How to get rid of pack rats in house

This page is a general Pack Rat control guide. Using the products and methods suggested, you will get control of Pack Rats in your garage. Follow this guide and use the recommended products, and we guarantee 100% control of Pack Rats.

While the term "pack rats" is commonly used to describe someone you know that hordes excessive amounts of clothes and household items that they don't need, there is actually a species of rodent known as Pack Rats that can cause problems when they invade homes.

Pack Rats is the common name of White-throated Wood Rats which are found distributed across different regions of the country. While they may look cute with their bushy tails, they can be a destructive presence due to their relentless chewing habit. To keep their teeth sharp, they chew on everything -- from cable wiring, irrigation tubes, hot tubs, air conditioning units, and car seats to garage and even swimming pool equipment.

A single female Pack Rat can produce two babies every two months and the female baby can, in turn, start reproducing in about 2 months as well. This can lead to a big increase in population in a very short time. Pack Rats also crank out a lot of urine and fecal pellets and your home can start smelling like a public restroom in no time.

If you are suffering from an infestation of Pack Rats, follow our DIY guide below where we will share with you a little about this common rodent and how to best control them using our expert techniques and professional rodent control products.


Identifying Pack Rats is an important step in the control process. All rodents have slightly different habits and preferences so knowing for sure that you have a Pack Rat over a different rat type can help you when it comes to the treatment approach.

  • Pack Rats are properly known as Wood Rats. They get this name because their native habitat is in forestry and brushy areas of the wilderness. These rodents are not limited to the woods as they can also survive in deserts, humid regions and mountainous areas.
  • Pack Rats have grey or reddish-brown colored fur but have white on their feet and undersides. They have big ears, a bushy tail which differs them in appearance to Roof and Norway Rats. 
  • Pack Rats can reach between 12 to 15 inches long when measured along with their tail.
  • Pack Rats live primarily in dens that are 3 feet tall and 5 feet in diameter. These dens are made of twigs, sticks, grasses and other debris.

How to get rid of pack rats in house

Use the description and image above to help you in properly identifying Pack Rats. If you are not entirely sure, contact us and we will have one of our pros assist you with correct identification.


Once you have identified Pack Rats, you will need to perform an inspection to find out where they gather, where they are active, and where they are hiding. By doing so, you will be able to pinpoint your treatment to these specific areas for effective elimination. 

Where to Inspect

Pack Rats have similar habits to your typical rat in that they invade an area in search of three simple needs: food, water, and shelter. You may find them active around your garden if you have one, and they may invade your home in the wintertime for warmth. Search your basement, attics, patios and garages for these damaging rats.

What to Look For

Look for the Pack Rats themselves or signs of damage. Some notable signs include chew marks on wires and walls. Another clear sign of activity is any fecal droppings they have left behind. 

Pack Rats are known for gathering many materials, like shiny objects, spoons, jewelry and any other object that attracts them and packing them away in their nests. If you see these items piled up in any tight corner, you may have located their nest. 


Once you have noted where the Pack Rats are most active, you can then proceed with treatment. We recommend setting traps, either or both glue traps and snap traps as well as general clean up to overcome this pest invasion and put a stop to their population growth. Be sure to wear the proper personal protective equipment (PPE) before handling or applying the product.

Step 1 - Sanitation and Decluttering

How to get rid of pack rats in house

The first and foremost method to keep Pack Rats away is making sanitation a priority. Keeping your home clean and disposing of trash properly will make your home less appealing to reside in. Toss trash properly and keep them sealed in tight containers. Outdoors, remove leaf litter and yard debris as much as possible.

Make sure you sweep the floors to clean away food crumbs after every meal. Try not to leave any dirty dishes overnight; rats love to feast on your leftovers. Make sure to refrigerate all your leftovers and never leave it in the open.

If you have any leaks under the sink or anywhere in the house, fix them. Rats want continuous access to water and if they are denied, they will want to migrate. Declutter by recycling your old newspapers, cardboard boxes, and other boxes on a regular basis. Rats love to burrow in these cozy areas.

Step 2 - Set Up Traps

How to get rid of pack rats in house

Like all other rodents, Pack Rats can be caught easily with traps. We recommend using both snap traps like the Solutions Easy Set Rat/Mouse Trap and glue traps like the Solutions Pro Glue Trays to increase the likelihood of the Pack Rat being captured.

Trapping is a better option over rodenticide baits because Pack Rats may tend to horde the blocks rather than eat them, making effective control take longer than desired.

To ensure that your snap trap treatment is effective, what you will need to do is what we call "pre-bait." This means we place baited traps without setting them. This is done because rats usually avoid new or unfamiliar objects.

By baiting the trap without setting it, the rats become comfortable with the trap and its food source. This also allows the trap to be monitored if they are taking the bait so that we know that the trap's placement is in a good spot.

Be sure to set the traps in places where kids and pets can’t reach and where Rats have been most active. Place the traps around your kitchen and attic. Outdoors, place them around the edges of your home. Leave the bait in the traps at night time to see results in the morning.

How to get rid of pack rats in house

Solutions Pro Glue Trays are poison-free and peanut butter scented, which will attract rodents towards the trap. Glue boards are an easy product to use. Remove them from the packaging, pull the two apart, and place them strategically in corners of the attic or other areas where you have noticed Pack Rat Activity.

Most households may need about 12 of each trap for effective control of the Pack Rat invasion. Be sure to set traps about 5 to 10 feet away from eachother wherever you have noted Pack Rat hot spots.


Once you have eliminated a Pack Rat infestation, you want to make sure they don't make a comeback with preventative measures and exclusion. Pack Rats are tiny little creatures and they can squeeze their way in from any entry, no matter how small.

  • Get out your caulk and seal all cracks and holes you come across.
  • Seal all entries from where these pests may be entering. Make sure all openings like electric wires, drain spouts, water pipes and vents are sealed. Look for vents in the attic and seal them shut.
  • A helpful tool when performing exclusion is Stuf-Fit Copper Mesh. Rats can chew through many materials, but they cannot chew through copper. This product will ensure that even if rats successfully remove your sealant, they cannot enter your home. After placing copper mesh in your holes, seal them with caulk.
  • Pack Rats are climbers and nibblers, so they will use any entry they find into your home. If your doors and windows do not shut properly, get them fixed. If you see any holes around the foundation of your home, get that fixed too.

Key Takeaways

What are Pack Rats?

  • Pack Rats are Wood Rats that commonly invade homes in the winter in search of warmth and can cause a lot of damage and destruction with their relentless chewing habits.

How To Get Rid of Pack Rats

  • To eliminate Pack Rats, trapping is the best method of control.
  • Use the Solutions Pro Glue Trays and Solutions Easy Set Rat/Mouse Trap and place them around your property in 5 to 10 feet intervals. 

Preventing Rat Pack Reinfestations

  • Prevent future Pack Rat infestations with exclusions measures such as placing Stuf-Fit Copper Mesh in openings and points of entry.

What will repel pack rats?

Rats have a powerful sense of smell. You can repel rats from your home and garden with scents they dislike, such as clover, garlic, onion, hot peppers containing capsaicin, house ammonia, used coffee grounds, peppermint, eucalyptus, predator (cat) scent, white vinegar, and citronella oil.

What are pack rats attracted to?

Packrats are famous collectors - they gather all sorts of items to bring to their nests. They are attracted to shiny things, including people's keys, coins, and jewelry. They are also known as trade rats because if they find a special item, they will drop it in exchange for something better.

What smell will keep rats away?

This makes peppermint oil, chili powder, citronella, and eucalyptus the most common natural rodent repellents. Chemical smells, such as ammonia, bleach, and mothballs also work as mice deterrents.