How to find Ellie in the hotel The Last of Us

In the guide it says there's an optional conversation in the hotel where Ellie will talk about the bodies and the tub but I can't get it to activate even when I've cleared the whole building. I believe this is my last optional conversation. What am I doing wrong

I'm very very old. Even a saved Sig doesn't help me remember what my Sig is anymore

LiquidAntagonis 8 years ago#2

I know this conversation works because I've done it multiple times, however I also know that sometimes it simply won't activate, or sometimes you'll get the prompt but you'll be interrupted by, say, a nearby hunter and when you go back to it will no longer be available.

I suggest either avoiding combat entirely by sneaking by or stealth killing everyone on the first floor before moving on to the second floor. There should be a hunter in the room near the tub where this conversation should take place. Take him out, but don't initiate combat.

I'm not sure what causes it to stop working correctly, so the most anyone can tell you is that it does indeed work, so you should just keep replaying the chapter until you finally get it.

JediThought (Topic Creator)8 years ago#3

Alright so I'll try and get there without fighting anyone or with fighting minimal people this time.

I'm very very old. Even a saved Sig doesn't help me remember what my Sig is anymore

LiquidAntagonis 8 years ago#4

Right at the moment when you reach the rooftop of the lobby area and you see those two hunters in one of the rooms having a conversation about how, "they're going to continue being thorough" a checkpoint is created. You can enter the pause menu and select "restart encounter" to be taken back to this point, so if you can't get the conversation to activate, you can simply select the restart encounter option rather than finishing through the entire section or simply restarting the entire chapter.

I don't know how long this save point stays active, but I think stays there until you manage to clear out all the guys on the second floor and make your way to the elevator.

JediThought (Topic Creator)8 years ago#5


I'm very very old. Even a saved Sig doesn't help me remember what my Sig is anymore

FredericChopin 8 years ago#6

I am doing a second playthrough of this on hard mode and just went
through that part of the hotel yesterday, and stumbled on to that
optional conversation. I missed it the first time.
Here is what I did -

I cleared all of the hunters on the floor below the tub -
then I went up to the second floor through the stairwell and cleared
all the enemies on the tub floor.

I then returned to the floor below - there is a point on that floor where you
can go out on to a balcony, I seem to remember there is a baseball bat
you can find there...

On the balcony, there is a wall with some graffiti (there is a smiley face
saying "what goes up, must come down" or something similar) - if you
enter through the hole in that wall, you will come into a bedroom, you
can climb up on to the bed and enter the next floor up through a hole
in the ceiling.

This will put you right by the tub. Doing this, the optional conversation
was triggered.

Hope this helps!

"I see Wrong;Siders"

JediThought (Topic Creator)8 years ago#7

I followed those instructions to the letter and got it, and luckily enough I realized I was in the wrong damn bathroom the whole time. What I thought were bodies were just sheets or something >_<

I'm very very old. Even a saved Sig doesn't help me remember what my Sig is anymore

FredericChopin 8 years ago#8

Glad to hear you got it, T.C.
I remember looking at that wall for the longest time wondering
why "what goes up, must go down" was written there.
Finally occurred to me to look up! And that's when I found
the hole in the ceiling.
This is a great game, I hope they make a sequel.

"I see Wrong;Siders"

Czarcasm 8 years ago#9

There's also a cool hidden conversation you can see (doesn't count towards the trophy) on the first floor of the hotel. If you go behind the desk on the far left side of the building and collect the items, wait around for Ellie to come over and she'll pretend that she's checking into the hotel. Lots of cool little conversations like that are scattered all throughout the game, though a lot of them don't count towards the achievement.

How do you get out of the hotel in the basement in The Last of Us?

As soon as the door is powered and the enemies spawn, make a run for the exit door to use the key card to escape – here is where interacting with the door first will pay off, as Joel won't waste time trying to pry the door open and will instead go straight to using the key card.

How do you open the safe in the hotel in The Last of Us?

Circle behind the counter in to the back room to find the safe. The combination for the Pittsburgh hotel safe is 22-10-56. You'll get magnum bullets, explosive, 50 parts, and a training manual to upgrade the durability of your shivs. Huzzah!

Where is the hotel keycard last of us?

On the desk directly ahead of you is the Hotel Keycard to open the basement door.

What chapter is the hotel in The Last of Us?

Welcome to the fifth chapter of The Last of Us: Pittsburgh.