How to make mango butter for skin

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Once you have made my mango body butter recipe below, I think you will have trouble making anything else….This mango body butter melts right away on contact with your skin, leaving it silky smooth and not greasy. Mango butter  is a powerful and natural ingredient in body butter recipes and perfect for dry or sunburned skins. It moisturizes and nourishes the skin almost instantly and is frequently used with or as a substitute for cocoa and shea butter.

I’m sorry to disappoint you but mango butter does not smell like mangos! The reason is that the mango comes from the seed of the fruit and not the flesh of the fruit. It does have a sweet smell though! I’ve added some Roman chamomile essential oil so it gives a playful, citrusy and sweet smell to this organic mango butter recipe.

How to make mango butter for skin

Scientifically known as Mangifera Indica, mango butter comes from the tropical mango tree and is cold-pressed from the seeds of the mango fruit. Although you can find this fruit throughout Africa, the Caribbean, Indonesia and the Americas, it is native to India. it hardens at room temperature but will soften when you put it on your skin. It leaves a silky feeling and very smooth touch!

What I like about mango butter is that in comparison to other popular body butters, mango butter is firm, yet soft and creamy. Its smooth, light and non-greasy texture makes it easy to apply to the skin.

Benefits of Mango Body Butter

  • Treats and moisturizes dry, ashy, sensitive and rough skin
  • Minimizes the appearance of stretch marks and scars
  • Reduces fine lines and wrinkles
  • Soothes sun damaged skin
  • It is a natural source of vitamins A, C and E
  • Protects against UV rays
  • great to use in handmade soaps for moisture and lather

How to choose the best quality mango butter?

Ideally, you want to make sure it is certified organic by USDA or Ecocert like this mango body butter here.

Choose the raw unrefined version of mango butter as it will contain more vitamins and minerals. The trouble is that sometimes unrefined mango butter can bring some grainy texture to your body butter so if this is the case opt for a refined organic mango butter.

The way it is extracted also has an incidence on the quality. The fat is usually extracted by hydraulic pressure or by solvent extraction. Ask the manufacturer how the mango butter is extracted and avoid the solvent extraction as it can have some chemical residue.

Compared to non-organic mango butter, organic mango butter is non-toxic and free from pesticides and fertilizers. Prefer the fair trade organic mango butter so ensure the community making the mango butter receive “fair” wages and well compensated for their work.

Other ingredients I used in my organic mango body butter recipe

  • Shea butter: Shea butter comes from the fat pulled out from the nut of African Shea tree. It is rich in vitamins E, A and F – providing the skin with essential nutrients. Some of its many benefits include reducing skin inflammation, moisturizing and strengthening the skin, and reducing the signs of wrinkles.
  • Arrowroot powder: Arrowroot powder helps reduce redness and combats wrinkles. It is a great addition to body butter recipes because it moisturizes the skin without feeling greasy.
  • Safflower oil: Made from safflower seeds, safflower oil contains linoleic acid and vitamin E. It has been shown to improve skin texture and reduce the signs of aging.

This homemade mango body butter recipe is definitely cost-effective.  All you have to do is purchase your ingredients; once you do you will have enough to make a large amount – definitely more than what comes in a jar at your local store. 1 pound of store-bought mango butter will cost approximately $13.00 while 3.5 pounds may cost around $37.00.

Mango Body Butter Recipe Step by Step

How to make mango butter for skin

Mango Body Butter Recipe

Prep Time: 20 minutes

Cook Time: 5 minutes

Total Time: 25 minutes

  • 12 tbs of organic unrefined mango butter
  • 2 tbs of organic refined shea butter
  • 6 tbs of organic safflower oil
  • 1 teaspoon of arrowroot powder optional
  • 15 drops of roman chamomile essential oil
  • 3 drops of bergamot teraphene free essential oil
  • 10 drops of patchouli essential oil
  • Glass Salve Containers– You can also find glass cream containers on and

  • Put the shea and mango butter in a glass or metal bowl inside a pan filled with water on low heat so they starts melting slowly.

  • Once melted add the safflower oil and mix well.

  • Put the bowl the freezer for 5 to 10 minutes, depending on the temperature of your freezer. You want the mixture to not be completely frozen but thick enough so it is not liquid.

  • If its a soft paste then its ready to whip!

  • Then take it out of the freezer and start whipping with an electric whip on low speed.

  • Add the arrowroot powder if desired. This is optional but will help have a light feeling and texture on the skin.

  • Make sure you wear an apron and that the bowl is deep enough so the butter does not start flying around everywhere in the kitchen!

  • Begin whipping your mixture on low speed until it becomes fluffy.

  • Once the mixture is fluffy, increase the speed to medium until it becomes whipped to the desired stage.

  • Add essential oils if desired at the end and whip for 1 min or less.

  • Your butter will have a very fluffy and light consistency, like a nice whipped cream!

Tutorial Mango Body Butter Recipe

Step 1 – Melt butter and oil together in a double boiler

How to make mango butter for skin

Step 2 – Once melted – put it in the freezer for 10 – 15 min until it has this consistency as in the photo below.

How to make mango butter for skin

Step 3 – Start whipping with an electric whip. Then add the arrowroot and essential oils.

How to make mango butter for skin

Step 4 – Continue whipping until its white and fluffly like in the photo below!

How to make mango butter for skin

Now, I’d love to hear from you, what do you think of this mango body butter recipe? Please let me know in the comments below and don’t forget to share this recipe on social media!

I hope you have enjoyed my recipe, please share the love and rate ***** in the comments below!

Eve Cabanel

I’m Eve, a DIY organic skincare recipe creator since 2010 that loves to make a big mess in the kitchen!
I’ve embarked on a journey to empower women to ditch all the chemical-filled commercial beauty products and to share how to make your own organic beauty recipes at home towards a healthier lifestyle.

Homemade face & body creams, body butter, lips balms, face masks, shampoos, and all-natural perfume will have no more secret for you!

I am self-taught, read many books, and spend many hours in the kitchen creating brand new homemade beauty recipes. All my recipes are unique and are tested on humans!

In 2016, I studied Aromatherapy and became certified by the School of Natural Health Sciences.

Find me on: Web | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook

How do they make mango butter?

Mango butter is usually extracted by expeller pressing or cold pressing de-shelled mango fruit seeds. The oil-bearing mango seeds are placed inside a hydraulic press machine where they undergo high pressure and friction to release their oils, which seep through small openings at the bottom of the pressing barrel.

What are the ingredients in mango butter?

The main chemical constituents of Mango Butter are: Oleic Acid, Stearic Acid, Palmitic Acid, Linoleic Acid, Arachidic Acid, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E.

Can I use raw mango butter on my face?

YOU CAN USE ON ACNE-PRONE SKIN! Mango butter is lightweight, non-greasy and non-comedogenic (so it won't clog your pores). It is also antibacterial and can help soothe acne inflammations.

Which is better for skin shea butter or mango butter?

Unrefined Shea Butter is more nutrient-rich than Mango Butter, so that is always our #1 choice. However, Mango Butter is 100% pure and is a wonderful moisturizer that beats any lab-made, store-bought lotion.