Can you use Android charger to charge vape?

29 March, 2018 in Vaping 101

We get a lot of questions from customers unsure of how they should charge their vapes, so here is a quick guide outlining do’s and dont’s when it comes to charging your vape. Most vapes today are designed to be charged via a multitude of sources, however, it is always best to be as safe as possible due to the potential danger associated with faulty lithium-ion batteries.

Most vapes today have complicated internal charging regulation circuits to protect the battery from being overcharged. Most USB outputs are fine to charge your vape, specifically USB outputs from computers, TVs, game consoles or car chargers. These sources are good at regulating the voltage supplied and limiting the current that can be drawn by the vape.

The biggest cause for concern for charging via a USB wall adapter is a low quality charger. Cheap phone chargers are not commonly designed with a full range of protection circuits that keep you safe. Buy a USB charger from a reputable electronics store to be safe. 

We advise against using chargers where the USB cable is fixed into the charger itself. If you have a phone charger that you can use to plug your own USB cable into, that's the safest option. It's always best to use the same cable that came with your device to charge your vape. 

Most phone chargers are fine, however some phone chargers where the cable cannot be removed from the charger are designed specifically for the product they came with. There are thousands of different phone chargers out there, so it's difficult to be specific. For the best overall battery life, use a USB wall charger capable of delivering no more than 2A.

While lithium ion (Li-Ion) batteries (e.g. 18650, 20700, 21700 and 26650 batteries)  don't retain ‘memory’ like older nickel-cadmium batteries, it is best if you don't leave your vape on a charger for long periods of time regularly as this could affect the lifespan of your battery.

We would recommend using a dedicated battery charger for any vape with a removable battery, as they have the best-dedicated protection circuits to prevent your batteries from being overcharged, and will charge your batteries in a way to ensure best overall lifespan.

Don't let your lithium-ion batteries drop below 3.2V, or charge above 4.2V. Doing so may damage your battery and can be dangerous if left unattended.

If you can't remove your battery from your vape, you might have a lithium polymer (Li-Po) battery (common in smaller internal battery devices) and we would recommend not leaving these on a charger for long periods of time without use for best battery life.

Don't charge your vape if it is wet or covered in e-liquid. This increases the possibility of arcing and short circuits in your device which could damage your vape/battery. Don't charge your battery in a hot (e.g. hot car,) or high humidity environment (e.g. outdoors in the rain).

So in short

  • Never trust a low-quality USB wall adapter, these can be dangerous. 
  • Try and avoid using a phone charger where the cable is fixed into the wall adapter. 
  • Don't leave your vape charging for long periods of time without use
  • Use a USB port from a laptop, PC, TV, DVD player, stereo, game console or car charger
  • Don't leave a charging vape or battery charger unattended
  • Don't charge your vape in a high humidity environment
  • Don't charge your vape in a hot environment
  • Don't charge your vape if it's wet or saturated in e-liquid
  • Don't continue to charge your vape if it gets hot while charging

Vaping is gradually becoming more and more popular. They are convenient, are not messy and are easier to use when compared to cigarettes. Although, the main challenge with e-cigarettes is the inability to find an ideal power source to juice up these devices.

A lot of people use vaporizers to smoke e-juice. These vaporizers can be expensive and can be damaged if the users do not take good care of them. If you have a vaporizer and accidentally left it on or forgot to charge it, then it is important to know how to recharge a disposable vape with an android charger. This post will explain how to do that.

A disposable vape is a small, self-contained vaping device that comes pre-filled with e-liquid. They are designed to be used once and then thrown away, making them a convenient and affordable option for people who are new to vaping or who don’t vape often.

Disposable vapes have become increasingly popular in recent years, due in part to their ease of use and portability. They are also a popular choice for people who are trying to quit smoking, as they provide a similar experience to smoking a cigarette without the harmful toxins. 

Follow these tips to recharge a disposable vape with android charger:

Remove the battery from vape:

To remove the battery from a vape, first unscrew the base of the device to access the battery compartment. Then, using a coin or other flat object, press down on the battery release button and slide the battery out of the compartment. If your device has a magnetic battery cover, simply pull the cover off to access the battery.

Connect Battery with android charger using wire:

To charge your vape, first we connect two wire which is red and black and then connect with android charger. Connect red wire with red and black wire with black wire of android charger. Red means positive and black means negative. Second way to charge your vape, Attach wires with charging port to vape and then connect your android charger to vape.

Drawbacks of disposable vape:

There are a few drawbacks to using disposable vapes. First, they are not as environmentally friendly as reusable vapes. Second, they can be more expensive in the long run. Third, they can be less reliable and may not work as well as a reusable vape. Finally, you may not be able to customize the flavor or nicotine level with a disposable vape.

Listen if you don’t want any technical burden and just want to buy new Disposable vape then we know one store which provide best Disposable vape. Here is Store link.

Disposable vapes are only suitable for beginners and people who travel. Expert vaper prefers mechanical mods with high power wattage to achieve massive cloud. With these advanced features, you can achieve the real flavor of vape juice. It’s not possible to do such customization with disposable vapes.

Why you shouldn’t use a banana charger for vape?

There are a few reasons why you shouldn’t use a banana charger for vape. First, the charger is not designed for vape devices and may not provide enough power to charge the device properly. Second, the charger could damage the battery in the vape device. Third, the charger could overheat and cause a fire. Finally, the charger could cause the vape device to leak, which could be dangerous.


Why does a vape need a charger?

A vape needs a charger in order to function properly. The charger provides the power necessary to heat the coils in the vape, which in turn produces the vapor. Without a charger, the vape would not be able to produce vapor and would be essentially useless.

How can a vape be recharged?

Vapes can be recharged in a few different ways. The most common way is to use a USB charger. You can also use a wall adapter, or even a car charger in some cases. To recharge your vape, simply connect the charger to the battery and allow it to charge for the recommended amount of time.

How long does it take to recharge a vape?

The average person will need to recharge their vape about once a day. However, if you are a heavy smoker, you may need to recharge it more often. It takes about 2-3 hours to fully charge a vape, so you will need to plan accordingly.

Is it safe to recharge a vape with a phone charger?

No, it is not safe to recharge a vape with a phone charger. While both devices use lithium-ion batteries, a phone charger is not designed to properly recharge a vape. Using a phone charger to recharge a vape can damage the battery and potentially cause a fire.


We hope this blog will give you some insight into how you can charge your vape with an Android charger. Please feel free to get in touch with us if you have any questions about our blog on How to Recharge a Disposable Vape with Android Charger. You can contact us by using comment section.

Can you use Android charger to charge vape?

Can you charge a vape with an Android charger?

It's always best to use the same cable that came with your device to charge your vape. Most phone chargers are fine, however some phone chargers where the cable cannot be removed from the charger are designed specifically for the product they came with.

Can I charge my vape battery with a phone charger?

You can use the iPhone charger if you cannot have a particular vape charger. In this article, we have mentioned two of the best methods to charge your Vape immediately.

How do you cut an android charger to charge a vape?

Use any phone charging cord you want and make sure it's unplugged. Take a pair of scissors and cut off the side of the cord that plugs into your phone. When you're finished, throw the cut end away. Don't cut the wires while they're plugged in or else you could get shocked.

Can you charge a vape with a charger?

When using a disposable vape pen with an Android charging interface, a micro charging cable and a charger are all you'll need to get started. With an Apple charger, make sure you have a Type-C charging cable and the charger to get started. Both of these options will effectively recharge your disposable vape.