During which of Eriksons stages do children develop a sense of competence in who they are quizlet?

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During which of Eriksons stages do children develop a sense of competence in who they are quizlet?

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Stage 1 - Trust vs. Mistrust
The first stage of Erikson's theory of psychosocial development occurs between birth and one year of age and is the most fundamental stage in life.

Stage 2 - Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
The second stage of Erikson's theory of psychosocial development takes place during early childhood and is focused on children developing a greater sense of personal control. At this point in development, children are just starting to gain a little bit of independence.

Stage 3 - Initiative vs. Guilt
During the preschool years, children begin to assert their power and control over the world through directing play and other social interactions.

Stage 4 - Industry vs. Inferiority
This stage covers the early school years from approximately age 5 to 11. Through social interactions, children begin to develop a sense of pride in their accomplishments and abilities. Children who are encouraged and commended by parents and teachers develop a feeling of competence and belief in their skills.

Stage 5 - Identity vs. Confusion
During adolescence, children explore their independence and develop a sense of self. Those who receive proper encouragement and reinforcement through personal exploration will emerge from this stage with a strong sense of self and a feeling of independence and control.

Stage 6 - Intimacy vs. Isolation
This stage covers the period of early adulthood when people are exploring personal relationships. Erikson believed it was vital that people develop close, committed relationships with other people.

Stage 7 - Generativity vs. Stagnation
During adulthood, we continue to build our lives, focusing on our career and family. Those who are successful during this phase will feel that they are contributing to the world by being active in their home and community.

Stage 8 - Integrity vs. Despair
This phase occurs during old age and is focused on reflecting back on life. Those who are unsuccessful during this stage will feel that their life has been wasted and will experience many regrets.

When children feel competent, they have a sense of themselves as being capable to tackle the tasks and challenges they encounter daily in their lives. Children and young adults who feel incompetent view themselves as incapable, tend to have poor self-esteem, and resist tackling challenges or new experiences.

What is Erik Erikson's first stage of development quizlet?

The trust versus mistrust stage is the first stage of Erik Erikson's theory of psychosocial development. This stage occurs between birth and approximately 18 months of age. According to Erikson, the trust versus mistrust stage is the most important period in a person's life.

How does self esteem change during middle childhood?

Children in middle childhood have a more realistic sense of self than do those in early childhood. Their self-descriptions are no longer focused on the physical and they have a sense of themselves as individuals with personalities and skills that exist within a social context.

Which of the following children has likely started to develop theory of mind?

Between ages 4-5, children really start to think about others' thoughts and feelings, and this is when true theory of mind emerges.