How often does battle chronicle refresh genshin

Genshin Impact can safely say that it had a successful release, especially as far as free-to-start titles are concerned. The game has drawn the attention of anime and Zelda lovers alike, while providing a well-built foundation of gameplay mechanics to satisfy more adept gamers.

With roughly three months having gone by since its initial launch, Genshin Impact has now amassed a fair number of followers, at least 1.3 million of whom are Subscribers of the game's official YouTube channel. In celebration of this milestone, miHoYo recently made a commemorative post on its official fan forums for the game, which also had details of a new mechanic tucked into it.

Genshin Impact's developers invited players to sign up for a free Primogem drawing in their commemorative post, which celebrated not only miHoYo's YouTube Subscriber milestone, but also its new multilingual fan forums. And aside from the Primogem drawing, though, fans also received a special bonus, explained at the end of miHoYo's announcement: the Battle Chronicle feature.

Travelers would have only noticed the Battle Chronicle if they happened to log in to the Genshin Impact fan forums, unless they happened to read miHoYo's announcement, which was ironically only posted to the fan forums. Once logged into their accounts, players will now find a new section in their Account Info, title the Battle Chronicle. Although it's found on the game's fan forums and it doesn't reward valuable in-game items, the Battle Chronicle is directly related to gameplay. In short, it's an in-depth overview of all of a player's stats.

Genshin Impact Battle Chronicle Stats

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In other words, the Battle Chronicle is sort of like a version of the Teyvat Times that's tailored to each individual player. Players can view their own Battle Chronicles by logging into their accounts, of course, but they should also be aware of the fact that other players' Chronicles can be viewed too.

The Battle Chronicle gives a detailed look at player statistics, including information regarding specific loot and possessions, a display of the player's unlocked characters, and even specific Spiral Abyss progress results. All of the information is neatly laid out with adorable accompanying graphics, and players can see each others' stats by looking up accounts on the miHoYo fan forums, which as part of the new Genshin Impact update, can now be found at the "HoYoLAB" domain.

Travelers can opt out of public profiles once they login to their HoYoLAB Community account, but regardless, they're able to check in on their own stats. Again, this is much like the Teyvat Times published by Genshin Impact's developer, because it not only lets players glimpse at broad numbers, like total days active, but also allows them to learn unique specific in-game stats, like the total number of Teleport Waypoints they've unlocked.

The Battle Chronicle allows players a handy look at all of the playable characters they've unlocked and their general stats, while also providing numbers and facts such as:

  • Total number of Luxurious Chests opened
  • Total number of Precious Chests opened
  • Total number of Geoculi collected
  • Total number of Anemoculi collected
  • "Strongest Single Strike" in Spiral Abyss
  • Most played characters in Spiral Abyss
  • Total number of Elemental Skills cast/Bursts unleashed in Spiral Abyss

In addition to this, players can check in on their Exploration Progress in different regions with the Battle Chronicle. This feature tracks each region's total Exploration Progress, as well as the player's current Reputation Level in each. When sorting through their playable characters, players will find both their current levels, and their current Friendship Level with regard to the player. Friendship Levels lead to unique name cards that are otherwise unobtainable, so many fans like to keep close tabs on their favorite characters' friendship levels.

Genshin Impact Battle Chronicle Benefits

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This new Battle Chronicle will surely start bringing more people into miHoYo's Genshin Impact fan forums, or the HoYoLAB, as it's only accessible through the forums' Account Info page. It's convenient to have all of these statistics laid out in an accessible page, but more importantly, many of these statistics are actually otherwise unavailable to players.

Any Travelers hoping to keep track of minor details, like how many Common Chests they've managed to track down, will immensely appreciate the Battle Chronicle. It's instantly linked to player accounts, and immediately updates as the player progresses through Genshin Impact. So any time a player makes an awesome Wish and unlocks popular characters like Ningguang, or Klee, the Battle Chronicle will instantly take note. Likewise, when a player stumbles upon an in-game discovery or achieves a particular milestone, the Chronicle will likely keep some record of it.

The Battle Chronicle feature also carries implications for co-op gameplay in Genshin Impact and the possibility of future interconnected gameplay, such as that seen in a "Guilds" system. With a system like the Battle Chronicle in place, players are now allowed to physically verify their friends, teammates, and rivals stats, so long as the Public option is toggled on. Needless to say, this would allow for in-game groups, like Guilds, to vet their potential candidates more thoroughly.

Genshin Impact has only had a handful of major in-game events thus far, but basically all of them have featured cooperative gameplay elements. In fact, one of the game's first events was mostly criticized due to a lack of good teammates available from the game's matching system. The ability to more closely see other players' progress and stats would make for a much more transparent community, especially when it comes to pairing up for powerful Domains and Weekly Bosses.

Hopefully, miHoYo continues to invest in its playerbase and support communities like the newly reborn HoYoLAB. With the Battle Chronicle finally allowing Travelers to closely track their in-game progress, and easily access that data whenever they choose, players have a new way to approach and organize their gameplay. In a similar vein, the Chronicle opens up the door for much more transparent co-op gameplay, which will be thoroughly appreciated by fans of the game's high-level boss fights. Though players can make it quite far on their own in Genshin Impact, a teammate or two can make all the difference once a player's World Level hits 4 or 5.

Genshin Impact is available on Mobile, PC, and PS4, and is currently in development for PS5 and Switch.

MORE: Genshin Impact Character Tier List (December 2020)

How long does it take for battle Chronicle to update Genshin?

Genshin Impact Battle Chronicle Benefits It's instantly linked to player accounts, and immediately updates as the player progresses through Genshin Impact. So any time a player makes an awesome Wish and unlocks popular characters like Ningguang, or Klee, the Battle Chronicle will instantly take note.

What is real time notes Genshin?

You can see the following Genshin Impact real-time notes: The current amount of Original Resin in the game, as well as the progress of its restoration.

How do I find my battle Chronicle in Genshin?

After successfully logging in, players will have to click on their profile picture in the upper menu bar and select "Account Info" from the drop-down list. Upon clicking on "Account Info," the "My Battle Chronicle" page will open up and display an overview of the account.