How many flights of stairs is good for a workout?

When you live in New York City, you get pretty used to two things: having a mostly black wardrobe and walking...everywhere. The first time my mom visited me after I moved nearly 7 years ago, she exhaled and exclaimed after a day of sightseeing, "Wow, it's a workout to just to go to work, isn't it?" (Get a flat belly in just 10 minutes a day with our reader-tested exercise plan!)

The short answer is, "Kind of," and the long one is this: While being in a city with reliable-ish public transit inherently means you'll spend more time on your feet, it also means you get accustomed to appreciating the little luxuries when you have them. You know, like an elevator. But even as someone who is super active—I work out around 5 times a week—I wondered what would happen if I actually made it a point to take the stairs every day. Would I notice definition in my legs? Be less winded when carrying groceries a few blocks? Or would I honestly not notice a difference at all? 

Here's what happened when I hoofed it up the stairs every day for a month.

How many flights of stairs is good for a workout?

Setting Up for Success

How many flights of stairs is good for a workout?

Luckily for me, I live in a nice residential building downtown. There's ample security, plenty of apartment amenities, a dishwasher in my kitchen, and an elevator to get me all the way up to the third floor. Before this challenge, I would mostly take the stairs down (because why not?) but usually take the elevator up (a bit #lazy, okay?). To make my experiment a good one, I decided I would skip taking my elevator entirely. And while it might seem like that's just walking up the stairs twice a day, it's actually more like six because I walk my dog three times a day. I also decided that when given the option, I'd take the stairs anywhere reasonable (six floors would work, but 24 wouldn't). All of this would add up to around 10 additional minutes on top of the near-daily exercise I already sign myself up for. With my eye on a firmer-booty prize, I set out to see what would happen if I lived in a walk-up. 

MORE: How To Start Walking When You Have 50+ Pounds To Lose

The First Week

How many flights of stairs is good for a workout?

Like anyone amped up to cross the finish line, the few first days felt like a breeze. I actually found myself excited to choose the stairs over a lift and even told a few friends about what I was trying to do. Some halfheartedly agreed to do it with me, while others rolled their eyes and politely commented I'd never make it. I was determined to see what effect this new regimen would have on my body, so I brushed them off and continued on... until day 5.

After starting my day with a sweaty boxing class, I met some pals for brunch and, after a few too many mimosas, headed home to relax and get ready for the evening. When I walked through the front door of my building, I sighed, looking lovingly at the elevator, tempted to push the button to effortless freedom, but resisted. I took the stairs a little slower and wasn't as energetic about the experience and wondered if it would actually matter at all. It wasn't until day 15 that I noticed anything change.

What I First Noticed in My Body
On day 15, I woke up with a sore lower abdomen. I thought back to the workouts I did in the days before and couldn't pinpoint one workout move that would cause that sensation. I also noticed that my glutes were a little tighter and couldn't figure out what was to blame until I remembered the challenge. Though walking up stairs definitely puts some stress on your legs, you're actually engaging your core to lift those legs up the stairs. I didn't realize how much I was using my stomach muscles to guide me up and down three flights of stairs six times a day, or that I would see a change in that area of my body first.

MORE: The No Squats Belly, Butt, and Thighs Workout

When I Missed a Few Days

How many flights of stairs is good for a workout?

No challenge is perfect, and I shattered my daily streak the day after Election Day. Even though I made it through that first speed bump post-brunch, I couldn't muster up enough stamina to get up the stairs after a stressful day at work and overall, feeling pretty down in the dumps. A few days later, I came home with six bags of groceries, and I attempted to take one flight of stairs before realizing I simply didn't have enough limbs to open the doors between stairwells and also lug a week's worth of food. Then there was the time when I didn't get home until nearly 3 AM after a friend's birthday party, and I had to sling off my high-heeled shoes to take the stairs. And of course, there was the day when I had to get to the airport and the thought of carrying my 35-pound bag down the stairs before an early flight was too much to consider. All that being said, of the 30 days, I missed my 10-minute-per-day goal only five times. Definitely not perfect attendance, but I felt like it was enough to teach me a few lessons.

How many stairs should I climb for a good workout?

To get a good workout, you can try climbing stairs with 10 to 12 steps, one step at at time. A flight up and down will burn around 2 to 5 calories. A 54kg person burns about 235 calories when climbing stairs for 30 minutes or you can climb up and down a 10-storey building for 5 times to burn around 500 calories.

How long should you climb stairs for a good workout?

Aim for power workouts, 25 to 30 minutes max, where you max out your reps, burn those muscles and really get your heart rate up. 35 to 40 minutes should include a great warm up and an extremely important cool down.

Is climbing 30 flights of stairs good exercise?

No special equipment is needed. Stair climbing can be accumulated across the course of the day, making a significant contribution to the recommended 30 minutes of daily physical activity. There is a significantly lower risk of mortality when climbing more than 55 flights per week.

Is 40 flights of stairs good exercise?

Cohen says climbing about 40 flights of stairs is comparable to running or walking a mile. That said, it's a lot harder for some people. You're using a different set of muscles when you climb the stairs, and it can take some time to work up to a full mile of stair-climbing in one stretch.