How many pages in one juz of Quran

“Whoever reads one letter from the Book of Allah will earn one reward thereby. One reward is equal to ten rewards the like of it. I do not say that Alif-Lam-Meem is a letter, but Alif is a letter, Lam is a letter and Meem is a letter.” [Tirmidhi]

So even if you only make it halfway through the Quran by the time Ramadan ends, you'll still get the rewards for all that you've read so far! ? You can also continue this habit of reading after Ramadan has ended, and over time, your confidence in recitation will grow alongside your appreciation of the beauty of the Quran.

How many pages in one juz of Quran

The process also gives you spiritual growth and elevates your standing as a Muslim. ‘Uthman bin ‘Affan reported that the Prophet (pbuh) said:

“The best of you are those who learn the Quran and teach it.” [Sahih al-Bukhari]

Reciting the Quran helps you to attain patient and tranquillity, and you can read this article from Muslim SG to find out even more blessings of reciting the Quran!
How do I prepare to recite the Quran?
There is certain Adab (etiquette) one must follow before reciting the Quran. This includes:
  • Being in a state of Wudhu (ablution)
  • Being dressed appropriately
  • Beginning your recitation with the Ta’awwudz and by saying the Basmalah
This is why it's most convenient to read the Quran before or after your prayers, when you will be in a state of Wudhu, dressed appropriately, and be in the right frame of mind to concentrate on your recitation and deepen your faith.

How many pages in one juz of Quran

As you read, your pace should also be slow so that you can understand the meaning of the verses instead of rushing through for the sake of finishing it. Save any discussion about the verse itself for afterwards, and remember to glorify Allah once you've finished reciting. Start your recitation with the right intention, and make the intention to embark on your recitation with sincerity, clarity, determination, and worship of Allah. ☺️
How can I finish the Quran within 30 days (or less)?

How many pages in one juz of Quran

The Quran can be divided into 30 juz' of varying length, and the most common method for a solo reader is to read 1 juz' per day. Each juz' is roughly 20 pages long, so you can break it up across the day:
  • Read 4 pages after every obligatory prayer
  • Read 2 pages before each obligatory prayer, and 2 pages after
  • Read 5 pages in the morning, noon, afternoon, and night
  • Read 10 pages in the morning, and 10 in the evening
These are some common strategies, but ultimately you should find one that suits your schedule! If you only have time at night, or in the early hours of the morning, use that time to dedicate yourself to your recitation. It's also important to keep a regular routine of recitation, which will help you feel more confident as well as more patient throughout the process.

How many pages in one juz of Quran

If you know others around you who are interested in reciting the Quran within Ramadan, you can also collectively recite the juz' together! For example, for a household of 5 people, each member can recite 6 juz' to complete all 30 within the month. This makes it easier on the individual, and you can still get the rewards together! If you aren't in the same household, don't worry - why not take this time to set up a nightly Zoom call or Google Hangout to start a Quran recitation group? ? You can even discuss the surah together after the recitation has ended, and deepen your knowledge as a group.
I haven't started yet, how can I catch up?
The first step is to make intention and just start reading! It may be hard at first, but if you keep putting it off out of fear, you'll never get around to starting. And before you know it, the month will be over. So it's better to just start, and do your best. ? Work reading the Quran into your daily routine - read it before and after your prayers, read it during Terawih, and read it if you feel a compulsion to during the day.

How many pages in one juz of Quran

If you can't shake off the feeling that you won't finish in time - don't worry! It can feel like a daunting task especially if your hours are irregular or you just don't have enough downtime to devote to it. But any effort is recognised by Allah and even a little effort is better than none. ? While you may not finish it this Ramadan, forcing yourself to even begin sets an amazing precedent for subsequent years! Eventually, you will be able to finish it within a Ramadan in the future. Some people take decades to achieve this, so you can only go at your own pace and do your best. There is no set pace you need to follow in the end.
Can I still read the Quran during my menses?
That's a good question! Under the Shafi'i mazhab, a common consensus is that Muslimahs cannot hold, touch, or carry a physical copy of the Quran during their period, as they are considered to be in an impure state. Generally speaking, it's also understood that this means you cannot recite from the Quran during your period, which can be a big obstacle in completing it within Ramadan. ?

How many pages in one juz of Quran

Some women find loopholes such as using electronic versions of the Quran on websites or apps, reciting from memorisation, or reading it for the purpose of tafseer (such as when attending a class). However, during your period you may experience cramps or other symptoms that make it uncomfortable or painful to recite regardless. You can still do other acts of worship when you're on your period but this can definitely feel like a big setback.

How many pages in one juz of Quran

To make up for this, try to squeeze in 1-2 more additional juz' on the weekends when you're not on your period or add an additional 4-5 pages each time you recite. It's definitely going to be tougher, but do be kind to yourself and take comfort in the fact that by not partaking in these actions you're still obeying Allah's will. ? Whether you manage to complete the Quran within Ramadan or not, there are still lots of blessings to get from reciting the holy book. With time to come, hopefully, reciting the Quran can turn into a regular habit - and eventually, we hope you can achieve reciting the book once, or even twice within Ramadan!


How many pages is 1 juz of the Quran?

The Quran can be divided into 30 juz' of varying length, and the most common method for a solo reader is to read 1 juz' per day. Each juz' is roughly 20 pages long, so you can break it up across the day: Read 4 pages after every obligatory prayer.

How long does it take to recite 1 juz?

The average person reads it between 30 and 40 minutes with tajweed and tarteel. Those who struggle a little may take a bit longer. Very few people can read a juz in less than 30 minutes with correct tajweed.

What is one juz of Quran?

A juzʼ (Arabic: جُزْءْ, plural: أَجْزَاءْ ajzāʼ, literally meaning "part") is one of thirty parts of varying lengths into which the Quran is divided. It is also known as para (پارہ/পারা) in Iran and the Indian subcontinent. There are 30 juz in the quran.

How many pages are in juz 30 of the Quran?

Juz'-30, Pages: 582-604.