Ghost of Tsushima duels too hard

Yeah, it's to the point where I just do most duels on normal mode. On hard, it takes 15+ of tries to get it right. And I feel the more tries I put in, the more unblockable attacks which span the entire arena the opponent spams. My issue is that normal is too easy, and hard is too hard when it comes to duels. Hard mode with the rest of the game is perfect, but with duels it is way too over the top. Even with the best equipment and best charms, you still get 2-shotted. And again, on normal, duels are too easy. There is too large of a difficulty gap between the two modes when it comes to duels.

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  1. Boards
  2. Ghost of Tsushima
  3. Duels are freaking difficult

bhamacuk 2 years ago#1

Aside from maybe two, I've always had to turn the difficulty down when doing duels. The difficulty spikes are plain stupid cos you're still supposed to be levelled up, but the game treats you like you have no abilities.

LinkPizza 2 years ago#2

I haven’t had to turn the difficulty down yet, but most of them have been hard for me. Only like one of them didn’t take a bunch of tries... I think it gets easier with practice. And with a couple extra moves...

Official King of Kings
Switch FC: 7216-4417-4511 Add Me because I'll probably add you. I'm probably the LinkPizza you'll see around.

Cerborealis 2 years ago#3

They get easier as the game goes. I found that working on my dodging and parry timing made them a lot easier. I think it might also help if you work on swordplay during regular combat, because a tendency to rely on Ghost weapons can really screw you during a duel.

patriot_14 2 years ago#4

I figured out that it is a marathon, not a sprint. The dodge button helps tremendously. Wait for the attack and press the "O" button gently. When they pass, hit them once or twice. You are only going to get a shot or two in, maybe 3. Then back away. In some cases, the opponent will sheath their weapon. Try to get a hard attack in. As your strength and weapon increases, the duels will be much easier...if you are patient. Get the parry charm and upgrade your dodge techniques.

bhamacuk (Topic Creator)2 years ago#5

I've learned all my stance techniques, I've got the perfect parry charm equipped, got all the samurai skills but the duels are still kicking my ass. It's an exercise in dodging and getting one or two hits in, which do diddly squat.

The stance power attacks are null and void for some reason when duelling. Bit rubbish really.

0sinium 2 years ago#6

bhamacuk posted...

I've learned all my stance techniques, I've got the perfect parry charm equipped, got all the samurai skills but the duels are still kicking my ass. It's an exercise in dodging and getting one or two hits in, which do diddly squat.

The stance power attacks are null and void for some reason when duelling. Bit rubbish really.

Your last sentence isn’t true at all. Using heavy attacks to stagger opponents gives you plenty of free hits.

I can't believe I can't spell Osmium right.

capnrainbow 2 years ago#7

There are a couple of moves I unlocked later which I found invaluable for these, if I'd managed to store up enough resolve etc for them. Since a few of them are quite well telegraphed, it's possible to plan ahead and save up.

Bit of a cheat, I'll admit, but I found them frustrating otherwise.

WilhelmHaven 2 years ago#8

stop attacking like a lunatic and just counterattack. Parry n hit. Dodge n hit.

bhamacuk (Topic Creator)2 years ago#9

WilhelmHaven posted...

stop attacking like a lunatic and just counterattack. Parry n hit. Dodge n hit.

I can barely get a hit in lol. My power stance attack doesn't seem to do much damage or gets blocked. When I dodge I end up rolling half a mile away so I have to run up to the enemy, by which time I've lost the opportunity for a return strike.

The parries either don't register, or register as too late and 8/10 they are unlockable attacks that can't be parried.

I must be doing something wrong.

SheenavsKilley 2 years ago#10

Maybe the problem is your controller. A new controller I just bought a few days ago got delays everywhere playing this game. Totally unusable, and pressing the buttons is too noisy.

  1. Boards
  2. Ghost of Tsushima
  3. Duels are freaking difficult

Why are Ghost of Tsushima duels so hard?

Ghost of Tsushima duels are a different flow to the rest of the fights in the game. You don't have any of your usual gear, addition weapons or skills and have to rely on nothing but your sword and reactions. It's all about reading your enemy, learning their moves and mastering your perfect parries.

How do you get better at dueling in Ghost of Tsushima?

If there is one piece of advice I could give to anyone wanting to get better at duels in Ghost of Tsushima, It would be this. Master the perfect parry. Not only does this defensive tactic stop you from taking damage from what would be a brutal attack, it also allows you to inflict serious damage on the enemy.

Is combat in Ghost of Tsushima hard?

Ghost of Tsushima can be a very unforgiving game — especially early on when your armour is weak and you're unfamiliar with different enemy types and how to deal with them. That said, Easy still requires skill — you can't just mash the attack buttons and expect to walk away from battle unscathed.

Can you redo duels Ghost of Tsushima?

Gameplay: Ability to replay every duel/camp including Khotun though this does not include the second Khotun fight. Control mapping. Option to toggle lock-on in the menu (Up on the D-Pad)