How long should you not shave before sugar waxing?

How can I prevent ingrown hairs?

We recommend exfoliating daily, cleansing your skin using an exfoliating scrub. If you have existing bumps & ingrown hairs, add a topical treatment to your routine, like Tea Tree Oil Therapy. These products should be used consistently to see the best results. Over time, they can be used to prevent & treat ingrown hairs. For prevention & mild ingrowns, apply daily at night. For more severe ingrown cases, use twice daily, at night & in the morning. For the best results, apply after showering when the skin is still moist to ensure optimal absorption of the oil by the skin.

How often should I come in to get sugared?

Once a month is generally the appropriate time in between treatments. however, clients who come on a regular basis come in anywhere from 3-5 weeks, depending on how fast their hair grows. The hair should be long enough to lay flat on the skin, so if it is still poking straight out, you should wait another week.

Should I trim my hair before I come for my appointment?

No, our specialists will trim any longer hairs to the proper length prior to the removal process. your hair should be at least ¼ inch in length (which makes it long enough to lay flat on your skin). if you've "let it go" & it seems out of control, don't worry, your specialist will trim it to the proper length before your treatment.

I have my period, can I still get a bikini wax?

Yes, however during your period your body tends to be much more sensitive than normal, making pain from sugaring feel more intense.

Is it OK to have sex the same day I get my bikini sugared?

Medical experts recommend waiting for 24-48 hours after any type of bikini wax. This time period is when your body can be most susceptible to outside bacteria, which can potentially cause an infection. For your safety & health, it is better to abstain, but not required. It is really a personal choice, so just keep in mind that your skin does need some time to recover.

I am pregnant, is it safe to get sugared?

Many of our pregnant clients still get bikini treatments, some physicians even recommend it before birthing. Please remember, everyone's pregnancy is different so please ask your doctor first.

I have a mole, can I sugar it?

Moles cannot be sugared/waxed, however our specialists are trained to go around these areas

I am getting married/have a big event coming up, when should i get my sugaring done?

We recommend coming in for waxing 3-4 days before your wedding/big event.

I used to shave, but have let my hair grow & just had a bikini treatment, why do I have stubble?

If you have been a frequent shaver previously (even if you have let your hair grow for a few weeks before your sugaring or waxing treatment), shaving can cause hair re-growth to be uneven, in which some hairs can be too short to be removed with wax or sugaring & may result in the appearance of stubble after your first treatment. Ideally, all of your hairs should lay flat on your skin to achieve the best results; so some of these shorter hairs may not be removed with wax or sugaring the first time. Please have patience & let those shorter stubbles grow (no shaving between treatments!) so that your second treatment will have even smoother results!

Do I have to remove my underwear for bikini treatments?

For a bikini, you have the option of leaving on your underwear, your underwear must be removed for a brazilian bikini. However, we recommend removing your underwear for all bikini treatments to protect your clothing from the sugar paste. 

We all know we need to let the hair get long enough for our next sugaring / waxing to work, but it's uncomfortable and constantly leaves you worrying about whether or not you're sticking out the sides of your bathing suit. Still, you should NEVER shave between bikini sugaring / waxing, and we tell you why.

Every time you get into the shower during those in-between-sugaring weeks of growth, you`re wondering “It would be so much easier! And cheaper! And I would be in complete control of my hairlessness schedule!" you tell yourself, trying to justify the action you so badly want to take. But still "Do not shave!"

Here are some reasons why you should never shave between sugaring sessions:

1. It Totally Messes Up Your Schedule

The hair growth cycle is not uniform, hair grows at different rates. This means that it's best to let hair it grow in completely to get a more suitable length of the shortest hairs when the next appointment is due. When you shave, you bring the shortest hairs back to a length that might be difficult to work with at the sugaring or waxing appointment.

2. It Changes The Texture Of Your Hair

When you get sugared, your hair is pulled out from the root instead of cut sharply at the surface like it would be with a razor.

3. The Results Aren't As Permanent

Sugaring provides smoother and longer lasting results than shaving does. With a sugaring / waxing, clients can expect to be totally hair-free for one to two weeks. Shaving, on the other hand, really only gives you a day or two before nasty stubble grows in and you have to whip out the razor again.

4. It Can Cause Nasty Ingrown Hairs (Ouch!)

Ingrown hairs look gross, hurt like hell and are at risk of becoming infected. These can still happen after a sugaring or waxing session, but are far more common when you shave!)

5. Sugaring & Waxing Slow Down and Reduces Hair Growth

Hair also grows much thinner thus making it easier to remove and less painful when waxed. Shaving just one time in between will negate all that is gained from waxing and can further irritate follicles which can cause ingrown hair. So, no, we don’t advise shaving in between.

6. It Will Make Their Next Sugaring Treatment More Uncomfortable

That "uncomfortable" means "painful." The hair follicle is tough, and it usually takes a few appointments before it weakens and it becomes easier to remove the hair from the root. Tough follicles equal more difficult hair removal, longer sugaring sessions, and more pain. This is another very good reason to resolve ditching the razor for good once you start sugaring!

HiSUGARS specializes in body sugaring for flawless hair removal. Why use a razor when you can get wonderful results with sugaring? ;)

Body Sugaring treatments are available in Batubelig & at our Ubud salon as well.

How long do you have to not shave before sugaring?

How long should my hair be prior to sugaring? Generally speaking, four to five weeks of hair growth is perfect but about two weeks of growth would be acceptable.

How long after shaving can you sugar wax?

But, with sugaring, hair can be removed when it's as short as 1/8 of an inch (typically 10 days after shaving). You can safely sugar wax as often as every two weeks, though most clients go a bit longer between appointments. For best results, it's necessary to remove hair while it's in the growth phase.

Should you shave before sugar waxing?

Don't shave or otherwise remove stray hairs.

What happens if you shave before sugaring?

Sugaring & Waxing Slow Down and Reduces Hair Growth Shaving just one time in between will negate all that is gained from waxing and can further irritate follicles which can cause ingrown hair. So, no, we don't advise shaving in between.