How do you find the inverse of Y 4x 8?

Verify if is the inverse of .

To verify the inverse, check if and .

Set up the composite result function.

Evaluate by substituting in the value of into .

Cancel the common factor of and .

Cancel the common factors.

Cancel the common factor.

Combine the opposite terms in .

Set up the composite result function.

Evaluate by substituting in the value of into .

Apply the distributive property.

Cancel the common factor of .

Cancel the common factor.

Combine the opposite terms in .

Since and , then is the inverse of .

Algebra Examples

Find the Inverse f(x)=4x-8

Step 2

Interchange the variables.

Step 3

Rewrite the equation as .

Add to both sides of the equation.

Divide each term in by and simplify.

Cancel the common factor of .

Cancel the common factor.

Step 4

Replace with to show the final answer.

Step 5

Verify if is the inverse of .

To verify the inverse, check if and .

Set up the composite result function.

Evaluate by substituting in the value of into .

Cancel the common factor of and .

Cancel the common factors.

Cancel the common factor.

Combine the opposite terms in .

Set up the composite result function.

Evaluate by substituting in the value of into .

Apply the distributive property.

Cancel the common factor of .

Cancel the common factor.

Combine the opposite terms in .

Since and , then is the inverse of .


For inverse function, the x and y interchanges and then make y the subject again of the equation. See the working out below:
#f(x) = 4x + 8#
#f(x) = y#
#y = 4x + 8#
#x = 4y + 8# ----- interchanging #y# and #x#

Now make #y# the subject of the equation:

#x = 4y + 8#
#-4y = -x + 8#
#y = (-1/4).-x + (-1/4).8#
#y = (1/4x) -2#

So the inverse function is:
#f(x)^-1 = (1/4x) -2#


So I just got back from a Calculus test and I have some trouble figuring out one of the questions, it states:

"Calculate the inverse of the function $y=\dfrac{2x+1}{3-4x}$."

What first came into my mind was to eliminate the denominator somehow. But I quickly realized that it would be rather difficult science the numerator is also of degree one. I then got desperate and just tried to move the denominator and got this expression witch did not help me at all. $$y(3-4x) = 2x+1$$ After several more equally stupid moves I gave up. Even now with the help of Wolfram Alpha I can not figure out how to solve it. Can anyone explain?

Lorenzo B.

2,2322 gold badges10 silver badges25 bronze badges

asked Feb 1, 2017 at 14:21




Good start. You have: $$y(3-4x)=2x+1$$ You can expand this to obtain: $$3y-4xy=2x+1$$ And you can gather all the $x$ terms together: $$-4xy-2x=1-3y$$ $$4xy+2x=3y-1$$ Now, you can factor out the $x$ on the left hand side.

Can you continue? If not, feel free to ask.

answered Feb 1, 2017 at 14:30


15.1k6 gold badges30 silver badges52 bronze badges




$$y=\frac{2x+1}{3-4x}=-\frac{2x+1}{4x-3}=-\frac{1}{2}-\frac{5}{8x-6}$$ So $$y+\frac{1}{2}=-\frac{5}{8x-6} \iff \frac{2}{2y+1}=\frac{6-8x}{5}$$

So $$\frac{10}{2y+1}=6-8x \iff x=\frac{3y-1}{4y+2}$$ A simpler solution is possible using matrices, I believe. The answer is thus $$f^{-1}(x)=\frac{3x-1}{4x+2}$$

answered Feb 1, 2017 at 14:24


22.7k3 gold badges34 silver badges58 bronze badges




After your first step:

$y(3-4x) = 2x+1\quad | -2x$
$3y-4xy-2x = 1\quad | -3y$
$x(-4y-2) = 1-3y\quad | : (-4y-2)$
$x = \frac{1-3y}{-4y-2} = \frac{3y-1}{4y+2}$

From the first to second line, I also multiplied out on the left hand side. From the second to third line, I factored out x.

This can of course be solved quicker, I tried to do it in steps that are easy to follow.

answered Feb 1, 2017 at 14:26


1,3257 silver badges8 bronze badges



We have to express $y $ in terms of $x $. That is our ultimate goal. We thus get on rearranging, $$3y-4xy =2x+1 \Rightarrow 3y-1 =x (2+4y)$$ $$x = \frac {3y-1}{2+4y} $$ This is our inverse function. It can also be expressed as $f^{-1}(x) = \frac {3x-1}{2+4x} $. Hope it helps.

answered Feb 1, 2017 at 14:27




Chase the denominator away.




Move all $x$ to the right-hand side.






answered Feb 1, 2017 at 14:34


How do we find the inverse of a function?

How do you find the inverse of a function? To find the inverse of a function, write the function y as a function of x i.e. y = f(x) and then solve for x as a function of y.

How do you find the inverse of 4x?

The equation which represents the inverse of the function f(x) = 4x is h(x) = 1/4 x.

How do you find the inverse of 8?

The multiplicative inverse of 8 is 18 .

What is the inverse of 4?

Answer and Explanation: The multiplicative inverse of 4 is 1/4. (One-fourth is 1/4 in written form.)