How old do you have to be to get a nose job in Adelaide?

How old do you have to be to get a nose job in Adelaide?



Non Surgical Rhinoplasty - Adelaide


The Benefits

Your nose is the most noticeable feature of your face.  One of the first things that people notice about you is your nose. The benefits of Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty often referred to as a nose job are:

How old do you have to be to get a nose job in Adelaide?

Will help to boost your confidence and improve your overall appearance.

How old do you have to be to get a nose job in Adelaide?

The non-surgical option has fewer risks and side effects than the surgical option.

How old do you have to be to get a nose job in Adelaide?

The effects are only temporary, so if you have a change of heart and want to go back to your old look then it is still possible

How old do you have to be to get a nose job in Adelaide?

Non-surgical rhinoplasty is easier and more cost-effective compared to the surgical option.

How old do you have to be to get a nose job in Adelaide?

There is little pain involved in the procedure and the procedure has very little downtime for recovery.

How it works

Who Is a Suitable Candidate For Non Surgical Rhinoplasty?

Nose reshaping using non surgical rhinoplasty may be a good option for you if;

  • The symmetry of your nose needs improving
  • If you have irregular contours that need to be smoothed out.
  • If you have a bump the surrounding tissue can be filled in to diminish its appearance.
  • If you have grooves, dents or depressions that need to be filled in
  • If the tip of your nose requires elevation.
  • If you have a flat nose bridge you wish to raise.
  • If you want to reduce the appearance of a rounded nose tip
  • If your nose is slightly crooked.
  • If you have a hooked shaped nose that needs straightening.
  • If you want to make minor refinements after having surgical rhinoplasty.

What can patients expect with the procedure?

Before conducting non surgical rhinoplasty, a consultation with Dr Targett where your health, concerns, and expected results are discussed is essential to help determine your suitability and create a treatment plan that is right for you. Different types of reshaping dermal filler can be used depending on the extent of corrections needed to achieve optimal results and how long you intend for the results to last. Some patients wish to experience the temporary effects of non-surgical rhinoplasty and opt for hyaluronic fillers, which will only last a few months. Other individuals may want to achieve longer-lasting results, and so other fillers can be used that may last for up to two years.

Also referred to as “liquid rhinoplasty”, the treatment involves injecting small amounts of dermal filler into the chosen areas, as discussed with Dr Targett, to reach your desired results. A topical numbing cream or local anaesthetic may be applied to minimise your discomfort during the treatment, which may only take around 30 minutes to complete. Immediately afterwards, patients may leave the clinic and continue their day normally, as there is no downtime for non-surgical rhinoplasty.

Immediately after your treatment, you will notice some bruising, redness, and tenderness around the injection sites, which can be a normal experience post-treatment. These reactions should subside after one to two weeks when your results can be fully seen. Before conducting your non-surgical rhinoplasty, we advise patients to avoid blood-thinning and anti-inflammatory medications, boost vitamin K levels by maintaining a healthy diet of leafy greens, and drink plenty of water before their session. Taking these steps will help minimise the potential for bruising.

Multiple treatment sessions may be needed depending on the extent of concerns being targeted, as the fillers can be used to build a foundational structure on which to sculpt your nose shape to your liking. If patients wish to have lasting effects, they may need maintenance treatments to maintain their nose appearance.

Is non surgical rhinoplasty better than traditional rhinoplasty?

This will depend on the extent of your concerns that may need correcting and what option best suits your desired outcomes and health. Non-surgical rhinoplasty, as mentioned, is a more cost-effective option with very minimal risks in comparison to traditional rhinoplasty surgery. However, non-surgical rhinoplasty is not permanent. It may be advantageous for some individuals if they are unsure what rhinoplasty can achieve and want to experience temporary results before considering more permanent options. Permanent dermal fillers can be used in non-surgical rhinoplasty for longer-lasting results, but dermal fillers can dissipate after several years. Patients who wish to obtain more dramatic permanent results may find that traditional rhinoplasty is better suited to their needs. Still, the recovery, cost, and associated risks are far more significant. If patients are unhappy with their traditional rhinoplasty results, they must undergo another rhinoplasty after fully healing. Non-surgical rhinoplasty is a great option to explore the best possible outcomes without going under the knife, even for patients who may have more extensive concerns.

There are certainly some significant benefits to non-surgical rhinoplasty. Still, which option is better will vary for every individual based on the amount of correction needed, their desired outcomes, general health, and lifestyle. At your consultation with Dr Targett, she will discuss what results from a non-surgical rhinoplasty may achieve for you based on your concerns.

What are the alternatives to dermal fillers for non surgical rhinoplasty

In the past non surgical rhinoplasty has been predominantly performed using dermal fillers.  However the risk of vascular occlusion caused by using dermal fillers has prompted the use of less risky procedures.

At Advanced Cosmetic Medicine dermal fillers for non surgical rhinoplasty have mostly been replaced by the use of nose threads.  Nose threads achieve a similar result of straightening the nose as well as promoting collagen growth along the length of the threads.

Before & After

How old do you have to be to get a nose job in Adelaide?

How old do you have to be to get a nose job in Adelaide?

Nose Dermal Fillers from $1000

Nose Thread Lift from $1280


The Doctor

How old do you have to be to get a nose job in Adelaide?

Dr Rahma Targett

Dr Rahma Targett is a General Practitioner(FRACGP), with a specialty in Cosmetic Medicine. She founded Advanced Cosmetic Medicine in 2016 and has since become well known as a trusted and in demand Cosmetic Physician in Adelaide.  She has a Diploma in Dermoscopy and  a Diploma in Aesthetic Medicine with the American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine. Dr Targett is a leader in her field and regularly attends Cosmetic conferences to keep up to date with modern aesthetic techniques.  At advanced Cosmetic Medicine you can always be reassured that you will be welcomed and treated personally by Dr Rahma Targett.



Do you have more question? Please contact us


How can non surgical rhinoplasty help me?

Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty involves expert placement of soft dermal fillers, or gel, into the area to balance, or fine-tune, nose imperfections such as:

  • Bumps on the bridge of your nose
  • Asymmetrical or crooked shape
  • Noses that may prefer more definition
  • Previous nose injuries that have caused irregularities
  • Refinement following surgical rhinoplasty or reconstruction

Can non surgical rhinoplasty be used for nose correction?

Nose correction or nose reshaping involving son surgical rhinoplasty is one of the most desired cosmetic procedures, but many patients are frightened by the potential complications and the risk of unfavourable cosmetic results. Non-surgical rhinoplasty is a non-invasive alternative to traditional rhinoplasty. Sometimes it is called the 15-minute nose job as the treatment involves only dermal filler injections to reshape the nose.

Nose reshaping is an excellent, affordable option for people who want to change the shape of their nose but do not want surgery. Results for nose reshaping are instant; there is no excessive downtime, no general anaesthetic and no prolonged healing.

What does the nose job procedure Involve?

Prior to Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty treatment:
A topical anaesthetic will be applied for 20-30 minutes prior to the treatment for additional comfort

The procedure:
Dermal Nose filler is injected in small amounts and in precise locations into your skin so that there is total control over the shape and contours created by the procedure. The doctor will then massage the product to re-shape the nose. During the procedure, you are fully awake. You hold a mirror and you are in complete control of the procedure’s results

Post treatment:
You should avoid touching or applying make up on the treated area for 6 hours in order to prevent infection. Specific post-treatment instructions will be given during your visit by our Clinic Coordinator. The results are immediate and last from 6-12 months. As the results are relatively temporary, adjustments can be made as your face changes over time to ensure you always retain a natural look.

What type of nose fillers are used for non surgical rhinoplasty?

There is a multitude of nose fillers on the market these days.  Each one has its own merits and particular characteristics.  Unfortunately, due to regulatory requirements in Australia, individual brand names are not allowed to be mentioned.

When deciding which one is most suitable for you, your practitioner will consider;

  • Your unique treatment requirements.
  • How long you want it to last?
  • What allergies you have and whether you have any allergies to the nose filler ingredients.
  • Your practitioner will decide upon a  nose filler that meets your individual needs and one that is cost effective and provide you with a good outcome.

What are the risks of non surgical rhinoplasty?

One of the rare, but important risks to consider when having non surgical nose job is the risk of compromising the blood supply. It is possible for filler to be injected directly into the arteries that supply the nose, which causes an immediately blanching of the skin and can lead to death of the skin and scarring. Another possibility is when the filler causes compression of the local blood supply (the space in the nose becomes too tight), which can also lead to similar problems.

The risks increase significantly if one has had surgery on the nose in the past, as this alters the normal blood supply and anatomy of the nose, making it more likely for dermal nose fillers obstruct the blood supply.

To avoid the above risk, we mostly use blunt cannulae rather than needles, as cannulae are less likely to directly enter the blood vessels than a sharp needle. Our practitioners’ experience also allows them to have a better feel of what is happening during the injection due to feedback from the amount of pressure imparted on the syringe plunger.

What is the recovery time?

There is very little to no down-time involved in a nose job procedure. In fact, most patients return to their normal, daily activities right after their visit. There is no significant swelling, bruising or pain. However, sunglasses or heavy eyeglasses must be avoided for two weeks after the procedure.

How long do the results last?

The results of a non surgical nose job generally last from 6-12 months. A plan for regular follow-up treatments to maintain the initial result can be created for you. Our treatment provides a long-lasting but not permanent result leaving you the option of refining your treatment in tune with changing taste and fashion.

What is the aftercare for dermal flllers?

First 24 hours Avoid excessive alcohol, and aerobic exercise after the procedure. If you get any bruising, apply ice and arnica cream, and only use mineral based makeup. Depending on bruising, take arnica tablets for 1 to 5 days afterwards. Gently massage the treated areas at home over a clean cloth. If you are prone to cold sores and you have been treated in that area, ask your GP to prescribe zovirax tablets to be taken just before the treatment, and for a few days after.

24-48 hours Do not apply any cosmetics to the treated area for the first 48 hours. Especially avoid moisturisers or products that contain AHA (Alpha Hydroxy Acids/Glycolics), BHA (Beta Hydroxy Acids) or Retinoids.
Avoid taking Aspirin/Disprin, anti-inflammatory and pharmaceutical blood thinners.
Avoid sunbeds and saunas, and excessive sweating and sun exposure.
Gently massage the treated areas with clean fingers smoothing away any remaining Dermal Filler llumps from the procedure.

First 14 days Avoid having facials, waxing, Gycolic or AHA peels, liquid Nitrogen or Laser treatments on the treatment area for the next 14 days. Laser resurfacing should only be be done after the dermal filler has disappeared from the skin.

After 14 days Continue to apply SPF 30+ sunscreen every day to avoid further sun damage and aging of your skin from the Australian sun.
We recommend you to return to Advanced Cosmetic Medicine within two to four weeks after non surgical nose job treatment, so we can assess your satisfaction with the outcome.

How soon will I see results?

The improvement from nose fillers is immediate whereas anti-wrinkle injections usually show results in 1 to 2 days.  You will see the results of a nose reshaping procedure straight after the procedure.  Bear in mind that there will be some degree of swelling.

Can I get a nose job at 16 in Australia?

The Medical Board of Australia's guidelines specify that the minimum age to undergo rhinoplasty is 18. The emotional maturity of a patient should be considered when planning to get rhinoplasty in Sydney-based clinics, or anywhere else in the world.

Can I get a nose job at 14?

Rhinoplasty can be performed on teenagers and adults, but it's important that your nose has stopped growing before you have surgery on it. Typically, this happens around age 14 or 15, although it can vary.

How much are nose jobs in Adelaide?

An estimate of the surgical fees associated with rhinoplasty is $6000 – $11000. Every procedure is different and is tailored to your individual concerns and desired outcome. After your consultation with Dr Cleland we will provide you with a quotation.

Can rhinoplasty be done at 16?

Regardless of their age, patients considering nose surgery should be fully grown with completely developed nasal anatomy. While this happens at varying rates from person to person, girls are often ready for nose surgery around age 16 – 17, with boys continuing to grow until about age 17 – 19.