How long can I leave turmeric on my skin?

Turmeric is an ingredient that’s extremely common in all Indian kitchens, there’s nothing that gets cooked without turmeric in it. But the benefits of the wonder herb “turmeric” is not limited to kitchen, it is loaded with skin-beneficial ingredient and it can treat anything from acne to hyperpigmentation. Extracts of turmeric are now being widely used in brightening masks and ointments. Turmeric has anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial properties and it fights acne, lightens blemishes, brightens skin tone and reduces wrinkles, and there is so much more to it. But how long can you leave turmeric on your face? Let’s find out:

How long can I leave turmeric on my skin?

How long can I leave turmeric on my skin?

Since turmeric is stark yellow in colour, one should be careful while using on the skin as it can stain the skin really strongly. It is advised to use ¼ tablespoon of turmeric in face packs to  avoid the yellow tint on face. Turmeric is a safe ingredient and can be used as a face mask anywhere from 20-30 minutes. Exceeding more that 30 minutes is up to you, but that’s not required at all. In fact, any mask should be left on for just about 20 to 30 minutes.

How long can I leave turmeric on my skin?

How long can I leave turmeric on my skin?

Here are 4 Skin Whitening Turmeric Masks that you could try at home:

  • Turmeric with gram flour and curd: This is a beautiful DIY pack to try at home, loved by Priyanka Chopra. It’s suitable for all skin types. Regular use will give you bright and beatiful skin. Mix 2 teaspoons gram flour, with pinch of turmeric, add 1 tablespoon curd, fresh lemon juice. Mix everything well to form a thick paste. If the mask is too thick, add a little water. Apply all over the face neck, do not forget the ears. Wait for 20 minutes and wash off with lukewarm water.
  • Turmeric with egg white and olive oil: Eggs work as an astringent and help to relieve minor skin issues like itchiness and dryness. It also tightens the skin and olive oil hydrates the skin and it also contains antioxidants, which are great for the skin. To make this mask, mix egg white with a few drops of olive oil, then add half tsp of lemon juice, with a pinch of turmeric to it. You can apply this to the face, elbows, and knees since it is a hydrating pack that will also brighten your skin tone. Let it stay till the pack dries off completely and then rinse with warm water. The pack is great for winters!
  • Turmeric with Aloe Vera: Aloe vera contains antioxidant that helps to the sooth skin. It helps calm rashes, burns, and irritated skin. Yogurt kills the bacteria that cause acne on the skin. The mask is perfect for oily acne prone skin. Mix one tablespoon yogurt with one tea spoon aloe vera gel, and a pinch of turmeric powder. Mix them well to form a smooth paste. Apply the pack all over the face and keep it for 20 minutes. Wash off with cool water. Use it twice a week, or whenever you notice a irritation.
  • Turmeric whitening bridal face pack: Since the wedding season is on in full swing, we have got a mask exclusively for our would-be brides. This pack brighten and white complexion along with imparting a healthy glow. Mix together 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric powder, 2-3 drops almond oil, 1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice, 2 tablespoons of beetroot juice, 2 teaspoons of honey, 2-3 strands of good quality saffron(use organic) and 2 tablespoon gram flour. Mix it all well, add more gram flour if required to form a thick paste. Apply all over the face, neck and arms. Wait for 30min. Wash off with water.

Tell us which is your favourite mask to try! Thanks for reading.


But lately I’ve been wondering, could it be equally awesome when applied topically? A slew of new skincare products like masks and cleansers featuring this ancient spice would make you think so, but I wanted to see for myself — without spending unnecessary amounts of money.

These days I’m less of a makeup junkie and more of a skincare connoisseur. My favourite self-pamper products are homemade remedies I can easily whip up with wholesome ingredients I already have in my kitchen. So I decided to test out turmeric’s topical perks in a simple DIY mask made along with other skin-soothing ingredients—yogurt and honey—for five consecutive days. 

Yogurt has been recognised to offer a slew of skin perks on its own, so I decided to use 1 heaping teaspoon plain Greek yogurt in my mask. According to Dr. Hadley King, dermatologist at SKINNEY Medspa, yogurt “contains lactic acid that provides gentle exfoliation by dissolving dead skin cells. This helps create a healthy glow, prevent acne, diminish fine lines, and decrease discolorations.” 

The amount of turmeric and honey you use is really up to you. Because I have fair skin, I was not as liberal with the turmeric, as too much could potentially turn my skin yellow. I opted for ¼ teaspoon turmeric powder. This was enough to test its anti-inflammatory properties, which, King says, have been known to decrease “redness, puffiness, and irritation.” 

Finally, I added roughly ½ teaspoon honey to the mixture, rounding out the formula with moisturizing and antibacterial properties to help further nourish skin and prevent acne.  

Now that the chemistry portion of the experiment was over, it was time to slather this stuff on my face. Here’s how my skin fared. (Important note: If you are allergic to turmeric in recipes, it is advised that you not apply the spice to your skin.)

RELATED: The $14 Face Mask This Riverdale Star Swears By To Battle Cystic Acne

How long can I leave turmeric on my skin?


Easing into the experiment, I decided to keep the turmeric-yogurt-honey mask on for roughly five minutes. The consistency of the yogurt base was smooth going on as I layered the mixture with an old foundation brush, making sure my entire face was covered.

I rinsed off the mask with warm water and patted my skin dry with a wash towel. The first thing I noticed was a significant glow and the smallest hint of a yellow tint. I expected my face to smell unpleasantly strong, but the honey created a pleasantly sweet aroma. There were no signs of irritation aside from a brief hot flash in my cheeks after rinsing which, I can only assume, was my skin adjusting to the turmeric. So far so good.


I decided to leave the mask on for seven minutes, which was enough time for the mixture to dry completely. My skin initially felt just as smooth as it had after I’d rinsed the night before, and, additionally, the mild acne on my cheeks and forehead had reduced. I did catch a few faintly yellow spots hugging my hairline, otherwise my skin remained stain-free.


I participated in two back to back outdoor workouts and, despite applying sunscreen a few times throughout the day, my pale complexion became rosy. According to June Jacobs, the CEO of June Jacobs Skincare, the combination of turmeric, greek yogurt, and honey “synergistically work to heal the skin,” specifically against acne and inflammation.

Well, wasn’t that super convenient?

So, instead of drenching my skin in aloe vera that night, I opted to liberally apply my turmeric mask to ensure every visible sign of redness was coated. I left it on for ten minutes before rinsing off with lukewarm water. The inflammation had gone down in minutes, and my face didn’t feel quite as irritated.


By the time I woke up the next morning, the inflammation had drastically gone down. And while my face still looked a bit flushed, my skin remained soft to the touch instead of feeling dry.


On the last day of the experiment, there was no trace of a sunburn but, instead, a healthy glow in its place. My skin felt super soft, and my acne was, for the most part, clearing up. Success!

RELATED: This Is Exactly How Bella Hadid Keeps Her Skin So Clear

How long can I leave turmeric on my skin?

While King says it is safe to use a topical turmeric mask like this daily, how often you apply will depend on how much turmeric is mixed into the formula, how much of the product you use, and your skin type. I probably won’t implement this mask into my everyday beauty routine, but it’s definitely going to be a go-to formula for when my skin feels dry or looks dull, or after a sunburn.

Can you leave turmeric on your skin?

Avoid leaving on overnight, as turmeric has the propensity to stain (especially if you have lighter skin). You can try washing your face with milk, if there is some staining from this yellow spice.

How long can you leave tumeric on your face?

How long can you leave turmeric on your face? “It is advised to use ¼ tablespoon of turmeric in face packs to avoid the yellow tint on face. Turmeric is a safe ingredient and can be used as a face mask anywhere from 20-30 minutes. Exceeding more that 30 minutes is up to you, but that's not required at all.”

Is it okay to put turmeric on your face everyday?

No. Using turmeric daily can stain your skin yellow. Make sure you use it a few times a week as per the suggestions so that your skin gets all the benefits sans any staining.

How long should I leave tumeric on my body for?

Turmeric masks or face packs should be left on your skin for a maximum of 15 minutes. Leaving turmeric on your skin for a long time can make your skin tight and dry.