How many times can you reuse I tip extensions?

This week is all about I-Tip extensions, from what they are to how they are fitted. So if you’re debating whether I-Tip extensions are right for you, or simply want to know more about them, we’re here to help! Read on to find out more…

What are I-Tip Extensions?

How many times can you reuse I tip extensions?

I-Tip hair extensions is called I-Tip as the top of the strand is shaped like an “I”, they are also sometimes referred to as Stick Tips or Mini / Micro Tips.  They are applied by fixing micro-rings in place with a pulling loop and securing using special extensionist pliers. This method provides a secure hold in your hair. There are a range of micro rings on the market, by far Hair Rehab London’s most popular are our lightweight, almost undetectable copper tubes.  We also sell silicone-lined aluminium micro rings which provide an extra layer of protection and grip for people with finer hair and internal screw micro rings which provide a firm grip to reduce slippage of the extensions. Your extensions expert will know what’s best, depending on your hair type and condition.

How many times can you reuse I tip extensions?

How do you use I-Tip extensions?

I-Tip extensions usually come in a pack of multiple single bonds.  Hair Rehab London I-Tips come in packs of 50 bonds.  The weight of each individual bond varies depending on the length of the extensions; 14” I-Tips are 0.6 grams per bond / 30 grams per pack, 18” -Tips are 0.8 grams per bond / 40 grams per pack and 22” I-Tips are 1 grams per bond / 50 grams per pack.  The great benefit of I-Tips is that an extensionist can mix a number of shades to create balayage, root drag or highlight effects without needing to use dye on your hair. 

How long do they last?

The life of your I-Tip extensions is affected by the way they’re cared for and how often they are reapplied. Take a look at our previous blog on how to care for your hair extensions (link to previous blog)

How many times can you reuse I tip extensions?

There are 2 factors that affect how long your extensions will last for. Here goes:

  1. The condition of the hair: If you’ve cared for your extensions and given them plenty of love by washing them properly, keeping them away from chlorine and tying them back during exercise, you’ll probably be able to reuse them. Your hair extension specialist will give them a deep conditioning treatment to bring them back to life and then reapply.
  2. Reapplication time: Your I-Tip extensions will naturally move down as your own hair grows. After a point, you’ll want to have them reapplied, depending on your hair type this will be between 8-12 weeks.
How many times can you reuse I tip extensions?

Can you reuse I-Tip hair extensions?

You can absolutely reuse your I-Tip hair extensions, Hair Rehab London I-Tips last for 9-12 months with the correct care and maintenance and we often receive rave reviews on our quality.  Just keep them in good condition, and you’ll be ready to have them refitted, making them a great investment.  

 Top tip! If you’re planning on reusing your extensions tell your extensions specialist before fitting. This way your technician will ensure they take care fitting the bond tip to allow them to be reused easily.

How many times can you reuse I tip extensions?

Do I-Tip extensions damage your hair?

So you want great looking extensions but also want to keep your natural hair in tip-top condition? Well of course you do! There are two things to remember- correct application and careful aftercare; I-Tip extensions will only damage your hair if they’re badly fitted or badly cared for. Correctly applied I-Tips should never aggravate your scalp or pull at your own hair.  Always get your extensions fitted by a qualified extension specialist, this means you are unlikely to suffer from damaged hair or scalp. Choosing a qualified extensionist to fit your extensions also ensures you get the very best advice on the very best aftercare for your hair. 

How many times can you reuse I tip extensions?

What are the Pros of I-Tip Extensions?

  • They work on short and thin hair
  • No heat application
  • No glue application
  • Quick and easy removal
  • Long lifespan
  • No damage to natural strands
  • Can be used multiple times
  • Tips are very discreet
  • Can be used to create highlights and add colour
  • Will add length and volume to your hair

Take a look at our salon finder to find the nearest salon to get your dream hair extensions.

Hair Rehab London offers a range of hair extensions including temporary clip-in hair extensions and more permanent Tape, Weft, Stick Tip and Hot Fusion extensions. We offer 5 lengths; 14”, 18”, 20”, 22” and 24” and a wealth of thickness to suit most hair types. In addition, we stock the very popular ‘Instant’ hair range featuring a number of affordable and easy to apply hair pieces including ponytails, top knots and wigs.

How many times can you reuse Itip extensions?

You can absolutely reuse your I-Tip hair extensions, Hair Rehab London I-Tips last for 9-12 months with the correct care and maintenance and we often receive rave reviews on our quality. Just keep them in good condition, and you'll be ready to have them refitted, making them a great investment.

Can I

Benefits of re-tipping hair extensions If however, the hair is still in good condition, you can reuse the hair for a second time round, however you will not be able to fit again with the existing bond as it will not hold as well as it would have the first time round.

How often should you move up Itip extensions?

I-tip Extensions last for three to six months, which is a good benchmark for most good quality beaded extensions. As you wear the extensions for a few weeks, your hair will grow as it normally does, and that growth causes the bead and hair extension to move further and further away from the scalp.

How many bundles of Itip extensions do I need?

For a full head installation, we usually recommend 100-150 grams depending on how much volume you want. I-tip extensions are 40 grams per pack, so for a full head we recommend about 2-3 packs.