Where to find guan in fossil fighters

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Fossil Fighters (DS)

How do you get guan?

  1. How do you get guan because he can transform into a t-rex?

Top Voted Answer

  1. if you know where the secret whare house is. go down to the last door there will be a guy with glasses talk to him he will ask for you to clean some fossils do that 9 times he will give you a rare guan head! [search all of the doors I dont know which one he is in right now]

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  1. You need to goto Mt. Lavaflow. He isn't real hard to get, but it's much easier to get once you drain the lava there.

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  2. drain the lava then search in mt.Lava flow nw

    0   1

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Fossil Fighters: Champions (DS)

Where can I find Guan?

  1. where is Guan I can't find him anywhere and can you tell me the area is?

Top Voted Answer

  1. Yes, you can find it in dusty dunes, but fully upgrade your sonar to be able to not find rocks. And anyone who wants a friend, ask me. Glad to help!

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  1. I found it in Mt. Krakanak. It has multiple locations and is VERY rare.

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  2. I found its head on dusty dunes

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  3. Go to Fossilfighterschampions.nintendo.com and go to the fossil mueseam go to fire and look up Guan

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  4. Dusty Dunes I found one I never went to Dusty Dunes in the story but I went their in the post story for the first time and found the head.

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  5. Hot Spring Heights or Dusty Dunes if im correct...

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  6. Ii found him at hot spring heights but all I found was his head I cant find anymore parts for him

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  7. I think KageOni194 was saying the pay-to-dig site in Hot Spring Heights.

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Guan is considered a Rare vivosaur when searching through Dusty Dunes.

Your best bet to located more than just the head is to use the Body, Arms, and Legs masks to up your odds.

If you have Fossil Fighters and a second DS, you could always use the Fossil cannon.

Question asked by Guest on Feb 5th 2012

Last Modified: Apr 8th 2012

Question for Fossil Fighters: Champions

Where do you find guan?

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