Does Reva know Leia is Anakins daughter?

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Does Reva know Leia is Anakins daughter?

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Does Reva know Leia is Anakins daughter?

A Star Wars series - Hayden Christensen stars opposite his former Star Wars prequel colleague Ewan McGregor, who is reprising his role as the titular character. Obi-Wan Kenobi is set 10 years after the events of Star Wars: Episode III — Revenge of the Sith. Anakin Skywalker has become Darth Vader and Obi-Wan is still trying to recover from his greatest defeat.

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Obi-Wan Kenobi episode 2 revealed Reva - and presumably all the Inquisitors - know Darth Vader's secret identity, but how do they know this?

Star Wars Reva Darth Vader

Warning! SPOILERS for Obi-Wan Kenobi episode 2.

Obi-Wan Kenobi episode 2 revealed Reva knew Darth Vader's greatest secret: that he is really Anakin Skywalker. Emperor Palpatine kept Darth Vader's true identity in Star Wars a closely guarded secret, in part because it amused him to do so and in part because he believed a mysterious, monstrous being was far more terrifying. Only a handful of people knew the truth that Darth Vader was really Anakin Skywalker: key figures in the Empire and leaders in the Rebel Alliance who'd learned from the Jedi.

According to James Luceno's novel Tarkin, rumors swirled about Darth Vader's origin. Some claimed he was a counterpart to the Separatist leader General Grievous, held in reserve by Chancellor Palpatine during the Clone Wars in case the Jedi betrayed him and brought out after Star Wars' Order 66. "Many believed that the Emperor’s willingness to grant so much authority to such a being heralded the shape of things to come," Luceno writes, "for it was beyond dispute that Vader was the Empire’s first terror weapon." Given this is the case, many viewers were surprised when Obi-Wan Kenobi episode 2 saw Reva reveal she knew Darth Vader's true identity. Sensing Obi-Wan's shock when she mentioned Lord Vader, Reva confirmed Anakin Skywalker was still alive - also showing she knew what had happened on Mustafar.

The clear implication is that all the Inquisitors knew Darth Vader's true origins, which is indeed something of a surprise. Still, it does make sense from an in-universe perspective. Inquisitors were not Sith, but they served the Sith's purposes, trained in many dark side arts to hunt Jedi across the galaxy. They worked closely with Darth Vader himself, and they'd presumably have access to a top secret database, allowing them to plot the movements of all known Order 66 survivors. Obi-Wan Kenobi was a high-level target, one believed to be the last surviving Jedi Master, and it's reasonable to assume they were given information on his last known movements. That would inevitably include his duel with Anakin Skywalker on Mustafar.

Anakin and Obi-Wan fighting on Mustafar

Reva isn't just bragging when she name-drops Anakin Skywalker, of course. She's taunting Obi-Wan, hoping to provoke the Jedi Master into doing something stupid. It's clear Reva is unique even among Inquisitors, because she possesses unusually potent empathic abilities, allowing her to sense the emotions of her targets. Even so, she shouldn't have been able to get a read on a Jedi Master quite so easily, indicating just how out-of-practice Obi-Wan has become at keeping his emotions in check.

Obi-Wan has also unwittingly revealed a little about how he has hidden, because his ignorance of Darth Vader indicates he has been isolated - most likely on the Outer Rim. Reva can count her attempt to flush Obi-Wan out of hiding as a success. She's proven a connection between Obi-Wan and Star Wars' Senator Bail Organa, one that can be used against him. Now the Jedi Master has given her a hint of where he's been hiding up till now. The rest of the Obi-Wan Kenobi Disney+ TV show must see the Jedi Master try to get the Empire off his trail again.

More: Obi-Wan Kenobi Episode 2 Easter Eggs & Star Wars References Explained

Key Release Dates

How does Reva know who Anakin is?

Reva knows that Anakin Skywalker is Darth Vader because she was one of his targets—a child—during the Order 66 killings that took place during the events of Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith.

Does Reva know Luke is Vader's son?

As Reva knew that Vader was too strong for her to kill, she elected to pursue another target after she found the message Bail Organa sent to Obi-Wan on his communicator. The message revealed that they were protecting a boy and Reva managed to deduce that this boy, Luke, is the son of Anakin Skywalker.

Does Vader know Leia is his daughter in Obi

Key details in the Obi-Wan Kenobi series connect to the original Star Wars movies, hinting Darth Vader knew and ignored Leia was his daughter.

Why does Reva kidnap Leia?

Reva has lured Obi-Wan to this planet by kidnapping Princess Leia, but not because she knows Leia is Anakin's daughter. It's just because she discovered Obi-Wan and Leia's father Bail worked together in the past.