How to heal in ac odyssey

Last update: Friday, October 5, 2018

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This section includes all the information on how to heal your character in Assassin's Creed: Odyssey. Here, you will learn how to heal your character during battles and what to do when he or she is on the brink of death.

How to heal in ac odyssey

When exploring the in-game world or when sneaking, your health bar might regenerate on its own. You just have to wait until the regeneration begins that will restore your character's full health.

Unfortunately, your health bar does not regenerate on its own in combat. This might easily cause a situation when your character is left with little health points and can be easily killed.

The first method of regenerating health is the easiest one but it is also the least efficient. Your character can receive a little bit of health back every time when you use an active ability. These skills require adrenaline (at least one full segment on the yellow bar). You won't regenerate your entire health but this method allows you to stay longer on a battlefield. Using adrenaline on a regular basis is very important. You can't gather adrenaline when your bar is full. This means that you will lose a chance to partially heal yourself.

How to heal in ac odyssey

The second solution to the lack of health regeneration in combat is available right from the start and involves running away. You have to disappear from the enemy's sight and then hide in the bushes, on a roof or other place providing shelter. Then, you simply have to wait until your health bar begins to regenerate.

Note - If you want to use this method when e.g. attacking a fort, try not to leave the combat location entirely - this will increase the chance that upon approaching the area, there will be no new enemies, while those you were able to injure did not recover full health.

How to heal in ac odyssey

The third solution to health regeneration problem is to acquire the Second Wind active ability. It becomes available after you reach experience level 5. The basic version of this ability allows you to immediately restore 1 of the health bar (unlocking next levels increases the percentage value of regeneration). Assign this ability to one of the four combat buttons making it always available.

There are two difficulties related to using the Second Wind ability:

  1. You can use this ability only if at least one piece of the adrenaline bar is full.
  2. You cannot use an ability several times in a row. You have to wait after it regenerates. If the regained health is not enough to provide your character with safety, dodge enemy attacks several times to wait until you will be able to use the ability again.
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In Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, you’ll want to learn how to heal quickly after the start of the game. Combat in the latest Assassin’s Creed is fierce, fast, and bloody, and it’s easy to lose your life if you don’t keep a close eye on your health. Below, we’ve detailed the various ways you can heal yourself in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, and which way is the most efficient at restoring your health.

When you begin the game, you’re not going to have many options as far as healing goes. The way the health system works in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is similar to previous games. Your health bar is at the bottom of the screen, and as you take damage, it’ll decrease. When you’re about to die the bar will turn red, and you’ll get red pulsing at the edges of the screen.

Initially, the only way you have to heal is to not take damage for a certain amount of time. If you’re in combat, this means keeping your distance from your enemy and using blocks and dodges to avoid their attacks until your health starts to regenerate.

Health regenerates more slowly in combat than it doesn’t outside of battle. When you’ve ended a fight, you’ll notice your health will refill rather quickly, which means you usually get to enter each fight with your full health.

How to heal in ac odyssey

As you progress through the game, you’ll level up and earn skill points. Once you unlock the second tier of Warrior abilities, you can learn Second Wind. Second Wind will refill 25% of your max health upon activation and recharges very quickly.

As the game goes on you’ll be facing tougher foes on a more regular basis, often several levels above you. With Second Wind you’ll have a fighting chance at surviving some of these fights where the odds are stacked against you. Unlocking Second Wind and upgrading it as soon as possible to its third tier should be something you do as soon as possible.

Can you heal during battle Assassin's Creed Odyssey?

Heal yourself with second wind ability : Very early in the Assassin's Creed Odyssey adventure, we strongly advise you to activate the « second wind » skill by spending one skill point in the Warrior's Tree. This skill allows you to instantly heal your character's injuries up to 25% of their maximum health.

Can you heal yourself in AC origins?

Thankfully, health regenerates quite generously in Assassin's Creed Origins. It regenerates after each battle and you can also purchase the Regeneration skill in the Warrior skill tree so that you regain health during battles. Without the skill, Bayek's health will not regenerate during combat.