How many times a week should you get adjusted by a chiropractor?

Many people live with back pain for years before seeking treatment. They might try to alleviate discomfort through over-the-counter medications, resting, or changing their diet/exercise habits. This is not the right way to do things! Chiropractic care is a sensible and simple way to help reduce or even eliminate your pain without any of the negative side effects of prescription medication. There are various ways that chiropractic can support your healing process, but first, you should know how often you need an adjustment.

The frequency of your required adjustment depends on the severity of your condition, but you should expect to receive one every 2-3 weeks: some people end up needing an adjustment more frequently than that and some less. The first step is to find a good chiropractor and then listen to them. If you feel like you’ve been receiving the same treatment for a long time, it’s probably time to find another practitioner. Of course, if you feel like you’re getting the same treatment time and again every time, then it’s still probably not time to find someone new.

As a general guideline for many people, an adjustment once a week will help keep your body in balance and prevent future issues. Keep in mind that this is only a guideline as different people heal at different rates and with different symptoms. Chiropractors will determine when you should go to the chiropractor based on your condition, so you must trust that they know best. If your regular treatment is working, there’s no need for you to look for another chiropractor. Your body is probably in balance, and it will take time for anything major to happen again. However, if your condition worsens or resurfaces after regular adjustments, then it might be time to seek out another chiropractor.

So, how often should you get an adjustment? It depends on the level of discomfort and your needs. Most people only need one adjustment per year after that, but if your symptoms are particularly intense, it’s unlikely that one adjustment will be enough to fix the problem. It’s worth noting again that each chiropractor treats patients differently, and some people may need adjustments more than others. Regardless of your needs, the important thing is to find a practitioner who can best help you.

Too often, people choose a chiropractor based on cost alone; they worry about the monthly bill and not getting results. The good news is that once you find a good chiropractor, your treatment will be affordable, and you’ll be back to normal in no time. Chiropractic care can help with almost any condition, and you can expect to receive long-term results. If you do not receive relief after 3-4 visits, it might be time to find a new chiropractor. If you are having back pain, go to a good chiropractor for an examination and treatment. There’s no need for pain and discomfort when you have a solution.

Receiving regular adjustments can be part of a treatment program for conditions like back pain, sciatica, or even headaches. If you are suffering from these conditions, make it a priority to see your chiropractor regularly. Chiropractors work on the nervous system, which sends signals to the body that trigger pain or discomfort. By working with the nervous system, chiropractors can bring relief quickly. Nothing can replace regular chiropractic care. If you have a few options, pick a good chiropractor and stick with them. If you treat chiropractic care as a regular part of your health maintenance, you will receive invaluable relief from your pain. Chiropractic care is not just for back pain; it’s a great way to deal with all kinds of problems.

Chiropractic care is the best way to keep your body aligned and functioning properly. When you receive regular adjustments, you can avoid issues like back pain. Your body will be able to move freely and naturally. If you suffer from chronic pain, your nervous system is likely sending constant pain signals to your brain. Chiropractic treatment involves working with the neural system to relieve pain signals. If you’re ready to experience better health, visit a good chiropractor for an examination. You’ll be glad you did.

Knowing how often to visit a chiropractor can be a valuable asset to your health. If you want to get the most out of your visits, you need a good chiropractor who can help you understand how often to make appointments. You deserve to feel great, which is why it’s so important that you choose a good chiropractor. Chiropractic care can help you enjoy better health and a healthier lifestyle. It’s always a good idea to find a good chiropractor and keep yourself in good shape.


The frequency of your required adjustment depends on the severity of your condition, but you should expect to receive one every 2-3 weeks: some people end up needing an adjustment more frequently than that and some less. The first step is to find a good chiropractor and then listen to them. If you feel like you’ve been receiving the same treatment for a long time, it’s probably time to find another practitioner.

For more information about how often you should get a chiropractic adjustment, give us a call today at 205-637-1363. Our experts are happy to answer any questions and offer you the best chiropractor options.

How many times a week can you get a chiropractic adjustment?

Week 1 and 2: Between 3 and 4 adjustments per week. Week 3 to 10: Between 2 and 3 adjustments per week. Week 10 and on: Once per week or every other week for maintenance.

Can you get chiropractic adjustments too often?

Going too much to the chiropractor can have serious effects. It might cause decreased range of motion, which is very problematic for people who exercise and need to be flexible.

Is it normal to see a chiropractor 3 times a week?

Depending on the severity of the underlying condition which is causing your pain, it is typical for a patient to need chiropractic care or adjustments 2-3 times per week for 4-12 weeks.