How do I get vape juice in Australia?

Visiting Australia soon? Welcome! Don’t forget to pack your sunglasses and your beach towel, but what about your vape/cigarettes?

Australia is world famous for its unique beaches and animals that inhabit the country, but it has some very unique vaping and tobacco laws too!

If you’re considering bringing cigarettes, your vape, or nicotine e-liquid into the country, there are some laws that you need to be aware of, to ensure that you aren’t fined or blocked from bringing your goods into the country and your trip isn’t ruined before it even gets started!

Under regulations put forward by the Therapeutic Goods Administration, bringing nicotine to vape in Australia is illegal without first obtaining a valid nicotine prescription from an Australian doctor. These are often prescribed to help those struggling with smoking ease their addictions and withdrawals when trying to quit. Breaking the nation’s vaping laws can be met with a series of strict penalties beyond simply having your goods destroyed at the border, with severity varying across the states and territories. 

For example, certain vaping laws may just enforce a fine, such as:

  • Sydney & wider New South Wales: $1,100
  • Brisbane, Gold Coast & wider Queensland: $9,752
  • Adelaide & wider South Australia: $10,000
  • Melbourne & wider Victoria: $15,546
  • Perth & wider Western Australia: $45,000

In the other states and territories, however, not only will you encounter a heavy fine, but you may also be at risk of serving serious jail time:

  • Darwin & the wider Northern Territory: $15,400 or 12 months in prison
  • Hobart & wider Tasmania: $7,850 or up to 2 years in prison
  • Canberra & the wider ACT: $30,000, 2 years in prison or both

Vaping laws allow users to vape non-nicotine liquid in Australia, but the devices and liquid aren’t as accessible in stores as in other parts of the world. As such, if you wish to bring a vaping device into Australia, you are permitted to do so, under the condition that it does not hold any nicotine or restricted substances, such as cannabis.

What are my options if I want to vape nicotine in Australia?

If you want to bring nicotine into Australia, you’ll need a prescription from an Australian doctor before you enter.

If you’ve previously used nicotine vaping to quit smoking, Quit Clinics can provide online access to an Australian doctor who is a Nicotine Authorised Prescriber. This can be done in advance of your trip and will ensure that you arrive in Australia on the right side of the law. We will need to confirm your identity to ensure that you’re over the age of 18, as well confirming your smoking and vaping history. The process typically takes less than 24 hours. Once you have a prescription, you can legally import nicotine for vaping. Be sure to keep a copy of your prescription on your phone, in case you’re asked to produce it at the border.

Another option is visiting a doctor when you enter Australia, however this will mean being unable to import nicotine at the time that you enter Australia. You also need to be aware that many Australian doctors may not be willing to provide a prescription.

Alternatively, nicotine replacement gums or patches can be freely bought at most big pharmacies or supermarkets. 

Better still, your visit to Australia might be the opportune time to try and quit nicotine altogether. Nicotine free vapes can be bought in stores, or why not try going vape free for your holiday? While vaping is safer than smoking, there’s nothing better for your lungs than fresh Australian air!

How much nicotine can I bring into Australia?

Once you have a prescription for nicotine, you can legally import up to 3 months personal supply into Australia, even if you’re planning on staying longer than 3 months. If you’re only planning a short stay, you should only import a reasonable amount for your own personal supply for the duration of your stay, otherwise the border force might assume you are planning on onselling and confiscate some or all of your supply.

You should only import what you reasonably think you need, but as an absolute maximum Quit Clinics recommends not bringing more than 90 pods into Australia, OR 500mL of e-liquid.

Once I have a prescription, where can I purchase nicotine in Australia?

Nicotine for vaping can only legally be purchased in Australia from a pharmacy. However, the majority of Australian pharmacies do not stock nicotine vaping products, or if they do, they have limited options. The majority of Australian vapers import nicotine, bought from overseas online vaping retailers. If you’re planning on vaping in Australia, the best option is to have a prescription before landing, and importing your personal supply from a supplier that you already know and trust.

How much do cigarettes cost in Australia?

Your visit to Australia might be a great reason to quit smoking, as the habit will really put a dint into your holiday budget. Cigarettes are more expensive in Australia than any other country, ranging from $35-50 for one pack. For a pack per day smoker, this can mean spending approximately $1000 of their 3 week holiday budget on cigarettes alone!

How many cigarettes can I import into Australia?

Australia also has very restrictive laws on the amount of cigarettes and tobacco that you can bring into Australia. The maximum amount that you can bring in to the country is one unopen packet of up to 25 cigarettes or 25 grams of other tobacco products; and one open packet of cigarettes. If you are planning on bringing cigarettes into the country, why not try to cut back, with a goal of quitting while in Australia?

Where can I smoke/vape in Australia?

Many public spaces in Australia are strictly non-smoking. This is to promote public health by protecting non-smokers from passive smoke, and encourage smokers to quit, by making smoking increasingly anti-social. If you’re planning on catching some sport at Suncorp Stadium or the MCG, or enjoying a drink at Opera Bar on Sydney Harbour, chances are the majority of the venue will be strictly smoke-free. Typically anywhere indoors is a smoke-free zone, and many public beaches are non-smoking. Anywhere that is a designated non-smoking area, applies to vaping too. Most bars and pubs do have an outdoor smoking area, and they are normally clearly signposted. If you’re unsure, just ask. Australians are friendly, and love tourists, and will be happy to help, however we’re also not shy, and you can expect a telling off if you’re smoking in a non-smoking area! Fines can also apply. For example, in NSW on the spot fines of $300 can be issued for smoking or vaping in a non-smoking area.

If you have any further questions regarding smoking or vaping in Australia, please email [email protected], we’ll be happy to help!

If you would like to be reviewed by an Australian doctor who is an Authorised Prescriber of nicotine, you can get started here.

Can I buy vape juice in Australia?

Consumers in Australia are required to have a valid nicotine prescription issued by a licensed Australian doctor in order to legally purchase nicotine vaping products. With a valid prescription, consumers in the country can purchase e-liquid that contains nicotine from both Australian pharmacies and overseas suppliers.

How do I get nicotine vape juice in Australia?

On 21 December 2020, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) announced a decision that, from 1 October 2021, consumers need a valid prescription to import nicotine vaping products, such as nicotine e-cigarettes, nicotine pods and liquid nicotine.

Is it illegal to buy a vape online in Australia?

It is illegal for retailers (other than pharmacies) to sell e-cigarettes or e-liquids that contain nicotine, including online sales. E-cigarettes that do not contain nicotine are legal in NSW. Adults can buy and use e-cigarettes that do not contain nicotine.

How do I get a vape prescription in Australia?

You may obtain a prescription by booking an appointment with your GP and asking for a vaping prescription. A more convenient option is to use an online service such as Quit Clinics to get your prescription 100% online.