after every three uses while making sure that it completely air dries after each use: "A damp towel is growing," Tierno said. "Wherever there is odor, there are microbes growing, so it should be washed."

He washes his bed sheets once a week.


If you thought your bath towel was gross, your bed sheets are arguably even worse. 

"You have spores of fungi, bacteria, animal dander, pollen, soil, lint, finishing agents of whatever the sheets are made from, coloring material, all sorts of excrements from the body including sweat, sputum, vaginal, and anal excretions, urine milieu, skin cells ... " Tierno said. "Plus there are cosmetics that people use — they put oils and creams on their body, all of that is in that milieu."

Not to mention the dust mites, Tierno said. All of these allergens may cause you to wake up with a stuffy nose, cause or exacerbate allergies, or aggravate asthma. To keep these populations under control, Tierno washes his bed sheets once a week.

He sanitizes his kitchen sponge after every use.


Kitchen sponges are ideal breeding grounds for microbes because their nourishing, warm, moist environments supply microbes with a good place to live and tons of food.

Sponges can harbor all kinds of nasty bacteria, including campylobacter, salmonella, staphylococcus, E. coli, and listeria — all of which can cause mild to severe gut and skin infections.

"Even if you rinse it and use some soap, it's not sufficient to eradicate the germs," Tierno said.

He disinfects his sponge after every use with a simple homemade solution made of one part bleach and nine parts water (you can find our instructions on how he does that here).

"It's very potent," Tierno said. "It can kill anthrax spores."

He lets his toothbrush air dry in a cabinet.


Here's a phrase that you probably don't want to hear: "toilet plume."

It's a little burst of aerosolized toilet water that sprays into the air when you flush a toilet — sometimes reaching as high as 15 feet.

"You don’t want to leave your toothbrush out hanging in the air so that it can pick up some of that aerosolization," Tierno said. For this reason, he keeps his toothbrush tucked away in a medicine cabinet where it's exposed to the air but not exposed to the toilet debris. Nobody wants that in their mouth.

He wipes down his cell phone every few days.


Your hands are dirty. And when you're touching your phone constantly — on average of about 46 times per day, according to a Deloitte survey — all of those nasty bacteria and viruses you've picked up throughout the day gets transfered to your phone.

For this reason, Tierno wipes his phone with a microfiber cloth at least every few days to limit his exposure. It won't get rid of all the bacteria, but a good swipe will take out most of them.

He doesn't eat food that has fallen onto the floor — no matter how long it's been there.

Julia Calderone/Tech Insider

According to Tierno, the "three-second rule" for food is absurd. No matter how clean you keep your home, the ground is teeming with all kinds of bacteria and viruses that can make you sick.

"A lot of people do stupid stuff, and they have the three second rule, which is nonsense," Tierno said.

Bottom line, he doesn't eat anything that drops to the ground, even if it's just on the floor for a few moments.

He cleans his television remote once per week.


In the same way that your cell phone is a germ factory, so too is your remote control. In fact, studies have found that thousands of bacteria can be hanging out on that clicker at a given time, Kelly Reynolds, an environmental biologist at the University of Arizona told Fox News Health.

This situation compounds when multiple people are fondling that thing on a daily basis.

"Where people touch, you'll find germs," Tierno said, "especially when you have guests."

Tierno cleans his television remote at least once per week. You can swab your electronics with a wrung-out disinfecting wipe.

He steams his hardwood floors once a month.

Daniel Goodman / Business

Hardwood floors are less germ-laden than wall-to-wall rugs or carpeting, which can trap all kinds of debris. But hard wood can get pretty grody as well.

Hard surfaces not only harbor the nasty germs you've tracked into your home on your shoes, but they also embrace lingering germs that have hopped from your toilet, your pets, and even food from your own kitchen (raw chicken is by far one of the worst offenders here).

Studies have found that potentially dangerous pathogens such as campylobacter, salmonella, and E. coli can live on hard surfaces for days — all of which can cause mild to severe gut infections.

Tierno sanitizes his floor once a month with a steam cleaner to keep those surfaces spick and span.

He washes his area rugs every six months.

Wikimedia Commons

Tierno's house is mostly lined with hard wood, but he does have a few area rugs to soften a few spots.

Those rugs can attract a ton of debris, though. In fact, Tierno told the publication SheKnows that carpets can contain around 200,000 bacteria per square inch. "That's about 4,000 times grosser than your toilet," writer Heather Barnett wrote in the post.

"At least area rugs can be taken out and cleaned periodically," Tierno told Tech Insider. You can scrub them by hand with mild dish soap or rug shampoo and water if you're feeling crafty, or alternatively you can take them to a professional.

He washes his hands frequently.


One of the most important things you can do to protect yourself from germs is to practice good hand-washing hygiene (which many people don't do correctly).

If your hands are clean, you're less likely cross-contaminate objects in your home — such as computers, cell phones, television remotes, and appliances. Good handwashing hygiene is especially important in the kitchen, when you're working with bacteria-laden foods such as raw chicken and red meat.

Tierno makes sure to wash his hands frequently, especially before he eats or touches his eyes, nose, or mouth.

And most importantly, he's not a germaphobe.


Germs are everywhere, so you can't protect yourself completely — in fact, being too clean could be problematic for your health.

So the best strategy is to know when to avoid some of the most egregious offendors without driving yourself insane.

"You don't have to be a germaphobe, one thing I'm not is a germaphobe," Tierno said. "You've just got to be wise, be aware, and understand your surroundings. It's not brain surgery."

Read the original article on Tech Insider. Copyright 2016.

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Germs Germaphobia Environmental Microbiology


How can I naturally disinfect my house?

Here's a different way to sanitize surfaces: Combine 1 cup vinegar, 1 cup club soda, and 2 drops tea tree oil. Spray it onto surfaces and wipe clean. This mixture works to disinfect only if it's made fresh. Even 24 hours later, it doesn't kill as many germs.

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The kitchen holds the title for “germiest place in the house”, where bacterial contamination is far more common than in the bathroom, for example: Kitchen rags, towels and sponges are notorious for bacterial contamination. The sink drain, sink and countertops are also frequently contaminated.