How do I find my SAT scores from years ago?

Once you've left high school and haven't tested for a year, College Board archives your SAT test scores and responses to the SAT Questionnaire. However, you can request that older scores be sent to you or to the colleges, universities, and scholarship programs of your choice.

Older Score Report Indicators

Some older score reports include special notes or indicators:

  • Official score reports sent to colleges five or more years after a test date are accompanied by a message explaining that they may be less valid predictors of college academic performance than more recent scores.
  • Scores for tests taken on or after April 1, 1995, are reported on a recentered scale. An "R" next to your scores indicates this.

How to Request Archived Scores

Please note that there is a score reporting fee for each report, plus an additional retrieval fee for processing archived scores.

By Mail

Use the SAT Archived Score Report Order Form below to order old SAT score reports. Send your completed form and payment to:

SAT Program
P.O. Box 025505
Miami, FL 33102

Your results will be mailed to you or any score recipients you identify on this form within five weeks of receiving your request.

By Telephone

Call Customer Service, and have the following information ready:

  • Your current name and address
  • Test date and registration number (if available)
  • Name and address at the time you tested
  • Credit card number and expiration date

Rush Reporting

Rush reporting is typically available for older SAT scores. There is an additional rush fee plus the score reporting fee for each report and the retrieval fee for processing the archived scores. Credit card payment is required for phone requests.

Note: Check with your college before you order rush reports. Institutions receive scores in different formats and may not review your scores until their next scheduled delivery time.


Test Fees

Learn about SAT registration fees and other fees for U.S. test takers.

International Fees

Learn about SAT registration fees and other fees for students taking the test outside the United States.

Rush Reporting

Learn how to order rush reporting if you need your SAT scores sent faster than regular delivery.

Q:I enjoyed your column on retaking the SAT after 41 years. Like you, I took the test in the ’60s, but didn’t save my scores. Can I still get them?

A: Past scores for both college-entrance exams, the SAT and ACT, can be obtained from the test publishers for a fee. SAT scores from October 2002 or earlier are archived by the College Board and can be ordered by mail, a spokeswoman says. For instructions, see and search for “archived scores.” The fee ranges from $21 for tests taken between 1991 and 2002, to $33 for scores from 1975 or earlier. For an added fee, you can order scores by phone at 866-756-7346.

Work & Family

ACT has archived score reports dating back to 1966, a spokesman says. You can access them online by creating an account at and clicking on “your test dates and scores.” You can also request scores by mail, based on instructions on the Web site, or by calling ACT at 319-337-1313. Archived score reports cost $26, plus an additional $12 for phone requests.

Q:You reported in a previous column on research showing couples participating in marriage-education courses had a higher chance of staying married, and experienced less fighting. Can you provide more information on the study?

—J.R., East London, South Africa

A: The research I cited, published in 2006 in the Journal of Family Psychology, assessed effects of premarital education programs, based on a random sample of 3,000 adults. Participation was linked to higher levels of satisfaction and commitment in marriage, and to less conflict and reduced chances of divorce, regardless of race, income and education. The programs seek to strengthen bonds by teaching relationship skills, from good listening to anger management.

Authors of the peer-reviewed study, led by the University of Denver’s Scott Stanley, said some of the effects could arise from the fact that couples who choose to take premarital education already have more of the social support, skills and commitment to shore up their marriages; that is, they’re a self-selecting group. However, the researchers controlled for a wide range of related variables and concluded the effects probably weren’t due entirely to self-selection.

Q:I read your story about teachers dealing with preschoolers’ behavior problems through new teaching methods. I was interested in the research you cited, showing behavior problems among some children tend to drag down other kids’ conduct. Can you tell me more?

—B.F., Claremont, N.H.

A: Previous studies have shown that the more hours individual children spend in child-care centers at an early age, the more likely they are to show modest behavior problems, and also to exhibit better cognitive skills. The study I cited, published in 2007 in Psychological Science, examined 3,440 kindergarteners for what is often called a “contagion effect”—that is, whether the differences in child-care kids’ behavior and skills spread to other students in their classrooms. Researchers led by Julia Dmitrieva, now at the University of Denver, found evidence that children with little or no child-care history fought and argued more when placed in classrooms with students with extensive child-care histories. The good effects of child care tended to spill over to other children too, in the form of better academic skills. While the reasons aren’t clear, researchers suggested the effects, which were small in size, could spring from a change in group dynamics or teacher behavior.

Write to Sue Shellenbarger at

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