How much is a can of chicken broth?

Using the conversion chart, you can calculate how many cups are in a can of homemade chicken broth. A US liquid gallon is one liter, or 128 fl oz, of broth, and the UK or Imperial gallon is 4.546 L or 3.785 gallons. Generally, chicken broth sold in cans will contain four to eight cups of broth, so a can of eight ounces will equal about two cups.

How much is a can of chicken broth?

Chicken Broth Nutrition Facts

How much is a can of chicken broth?

What Is Chicken Broth?

Chicken broth is created using meat and bones and cooked for a short period on the burner. It has a light chicken flavor and is ideal for soups, such as our ultimate chicken noodle soup. Chicken stock is created from bones that have been roasted in the oven before being boiled on the stove for hours. Broth, often known as bouillon, is a flavorful liquid produced from water that has been boiled with bones, meat, fish, or vegetables.

It can be eaten independently, but it’s more typically used in other foods like soups, gravies, and sauces. There are a variety of commercially produced liquid broths available, including chicken, beef, fish, and vegetable broths. In the early twentieth century, dehydrated broth in bouillon cubes was popularised.

Here are some essential points to understand about cups that should be included in chicken broth:

  • When making your chicken broth, you should use only enough to cover your needs. One cup of homemade chicken broth will make about two servings so that you can substitute two small breasts with a single can.
  • You can also eyeball the can or weigh it for more accurate measurement. Traditionally, cans were labeled by size, but most commercial products now list their volume or weight.
  • As the density of chicken broth is similar to that of water, you can estimate how many cups are in a single can of chicken stock. For example, a 14 oz can of beef stock contains approximately 1.8 cups. In comparison, two cups of homemade chicken stock will make about three servings.
  • Although a can of homemade chicken soup is cheaper than commercially prepared broth, it is higher in vitamins, minerals, collagen, and marrow.]
  • A can of chicken broth contains 14.5 fluid ounces, which is about the same as a cup of water. As the chicken broth is made with bones, it tends to have a richer flavor and a fuller mouthfeel.
  • Stock is high in collagen and marrow, while the broth is low in calories. As a result, it’s more nutrient-dense than conventional stock, and it has a better nutritional value and includes more nutrients than a can of water.

Chicken broth is frequently sold in 12-ounce cans, and two small breasts can be substituted for the entire can if you require extra. You can create more than one serving of chicken broth at a time this way. Check the ounces per can if you want to buy the chicken cans to ensure you receive the proper amount. Although the quantity of cups per can varies, you may usually swap two cans if necessary.

Is Chicken Broth Healthy?

How much is a can of chicken broth?

Here are the health benefits of chicken broth:


Collagen, a structural protein present in skin, cartilage, and bone, is linked to bone broth. Collagen in connective tissue is broken down into gelatine and other health-promoting amino acids like glycine and glutamine when it is cooked. The precursor amino acids glycine and proline, which are necessary to produce collagen, have increased plasma levels when 300ml of bone broth is consumed. Collagen supplementation improved the hydration, suppleness, and appearance of wrinkles in human skin in clinical trials. Collagen also enhanced post-menopausal women’s bone mineral density, and when paired with resistance exercise, it promoted lean muscle mass and fat reduction. Similar data imply that the body composition of older adults is improving.

Good For Digestion And Gut Health

The most prevalent protein in bone broth is gelatine. Gelatine binds with water to reach the digestive tract, allowing food to pass through the intestines healthily. Although additional research is needed to establish the relevance to people, animal studies suggest that gelatine and other amino acids in bone broth may have therapeutic promise in inflammatory bowel disease.

May Support Immune Function

The small intestine is not only the prominent place for nutrient absorption, but it is also our immune system’s first line of defense. Immune function can be disrupted if the intestinal barrier is compromised or ‘leaky.’ Bone broth contains amino acids that may be protective. In a recent study, the amino acid glutamine promoted intestinal barrier function in critically ill individuals when given intravenously. Similarly, glycine supplementation increased gut immunity and microbial diversity in mice.

May Support Joint Health

Collagen generated from chicken cartilage has been shown in studies to help individuals with osteoarthritis with pain, stiffness, and joint function. Gelatine may also help with tissue regeneration and damage prevention. A 2017 study discovered that taking gelatine with vitamin C enhanced collagen synthesis after exercise and helped to mend tendons.

May Help Promote Sleep

Glycine, an amino acid found in bone broth, serves a variety of roles in the body, including promoting good sleep patterns. Dietary glycine has been shown to improve the sleep quality of persons with insomnia in studies. Glycine is supposed to regulate our internal body clock and reduce our body temperature to get us ready for sleep.

Potential Risks of Chicken Broth

Chicken broth is heavy in salt, which should be avoided by persons with high blood pressure or heart disease. Keep an eye on how much salt you put in any broth-based foods, not just to avoid a salty taste but also to keep your sodium levels in check. If you’d instead buy canned chicken broth than prepare your own, make sure you read the label carefully. Even “low sodium” variants may have an excessive amount of sodium.


The liquid in a can of chicken broth is 14 ounces. You can calculate how many cups of chicken stock are in a can of chicken broth using this information to make your favorite chicken soup. To save money, buy organic chicken stock instead of regular chicken stock, and it’s also healthier. You can buy the canned chicken stock if you don’t have the time or patience to prepare the homemade chicken broth. One cup of liquid equals one can of chicken broth. You may cook two cups of chicken with this amount. If you plan to utilize chicken broth in various dishes, though, a 12-ounce can is optimal. You can also use one can instead of two smaller breasts if you’re cooking your chicken soup. After that, you’ll be able to cook your chicken soup.

How many cups is a can of chicken broth?

One cup is 8 ounces. To find the number of cups in a can of chicken broth, divide the ounces in the can by 8. A 32 ounce can is 4 cups.

Is a can of chicken broth one cup?

Since chicken broth has the approximate density of water, there will be 1.8 cups in 14.5 ounces.

How many cups are in a can of soup?

The regular size can of soup is 10.75 ounces, so they will be a little over a cup and a quarter. The larger cans of soup are generally 19 ounces, and would measure a little over two and a quarter cups.

How much is in a box of chicken broth?

Swanson Chicken Broth, 32 Ounce Resealable Carton -