How did Reva get to Tatooine Reddit

it’s also the same thing with how she teleports to the end of the tunnel in front of Leia

I'm slightly more tolerant of this.

If we pretend we're Reva for a moment, when she discovers the tunnel, she probably knows immediately where it's going to lead (likely the local spaceport).

So it's not impossible that she immediately jumped on a speeder and took off to meet Leia on the other side. However, it's probably a bit strange that she found the other presumably hidden tunnel entrance.

It's also quite strange that Reva would murder the pilot guy. She later claims that a big part of her goal is to sort out this "Path" business and surely the pilot ought to be a source of reliable intel compared to...Little Leia who only just found out this shit existed earlier that day and ought to have zero knowledge of their operation. But that doesn't stop Reva from making a fool of herself later when she's interrogating Little Leia.

See, my problem isn't that she survived.

My problem is that she got stabbed once in the gut as a kid, then stabbed again as an adult and lived twice.

Not only this, but allegedly according to Darth Vader, he knew her the whole time?

So Vader knew she lived the first time, and does the same attack on her knowing she could live, while standing right next to someone who also just survived that same wound, while also literally being someone who survived all his limbs being dismembered and being scorched to near death and left for dead on a lava planet. Anakin also knew that maul survived getting split in two.

So like, he 100% chose to let Reva live with full knowledge she was going to get back up, and assuming he also left a ship for her just to be a good guy.

I don't know if it's poor writing or completely intentional.

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I have watched this episode when it came out on Wed but this has my head spinning and I am just at a loss to her motivation in Episode 6.

She goes to Tatooine for what? To hunt a boy she has no clue about?

Think about this for a second...

There is no way that she could've connected Anakin and Luke from a busted hologram message. No ONE other than Bail, Owen/Beru, Yoda and Obi Wan know who Luke is. Not even Palpatine knew this.

Then you can say , he was connected to Obi Wan somehow and she wanted to harm luke for revenge to Obi Wan. If you use that reasoning then everything in episode 5 made no sense.

In episode 5 her true motivation was Vader. Obi Wan handed Vader to her on a platter and she failed. From that point forward logically there should be no ill will towards Obi Wan. He did what she truly wanted so her actions toward him are null and void.

He proved he was on her side yet she goes after Luke for what? It just makes no sense at all the motivation behind even writing this plot in episode 6.

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Why do people keep mentioning Qui-Gonn LOL

Qui-Gonn was stabbed through the heart. He should have died instantly. It is a miracle of the Force that he survived long enough to secure Obi-wan's promise to train Anakin.

Reva? Not stabbed through a vital organ, and we have established that darksiders can "rage through" severe injury. Like, in multiple media projects. Anakin/Vader, Ben Solo, Darth Maul, and probably others.

How did Reva get to Tatooine?

Mortally wounded from her duel, Reva arrived on Tatooine and began asking the locals on the whereabouts of Owen Lars. Owen, having been alerted by an unnamed local, learned of Reva's pursuit and traveled to his homestead to warn Beru and Luke of the impending danger.

How did Reva get to the pilot before Leia?

Secret tunnel Leia is left in the tunnel that leads to the pilot so Tala can help Obi-Wan. Reva also enters the tunnel while Tala is still inside, despite this not only do Reva and Tala never cross each other but Reva gets to the pilot before Leia.

How did Reva survive getting stabbed?

As the massacre began, Vader stabbed Reva and left her for dead. According to Obi-Wan Kenobi, Reva used the dark side to keep herself alive.

Where did Reva go after Kenobi?

Former Imperial Inquisitor Reva (Moses Ingram) was left for dead by Vader after she tried to strike the Sith Lord down. She's too angry to die though and seemingly figured out that 10-year-old Luke Skywalker (Grant Feely) is Vader's secret son and living in hiding on Tatooine.