How long should I let chicken cool before refrigerating?

My partner and I have different views about safe storage of leftovers. Is it better to wait around and allow it to cool to room temperature before placing in the fridge or freezer, or put it in without delay? J. Larkins

From the way you framed this question it sounds like you're the get-it-into-the-fridge straight away kind of guy.

According to the Department of Health and Human Services Victoria, putting a large amount of very hot food into the fridge in one go could raise the temperature of all the contents of the fridge above 5C. The danger zone for food is between 5C and 60C over two hours. So, you want to reduce the temperature of the food to around 21C within two hours before you put it in the fridge.

To help cool the food down faster, you can increase the surface area by portioning it into smaller containers or spreading the food over a large tray to allow the heat to dissipate. Dishes such as rice can be forked through to bring more of the interior to the surface to exchange heat into the air. Seal containers and write the name of the contents plus the date on the lid.  

Why is the Italian cheese called grana padano?  K. Landsbury

Grana is Italian for "grain" and refers to the grainy texture of the cheese. It is made with partially skimmed milk, to which is added some of the previous day's whey, plus some rennet. The fine curds are hand cut and gently heated to release moisture, before being packed into hoops where the lactic acid fermentation takes over. The rinds are washed and the 24-40 kilogram wheels are matured for a minimum of nine months.

During that time, enzymes break down the protein from the milk into amino acids, and these form salts or "cheese crystals" that have a granular feeling on the tongue. These are more noticeable the longer the cheese is aged.

Padano comes from the Latin word for the Po River, Padus. According to European protection of origin laws, grano padano must be made in the Po Valley. Therefore, this grainy cheese made in the Po River Valley is called grana padano.

Compared to its older and more revered brother parmigiano-reggiano, grana padano is a softer, milder and less salty, milder tasting cheese that won't dominate a dish. It is therefore ideal for adding to dishes such as risotto. It is also cheaper than parmigiano so can be grated liberally into garlic bread or a cheese toastie, or over a soup, Roman-style abbacchio lamb or chicken parmigiana. 

We harvested some chestnuts over Easter. How do we prepare them, and how long will they last? V. Gregory

Chestnuts are fresh food and will not last much longer than three weeks after harvest. Store them in an airtight container in the crisper in the fridge and preferably use them within 10 days.


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To peel a chestnut, take a short sharp knife and make a nick or cross in the nut's flat base. Simmer in water for 15 minutes or roast at 180C for 15 minutes. Allow to cool enough to handle and peel, using the tip and blade of the knife. The skins are painful if they get under your fingernails. The brown inner skin should rub away with a clean dishcloth, but you may need to use the tip of the knife to work some of the skin out of deep crevices. 

Putting chicken meat in the fridge is a common way of storing it. But can you put warm chicken in the fridge? It might be convenient to cool it down first, but some people tend to argue about this.

Keep reading to learn about the risk of storing chicken and hot meals in the fridge and the best way to approach it.

Table of Contents

  • Is It Ok to Put Warm Chicken in the Fridge? 
  • What Happens If You Put It In The Fridge?
    • Slight Change in Texture and Taste
    • Your Fridge Will Do Extra Work
  • How Long Will Chicken Last in The Fridge? 
  • Proper Way of Storing It  
    • It Should Be at Room Temperature
    • Use an Airtight Container
  • Can You Freeze Warm Chicken in the Fridge?
  • FAQs
  • Conclusion 

Is It Ok to Put Warm Chicken in the Fridge? 

roasted chicken on a white plate

Yes, it is ok to put the warm chicken in the fridge. Letting food cool inside the fridge might prevent it from spoiling. However, you can keep a cooked chicken in the fridge depending on the freezing system and its high temperature inside the fridge.

Warm food and other warm items are somewhat above room temperature, which is still safe to be kept in the fridge. 

But a scorching hot chicken is not recommended to be put straight in the fridge because it might thaw other food. So, ensure that the hot food items are only slightly warmer than the room temperature and not very hot.

What Happens If You Put It In The Fridge?

Slight Change in Texture and Taste

Storing chicken or other foods in the fridge for a week might go bad. If you leave cooked chicken in the refrigerator and forget to take it out, it could result in some changes. It may alter the texture, taste, and quality. 

If it has a slimy texture or color changes, these are some signs that it has gone bad. Also, a spoiled chicken has a strong foul odor. You can dispose of the food item once you notice these changes. 

But how long will vacuum-sealed chicken last in the fridge?

Your Fridge Will Do Extra Work

Your fridge might consume more energy if hot food is stored. Although the refrigerator is invented to chill foods, the high temperature will significantly affect its efficiency.

Also, the repeated opening and closing of the door can increase the internal temperature.

As hot air rises and cold air falls, high temperatures will have less impact on the food. The hotter the cooked foods, the longer a refrigerator needs to return to its original temperature.

So, consuming more freezer work will lead to energy efficiency concerns and is costly.

How Long Will Chicken Last in The Fridge? 

garlic roasted chicken on a pan

Its storage time will depend on whether it is cooked or raw. A chicken will last about two to four days in the fridge. [1] It will go bad if you leave it in the refrigerator for more than four days.

On the other hand, you can store the fresh chicken in the refrigerator for one to two days. Longer than this, the raw chicken might have salmonella bacteria known to contaminate exposed food and could result in food poisoning.

Proper Way of Storing It  

It Should Be at Room Temperature

There are proper ways and rules to store cooked chicken. You can store a warm cooked chicken at room temperature for two hours. Or you can put hot food under cold air or a fan to speed up the cooling process. 

However, leaving it out too long can cause bacteria. [2] It might spoil faster in a warm environment without cooling.

Excess moisture from a hot meal leads to mold growth over time. The harmful bacteria might grow potentially every 20 minutes. These bacteria could cause illnesses such as food poisoning if consumed. 

But should chicken be at room temperature before cooking?

Use an Airtight Container

Storing a chicken in a plastic wrap, cling film, or an airtight container will help to keep the chicken’s quality for up to five to six days.

But heated food in the fridge with shallow containers isn’t the ideal combination. It might have food-borne chemicals escaping, making it unsafe to eat. 

So, it is recommended to use quality high-heat containers. However, refrigerating cooked food in containers will not guarantee that the food will last longer and be safe to eat. 

You can put labels on the container to help monitor the food’s safety. To ensure it is still in good condition, regularly check it.

Can You Freeze Warm Chicken in the Fridge?

Yes, you can freeze a warm chicken in the fridge. But a warm or cooked chicken can last up to four days in the refrigerator. 

If the sole idea is to freeze the chicken, you can put it in the freezer instead. It can last around two to six months, while a whole raw chicken could last up to one year in the freezer storage period.

However, storing smoldering chicken with the same baking tray in the freezer might damage the interior of your freezer. The best way is to let the chicken cool down for a few hours before freezing it. Find out how long you can keep marinated chicken in the fridge here.


How long should chicken cool before refrigerating?

For a cooked chicken, the rule of thumb is to rest and cool it down for about two hours before refrigerating.

If the cooked chicken stays longer than two hours, it could enter the ’danger zone.’ In this danger zone phase, bacteria are active and can contaminate the food.

How long does warm chicken last in the fridge? 

A warm chicken can last around three to four days in the fridge, but leaving it further in the fridge might be contaminated by bacteria.

You can lengthen its shelf life in the freezer if you don’t want to throw it away. But you have to make sure it has not gone bad yet.


Leaving a warm chicken too long outside the fridge could create some problems for food safety. Storing it in airtight containers could help to keep the chicken’s quality for up to six days in the fridge. 

However, freezing chicken and other food is a good option if you want to extend their shelf life. So even if you want to store chicken or cool down hot soup, remember to monitor its storage span to ensure it’s in great condition. 

How long can you keep cooked chicken in the fridge?

Paul - As a rule of thumb, cooked food should be refrigerated within 2 hours and eaten within 2 days. Providing that the chicken is thoroughly cooked, it is no riskier to store in terms of food safety than any other meat. Mariana - Hmm… looks like you’re having a bit of a sore throat. Maybe the next gene therapy should be for laryngitis…

How long should you refrigerate food after cooking it?

Putting very hot food in the fridge raises the temperature inside the fridge and makes it a bit less effective. But you should still aim to refrigerate food within 2 hours of cooking it, even if it’s still a bit warm.

How long does it take for food to cool after cooking?

As a general rule: “Food should be cooled to 70 degrees within two hours, then cooled to 41 degrees or lower within four hours to prevent bacterial growth,” says Schuering. And if you’re concerned about the waiting time, these tips will help cool food a bit faster. 1. Give it an ice water bath

Do you have to bring food to room temperature before refrigerating?

From a food safety perspective, it’s totally not necessary to bring food down to room temp before popping it in the fridge, as the refrigeration process will rapidly cool the hot food and prevent bacterial growth, according to the United States Department of Agriculture.

Do you have to let chicken cool before refrigerating?

Myth: Hot food will spoil if refrigerated before cooling to room temperature. Facts: Just the opposite. Give your fridge some credit. It's designed to chill food and keep it cold.

How long after cooking chicken can I put it in the fridge?

That means that after chicken is cooked, it must be kept hot (140°F or warmer) to prevent bacteria from growing on your food before you eat or store it in the fridge. Cooked chicken should be refrigerated within no more than 2 hours after cooking or removal from an appliance keeping it warm.

Can I put warm chicken in the fridge?

Food that has just been cooked or taken out of the oven to cool should be cooled as quickly as possible to prevent the growth of bacteria. Hot food cannot be put directly into the fridge after cooking. Putting hot food into a fridge may cause the fridge temperature to increase above 5 °C.

How long should I let chicken cool off before I put it in the refrigerator?

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) recommends putting food in the refrigerator within two hours of cooking. Doing so helps prevent bacteria growth. “Bacteria grow rapidly between the temperatures of 40 F and 140 F,” the USDA says.